• Member Since 24th May, 2014
  • offline last seen Sep 7th, 2024


Dimensional traveller, Guardian of Air, all around good guy.

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  • 488 weeks
    What... What Happened?

    Sigh... I don't know where to start. What happened to this place? To this fandom? I know it wasn't perfect; no fandom is. But this place, it seemed so bright and cheerful, so full of love and comedy...

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  • 499 weeks
    Supreme Court Coming THRU!

    Well, the US Supreme Court did it. They have officially legalized same-sex marriage. All I have to say is this: About bucking time! Now look, I'm from AZ, one of the most conservative states in the country. But even I could see that depriving people of their choices and rights just because they like their own gender was just plain stupid. And to all those extremely hardcore religious people using

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  • 510 weeks

    FiM goes and updates while I finally have time to write... Darkened Path is coming along but I've got a few projects that need done, so Battle Brawlers may take a bit. Sorry guys! If it makes you feel any better, I've got an idea for a future project, as this site is currently lacking a well written crossover with a certain anime or two I've been catching up on. If any of you remember Humans

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  • 511 weeks
    Effective Arguments in the Comment Section. Also, I Suck.

    Okay, first off, yeah, I suck at resolutions. I swear I will get both stories updated in the next two weeks. On to the real reason for this blog.

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  • 525 weeks
    New Years Resolution

    Happy 2015, all you crazy people! As you can see by the title, I'm making a resolution. But I intend to keep this one. I'll be adopting a 3-week schedule when it comes to writing.
    Week 1: A New World, A Darkened Path. I really want to work on this one, as it should prove a lot of fun. Expect a new chapter soon.

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Supreme Court Coming THRU! · 7:00pm Jun 26th, 2015

Well, the US Supreme Court did it. They have officially legalized same-sex marriage. All I have to say is this: About bucking time! Now look, I'm from AZ, one of the most conservative states in the country. But even I could see that depriving people of their choices and rights just because they like their own gender was just plain stupid. And to all those extremely hardcore religious people using their beliefs as an excuse I must say: get with the times. You don't like it, fine, but if it doesn't directly hurt you or your loved ones, then why do you care? For me, I still haven't worked out where I stand on that 0-6 scale, but when I do, I won't need to worry!

Report GoldenCyclone4 · 369 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

3185428 True enough. Unfortunately, there are extremists in any group, who are usually both highly vocal and highly abrasive. As a counterpoint, some people did use their religion as an excuse to harm or persecute the LGBT community. The vocal minority makes the majority look like idiots. As an example, remember that whole #GamerGate shit that went on a year or so ago? It made gamers look like complete assholes, when in reality, many just want to enjoy their hobby. It's the same here: a group's extremist members do something stupid and hateful and make the whole group look horrible. As for the targets being mainly Christians, that is most likely due to the fact that it is the religion most associated with the anti-gay movement. Not saying that they all are, far from it, but when someone thinks of religions that oppose gay marriage, the first one most people think of is Christianity.

3185901 I never said a Church did so. I was referring to individuals and groups outside of the Church.. And while I would say Westboro Baptist, I'm unsure if they're legit. And Islam? Huh. Most people I've talked to think of Christianity first.

3185901 Also, side note. I'd like to thank you for having a coherent, well-thought out, and reasonable argument. After seeing some of the comments on today's articles, not to mention the GIDT, I'd nice to have a thoughtful and calm discussion. We may have to agree to disagree, but I'm glad that this discussion happened without any name calling or personal attacks. Quie a rarity on websites like this these days...

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