• Member Since 10th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 12th, 2022


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  • 573 weeks
    Editor Wanted

    Yo, guys. It's been a little while. I apologize for the virtual abandonment of Through the Trials and Tribulations, and I really do want to work on it, but in the words of another great writer, every time I look at it, I want to run away screaming. That, and I've been going through a very stressful point in my life due to emotional and family issues which have been sapping me of motivation for

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  • 589 weeks
    More writing practice for me

    Lately, I've haven't been writing ponies (what?! HERESY!) because I've mostly been writing short, quick things. I've noticed that I'm kinda better at writing shorter stories than long multi-chapter ones.

    Now, I've been seeing a lot of people doing this, so I figured I'd jump onto the bandwagon.

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  • 591 weeks
    Beware. There be spoilers ahead.

    (Episode starts.)

    Awesome. A song right at the get-go.

    (Episode continues.)

    Hmm. Interesting. Oh my gawd, more songs!

    (Keep on going.)

    Hmm, quite a simple solution. Me gusta mucho! MORE EPIC SONGS!

    Woah... Harmonic death ray... Well, THAT escalated quickly.

    (Allow black out for commercial break)

    Ah, shit. Here comes Celestia.

    More song? I guess I'll hear you out...

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    17 comments · 450 views
  • 593 weeks
    Batten down the hatches...

    Well... yet another beautiful thing is beginning to feel the canker and rot that is America's entertainment business.

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    24 comments · 552 views
  • 599 weeks
    Another one bites the dust

    And this, fillies and gentlecolts, is yet another failed prophecy, created by humans, of the end of the world. I don't know why people keep trying to come up with this (pardon my language) bullshit. Do you really want the world as we know it to end?

    Whatever. I gave up trying to understand foolish human superstitions years ago.

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It's Movie Time · 3:53am Aug 2nd, 2012

Oh man. Where to begin?

The Dark Knight Rises was awesome. I loved practically every second of it. Pretty much my only complaint was Bane's voice sometimes being incomprehensible.

Soundtrack? Amazing. I love Hans Zimmer. I'm going to get my hands on some piano sheet music of his work.

Characters? Awesome, but I wish some of the characters had more depth to them. I felt that they were a bit shallow and could have used a more fleshed out back story. At some parts, they revealed their entire back story all at once, which I felt was a bit abrupt.

Story? Great, and it had brilliant pacing.

All in all, I thought it was a great and satisfying ending to a great trilogy. I'll admit, I shed a few tears at the you-know-which scene, for those that saw it. I half expected the you-know-what to not go off. I recommend this movie to anyone who hasn't seen it yet.

On an unrelated note, Christopher Nolan is working on a Superman movie. If he managed to get the Batman series back on track, then I have some high hopes for Superman.

In a related note, I just thought of a story idea after walking out of the theater. It's definitely not a crossover, I'll say that much. I'll reveal more in a later blog post once I map out some more details.

And probably the part you care the most about, the fourth chapter is close to publication. Just waiting for my editor's revisions and up it will go.

Report Stryker12324 · 326 views ·
Comments ( 15 )

Actually, Nolan stated he had nothing to do with the Superman movie, other than selecting the director. But still, it's good, because he picked Zack Snyder.

264905 Oh really? Drat. In the previews, they had a Superman trailer and it had Nolan's name in it, so I just put two and two and two together and apparently came out with... five. :rainbowhuh:

Thanks for clearing that up for me though. :twilightsmile:

I felt the same way during the you-know-what-scene. I was thinking that you-know-what actually did happen.

I had that same thing, until I saw a YouTube discussion- which was surprisingly not AS full of idiocy as YouTube discussions usually are- that had the whole director-vs-producer thing. I just thought that the person correcting could have been nicer, so I've been correcting that mistake without namecalling to people I see saying that online.

266060 What's this? A respectful and nice person on the internet? :pinkiegasp:

My respect. You have it. :moustache:


I tried being not-so-nice once, for fun. You know how Fluttershy went insane with Iron Will's methods?
I got kicked off of DeviantART.

I had over 400 favorited pieces.

Never again.

266130 Really? Ouch. I can't say I've been kicked off of something, but I was a cyber bully for several years.

Let's just say it wasn't my finest moment... :ajsleepy:

Well, I cyberbullied people, too: antigays, antiBronies, antiminorities, religious zealots, neonazis, opinionated morons, all the people who actually deserve it. Currently, I'm still dealing with backlash on YouTube from saying I didn't like Lamb of God a month ago, when I'd stopped. I realized that it wasn't fun anymore, then doubted myself as to why I ever enjoyed it. So, I'm done trolling.

I've done bad things before in my life. You just need to forgive yourself, and ask forgiveness from whatever higher power you believe in- whether it be God, Abraham, Allah, Buddah, Vishnu, Odin, the earthmother, the Sun, fate, destiny, space dust, Aslan the Lion, or whatever. You know, becaus eof the whole humans-are-imperfect thing, which... I'll just stop there, I don't want a religious discussion here. Forgiveness and such.


266191 Wow. You cyber-bullied people who deserved it? I just cyber-bullied whoever the fuck I wanted purely for my own twisted sense of entertainment and instant gratification. Thank Celestia I'm not like that anymore though. I changed my ways and forgave myself as soon as I started watching MLP. :twilightsmile:

As for the not wanting a religious discussion, I'm not religious myself, but I am open to any and all opinions, beliefs, stances, and anything else that's two sided.

