What are charaters: Part 2 · 6:28am Mar 9th, 2016
Didn't want to overwhelm people (and myself). Now, "What the monkey fuck is Curse power?" You might be asking. Curse power is something of a thingy I made up after finishing Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable. See, there are alot of fucking powers in the original Smokeless. People that can just, do shit, some have powers, some don't and its really not even close to clear whats the cause of it and no one really cares cause; its Equestria. Shits magic. Every time. At least, thats what I know for a fact thats what everyone would think knowing the fanbase I was orginally dealing with here. Anyway onto Curses!
Anyway, Curses are something I made up to distinguish normal people with either really nice enhancments or extreme training from people with straight up super powers. Curses are as they sound. Curses. A bearing sworn on someone with so much hatred it came true. But, because of this person's destiny, regardless of what it is, whether it be dying at the hands of Jann, killing the queen, murdering some dog, it binds them to this word. But the threads of destiny are easily manipulated to be honest if you've payed attention to literally any book. Curses are, as I said, super powers. Now, they don't how to be related to name of the power or even how the person got it, what matters is its a way of telling who has it and whos not. Who can freely throw themselves at a wall of enemies with not shits given and who is still vulerable to dying. But there is a major drawback. One of the things I've tried to do in the past is enphasise how Jann's powers tired her out....With little to no effort. But now, its a major plot device. Have you ever done the fool hardy decision of staying up a full 30 hours with not even a nap or even closing your eyes all day? Knowing full well you have to do shit the next day? Yeah, thats what it feels like to be cursed. 24/7. I don't know about you, but that feels horrible and I've legit (not really) felt like dying with that feeling. And that fatige is there for these people forever. Oh and they cry and puke blood after they use their powers. Yeah, Cursed is cursed.
People like Nightheart (Thomas) have natural enhancements, hitting the genetic lottery in the best way possible. Well, maybe not Night being a halfbreed, but you know what I mean. Anyway people like Night, say, Vito, can use their abilities without much natural drawback, but they are really, really vulnerable to actually dying. Its almost as if I'm trying to de-godmod all my characters. Huehuehuehue.
Speaking of Vito, he's of that list of characters that needs a revamp and something I honestly need to properly describe, amongst others. But, these are just really important characters that I want to start the journey with. So heres more character profiles.
Vito (No last name)
Age: 42 (negotiable)
Height: 179cm
Hair color: Jet black, always loose
Eye color: Blue
Personality: Assertive, calculating, calm, authoritative, industrious and charming, Vito's quick thinking and thirst for resumption to problems has always steered him and Don to the life they've dreamed of. Vito thinks he talk his way out of anything, and he tries his damnest to. This does not mean he's in any way a pacifist. No one knows exactly how long Vito has trained to become as fast as he is, but when he has to fight or prove a point, he uses his ungodly speed to his best ability. Something he's not too proud to show off. And when a opportunity presents itself, Vito has the tendency to not act on it eventually, always drawing back to his time as a slave and waiting for the maximum effect.
Curse power: none
Inherent power: (REDACTED)
Mastodon (Don)
Age: 43 (negotiable)
Height: 189cm
Hair color: Blond, always tied in a pony tail
Eye color: Blue
Personality: Thickheaded, relentless, and very one-track minded, Don's only goal in life is to see his bother Vito succeed. Don goes along with Vito's plans without question, well, until they threaten his own life of course. Even then its with slight hesitation. Don sees all people as possible friends, always keeping his arms open to them until they've destroyed his brother's trust.
Curse power:none
Ability: Versatile Mechanical Arm