An update on things and stuff. · 2:59am May 6th, 2015
So yeah, there are times I forget that I actually have people that follow me. A respectable amount too for how small of an author I am, at least in my opinion. Considering I've been a little dead for a while as far as writing I just wanted to whip up something right quick because it might be a while longer until I get anything out.
I'm currently working on the next chapter of my story FGIE - Fat Guy in Equestria. It's taking longer than I would like, but I am working on it for those interested.
Next is "Why does everypony say that?!". This is still being worked on, but it's on a much looser on the update schedule than anything else I work on as it is really just something I can work on between other projects. When I get done with or get into a serious slump with writing FGIE I'll add two chapters at least before I move on to my next story. That's how it'll work as far as updating it goes, so please understand if you really like it that it will be a while for new chapters.
That's ll for now, a little something for you guys who cared enough to follow me. I really appreciate the support.
And as always thanks for reading!