Ah, okay. That's good.

Well, I was going to say that if humans are imperfect, yet made in God's image, that would make God imperfect. Unless by giving us free will, we were different from him, so he could be perfect. But then again, that would mean that the Bible was wrong, and the entire Catholic Church was wrong. Then again, they've tampered with the originals, giving us the censored mutilated version. Then again, that's just a conspiracy theory.

I have a lot of those questions about religion that just keep going back further and further.

So, I became an eclectic christian-norse-wiccan-greek bastardization, utilizing the logic from the 3 Blind Men and the Elephant story. The one where the 3 blind men found an elephant, but...
1- it's a pillar because the leg is pillar-like
2- it's ivory because the tusk has the consistency of ivory
3- it's leather because the ear is leathery

So, since there's a million religions, there's a million blind men feeling up that same elephant (not a pleasant mental picture- you're thinking of it right now, aren't you...) and that elephant is the full religion. But, some religions bear similarities because they're in the same area of the elephant.

I'm hoping that if any one religion IS absolute, they'll forgive me for thinking 'heathen thoughts'. Then the catholics will be wrong and there won't be the 'You didn't blindly follow what the pope's underlings forcefed you, so now you will burn in hellfire for eternity!'
But then again, that wasn't in the Bible, it's just something catholic authority figures forcefeed you. And even that is blown way out of proportion because there are good catholics- not the 'good catholic teenage slut who gets pregnant and can't get around that because they don't believe in condoms or birth control, so the child will have a hastily-slopped-up crap life that would do more harm than good.

But there's the whole 'life starts at the fetus thing', along with the 'sex should only be used as baby conception', even though there's the whole thing about living longer with more intercoursal activity, and preventing prostate cancer since masturbation is a 'cardinal sin'. But I'm anti-abortion, although I'm pro-choice, because I think that if the mother ever seriously considers abortion, she obviously isn't responsible enough to have the baby, and doesn't deserve it, so gives the baby to adoption, but she's afraid of stretch marks and stretching out the cervix because she's usually a superficial teenage girl, but what about rape babies? What about when the condom breaks and the birth control fails? What about forced incest? And, if the baby is adopted, foster care sucks! But then again, it mostly goes off without a hitch, but there's unavoidable snags in the system.

And, since there's so much bad stuff and unavoidable tragedy, how does one expect a God to exist? And there's the 'works in mysterious ways' thing, and...

Yeah, this is my thought process constantly. Care to contest any points I made? I'm seriously asking, no rhetorical condescension, I want to hear possible answers for these questions, if you wanted to.

Unless you're all TL;DR on me...

266220 When it comes to god, personally, I don't believe in him, but by the same token, there's no proof that he doesn't exist. However, I use circumstantial evidence along with several flaws in religious thinking to sway my opinion towards "there is no god." Not saying I hate religion (like several atheists I have the displeasure of knowing), but when it reaches fanatical levels, then we've got problems. I even managed to get the Ten Commandments down to two. :twilightsmile:

I started out a christian at an early age, but the older I got, the more I learned and looked around, the more I questioned things. Like, if the Bible is the ultimate truth, why are there millions of other religions? If the world was created in seven days thousands of years ago, why is there scientific evidence that proves otherwise, when all religion has is a book that was written thousands of years ago by men? And the biggest question: If God really loves us all, why is the world and human history so fucked up?

Personally, I keep an open mind about all things. I try to learn what I can about all religions and all cultures so as to have intelligent conversations with other people. Too many people, especially here in America, are culturally ignorant.

As for the whole catholics and birth control, I shake my head at them. I won't say more, cause that would be too long.

Abortion. Whooboy. Quite the topic. Personally, I believe it is entirely the mother's choice, although I wish things didn't have to turn out that way. Like you said though, what about rape? Incest? And if the mother does go through with it, not only will she suffer the guilt and emotional trauma, but you are killing dozens, if not hundreds, of future generations. Although abortions do lead to greater things, like stem-cell research (which we desperately need more of), there is a price to be payed for it.

And for people who say god exists, I bring up the world. Just look at the shape it's in. War, death, disease, destruction, poverty, hunger, filth, crime, corruption, torture, genocide.
No words... Just no words... True, they say he works in mysterious ways, but seriously? I think that's kinda pushing it.

Not sure if I missed anything up there. Let me know. I enjoy these kind of conversations. :twilightsmile:

Not all Stem Cell research comes from fertilized fetuses. That's a misconception. The cells used for the research CAN be used to create a child, but need to be fertilized. Not all Stem Cell research kills unborn babies, that's just something the Republicans threw during the election between Bush and Kerry, since Kerry supported Stem Cell research, as well as the woman's choice for abortion.

Nope, you answered them all in one of the couple of ways it was answerable; you provided answers that a non-zealot non-religious would answer. There are non-zealot non-religious responses, non-zealot religious responses, zealot non-religious responses, and zealot religious responses.
Congratulations, you're in the 10% of sensible people I've ever met on the internet!

266343 Aw, shucks you. I try. :twilightsheepish: You're a pretty darn smart guy too. :twilightsmile:

And that's interesting, what you brought up about the stem cell research. I myself don't know a whole lot about that particular field of science. That will have to be remedied. :trixieshiftright:

Thank you, too.
I used to not know much about it, until people rudely cut me off and told me what was right and what wasn't- in front of a bunch of people. The Stem Cell thing is one of those I've been telling people about for years- after I looked it up for myself, of course. But still.

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