• Member Since 26th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen July 16th

Ryuku the Creative

This smile isn't stapled on. Or is it?

More Blog Posts823

  • 269 weeks
    No title

    He dances in the light of your failure
    Giddy with joy of your blunder
    His voice cackles like thunder
    The smooth toothy grin among his lips
    The sway of his tail upon his hips
    Right now he needs not think
    He knows you
    You don't know him
    But you do know he knows you
    And your faults
    And your failures
    And your fears
    He stands in the light of your failure

    Read More

    4 comments · 342 views
  • 273 weeks
    Update... Again

    Because things have gotten more stationed in my life now. Better paying job with weekly pay. Been doing better health wise and doodling on free time. If anyone even still pops up around this dried up tentacle blog, how ya been?

    14 comments · 304 views
  • 321 weeks

    *Eats a bowl of popcorn* Did I miss anything while gone again?

    2 comments · 336 views
  • 352 weeks
    Happy New Years!!!!

    Now can someone warm up the planet?
    Freezing my tentacles off here!!!

    10 comments · 396 views
  • 355 weeks

    A lot later than I hoped.. geezus what I missed?

    2 comments · 353 views

For my girlfriend · 3:06am Jul 29th, 2015

(I have no regrets)

I miss you so much
The time we talked was memorable
Every moment with you was pure happiness
And miss you and your cheerful ways
I hope to see you soon
I wish you were here now
To comfort me as I would you
But I can wait
Because when I see you again
I will hug you like never before
Kiss your lips till you blush
And carry you like the princess you are
I miss you alot and I hope to see you again.

Report Ryuku the Creative · 321 views · #Love
Comments ( 30 )

How very sweet. I hope you two the best.

Beautiful as always... And yeah, we all miss her... She's a great friend, and I wish you two all the joy in the world.

Yeah, I'm more worried about you though my friend. Are you okay?

3278397 Yeah, just got romance on the brain. It'll pass eventually

3278403 Hopefully she gets a new computer

Yeah......I do miss her.....:fluttershysad:

This was nice. You should keep doing blogs like this.

Oh, it's a computer glitch? Thank GOD... I was worried something might have happened to her... Now if only I knew C_C_C was okay...:fluttercry:

Chimi_Cherry_Changa. She was one of my first friends on this site. And I haven't heard from her in nearly 25 weeks... I'm worried...

3279185 Do you have her email or any other site she goes on?

She has a tumblr, but I don't...I'm not even sure if she's active anymore, but I'm really worried...

3279254 Just try to send her something on there. It's hard to tell on tumblr anyway

*hugs* Page is strong, I hope she's okay....

3282680 Her laptop died and that's why she's offline

3282774 For over a month?

3283064 How-how.... I...I'm...

3283067 Can you speak clearer please? It's kinda hard to answer

3283102 How could her laptop be out for over a month?! And how would you know this?

3283172 Her ex boyfriend/friend told me. Do you know someone by the name of Dark the Shadow Reaper?

3283187 Oh, Dark? Yeah, of course I know him. Or of him anyways. Page is my friend and Dark and I talked a bit, remember?
Fair enough...
Anyways, gonna probably gonna go talk to my favorite biological cousin now... She's my dad's cousin but aw well.

3283192 I think I just understood you. Your dad's cousin. Got it!

3283232 And I knew Page was your friend. You did figure out who I meant when I needed some time with her :P Wasn't sure about chain boy since he mostly complains about no one rping with him :p

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