What... What Happened? · 4:05am Sep 17th, 2015
Sigh... I don't know where to start. What happened to this place? To this fandom? I know it wasn't perfect; no fandom is. But this place, it seemed so bright and cheerful, so full of love and comedy...
And now, one of the main reasons I joined this fandom was heavily shaken today. I won't name names. I refuse to put them down here, as some things should be left alone when they're done. And this situation is done. Not nearly in the best way it could have, but it is done. And one of the reasons I became a brony may be done as well...
It leaves me with one question. Why? Why has there been this recent surge of hate in the fandom? Why have fairly mild people been losing it, giving a giant middle finger to their fans, and dropping off the map? Did Hasbro do something I'm unaware of? Is it just the Great Internet Fuckwad Theory intensifying? Please, I just want to understand. I need to understand, so I can do what I can to stop things like what just happened from happening again. Our motto's "Love and Tolerate," right? Can't we start living up to it?
I know this sounds really idealistic coming from me, but... I don't want to see the shows and fics that brought me to this fandom to go through his much hell.
Signing off full of sadness,
What happened? Also you're asking a lot dude. We TRY to 'Love and Tolerate' but in the end we're just humans. We can't be perfect like the show's characters or our OCs or the characters we write. In the end we are.... what we are.
Humans are wont to change; they are also wont to start making a ruckus over nothing because of a little thing called pride. I'm assuming you're talking about the ANW,ANW drama here and, ultimately, I agree with you. Both parties should just agree to disagree and tolerate one another by removing all ties to one another and moving on their way; however, that's not just going to happen. They have to come to their own solution, whatever that may be, and we can only sit back and watch, and hope. Don't let dumb drama take away from your love of the show and the fandom. No matter where you go, in fandom, out of the fandom, in another fandom, there will always be humans doing what they do best -- being human. To err is human. "Love and Tolerate" is such a beautiful mantra to live by, but we, as humans, can only begin to try to comprehend all the implications of a life following said code. Humanity isn'y ever going to be capable of living by "Love and Tolerate." We can't do it. We can only try. Even the ponies from the show have a little trouble following the message of friendship and kindness. There are still conflicts, but they are there to show how kindness and tolerance can overcome anything. The reality, however, is that in our world kindness and tolerance doesn't always prevail. Equestria is a utopia compared to our world, and to put people to that standard is unrealistic. Once again, we can only try to live by that mantra. Humans are prone to make mistakes, and it is only right to forgive others, and to tolerate all the horse pucky they bring along with them. Don't let it get you down. Keep your head up and keep trying to love and tolerate others, because that's all we can do, and that's all we need to do. All we need to do is try, because in the end, that is enough.
It's called human nature, to quote Vakama.
3398291 Thanks guys. I needed that.
When a show/series begins to dip in quality, especially when some of the fandom see and acknowledge it while most others refuse to see it, there will inevitably be a drop in the quality of the respective fandom. And MLP FiM is probably the most blatant example of this phenomenon. There are sick freaks in this fandom as well as blind idealists and fanatics that continue to give the fandom a bad wrap. Just don't take the whole "Love and Tolerate" thing too literally. You're supposed to tolerate things that you don't necessarily agree with, not something that is abhorrent and wrong. It's sad, but you can still ignore the deterioration by focusing on what it is that YOU find worthwhile about the series, whether it's about something that's still ongoing or something that you loved about the earliest days of the fandom/series that you still fondly remember. The latter is what keeps me in it.