• Member Since 28th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 19th, 2023

Lance Skyes

Once a writer, but now gone. You might see him again one day, though...

More Blog Posts125

  • 335 weeks
    Soul Searching, Soul Sister, and Soul Soldier

    Hey... it's been a while, hasn't it? Not sure how much right I have to come back here after everything I've done, but this site just kinda popped back into my mind, and I came to the realization (too little too late, in a few senses of the phrase) that I left a lot of people here with a pretty bad taste in their mouths. I... don't really have anything to remedy that, I'm afraid. I just wanted to

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  • 403 weeks
    The New Episode...

    I read the description of the next episode of MLP, and I could help but think of this...

    That is to say, Starlight Glimmer just started playing Xenoblade Chronicles X.


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    1 comments · 483 views
  • 406 weeks
    Top Five Reasons My Life As I Once Knew it is Over

    Just so you know, this isn't going to be a sad, whiny, "first-world problems" blog. I'm just explaining how I'm now a far cry away from a high school student doing nothing but writing fanfiction in his free time. Anyway, on with the list...

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    2 comments · 433 views
  • 408 weeks
    The Third-Stupidest Idea I've Had This Summer

    So I've been playing and watching a lot of Metroid content lately, and my most recent endeavor was watching a playthrough of AM2R. (And bear in mind, I never actually played Metroid II myself...) Then, as I watched the final sequence where The Baby follows Samus off of SR-388, I thought about something: a fanfiction written from The Baby's

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  • 410 weeks
    Metroid Other M: The Worst $22 I've Ever Spent (A Rather Long "Short Story", then a Review)

    So, I finished Metroid Prime Trilogy a few weeks ago, and like an idiot, I didn't play a good Metroid game next. (I had my pick of the litter, too. Super, Fusion, Zero Mission, II... hell, I should have just replayed the Metroid stage of Kirby's Dreamland 3!) It started while I was at the flea market just a couple days after beating Corruption. I was armed with about $50 and looking for a new

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Change of Pace (100th Blog "Special") · 5:25pm Sep 13th, 2015

(Fair warning, this blog's going to be a bit bitter-sweet. Also, the background music will change, so be ready for both of those things.)
First, let's talk about Markiplier's Royal Quest. (Because that seems to be my thing lately.)

If you asked me about two weeks ago, I would have said it was completed with the exception of two sprites. Now, however, it's about 70% done with the exception of four sprites. I made the mistake of adding a W scenario because I was bored. Oh well. While this third gamemode won't be canon like the first two, it will still be important to the series. (By the way, I'm making two more MRQs after this one, for those of my QA testers who haven't completed both the normal and Q scenarios.) (<--Which is everyone, I've found...) I can't say much, but I will say this much: Mark will be sharing the spotlight in this W scenario. (Actually, he'll be kinda backgrounded.) As the Q scenario was the Meta Knightmare of Markiplier's Royal Quest, the W scenario will be the Extra Mode. (Sort of.)
Gee, all this Kirby talk is making me hungry...

A spot of news in the Kirby department for me. First, I've beaten Kirby Fighters Deluxe. (Every ability on Very Hard. Still working on 9-win streaks, though...) Second, I've had an idea for a Kirby fanfiction that I may actually pitch to Hal Laboratories if I ever get a job in the video game business. Titled...
Kirby: Forgotten Nightmare
Basically, think of a demented cross between Kirby's Adventure, Super Star, Dreamland 3, The Crystal Shards, and Return to Dreamland, with just a hint of Amazing Mirror.
Yeah, that sounded bad to me as well. Basically, Kirby will go on an adventure with six of his most famous friends, (Free tomatoes for anyone who can guess all six. You'll only get three.), against two of his most famous enemies, (excluding Magolor, sadly), and at some point meeting his only canon crush... (No, not Samus.)
Speaking of fanfiction, guess what time it is? If you guessed "the bitter part of this blog," I'm afraid you're right.

(By the way, this is officially my theme for when I'm saying something you people aren't going to like.)
I've... kind of been having a slump with my fanfictions on this site. It's not that I don't have the time, it's just... I haven't been very inspired lately. I don't know why, but I'm just not really feeling the whole pony vibe anymore. I don't want to leave this fandom, and I never will. (Heart, fly, cupcake, you get the idea.) I want to tell myself that this is just because of the mid-season hiatus for the show that ended yesterday, but... I can't be sure. I will try my hardest to keep writing for you all, but I'm not a hundred percent sure I'm really able to put my heart and soul into my writing anymore. I'm sorry, but don't worry, because this isn't goodbye. It's just... a heads-up. That things might change, I mean. After all, we all change. When you think about it, we're all different people all through our lives, and that's okay, that's good, you gotta keep moving, so long as you remember all the people who you used to be.
Sorry about that. I was rewatching "The Time of the Doctor" yesterday. Now, where was I? Oh yeah, the whole "changing" thing. If you couldn't tell already, it'll probably take longer for chapters to come out, and I might be pulling in a new writing style or two as things progress. You have to understand, I don't like doing this to you people. I don't like making you wait all this time, I don't like making you feel emotion outside of the stories of mine that are supposed to make you feel emotion, and I don't like not writing. But...
*shakes head* I'm typing just to type at this point. I seriously need to wrap this up. To recap, I'm getting a lot of stuff done outside of this site, but my account here is going to suffer for it, and I'm sorry about that. But that's no reason to cry. It's a reason to smile. For most people, these kinds of blogs end with a final goodbye. Not me. You're all stuck with me for at least another 100 or so blogs, and maybe another 30 stories.
So... yeah. Just wanted to get all of that out there. (Really, I was waiting until I had about this much news before I even said anything since this was my 100th blog and all.) While this blog has "SSB: Harmony Rising" tagged, expect a new chapter of "A New Family" here in the next couple minutes. (Sorry HR fans.) And with that, I believe I will take my leave for the time being. So long.

Comments ( 2 )

I don't know why, but I'm just not really feeling the whole pony vibe anymore.

Honestly, I'm feeling the same way - in fact, I haven't watched an episode since "The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone." I originally blamed it on Splatoon (and have gotten some decent mileage out of combining that with MLP), but I eventually realized that I just didn't enjoy watching the show anymore.

I'm still planning on continuing my fanfiction, but I'm also taking a page from your book and looking into how I can "expand my brand" into gaming and other fields.

3414357 That's good. Keep the creative juices flowing.

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