"So I heard you do ____. I would never have thought it was in ya."
Have you ever had this conversation? Ever had the complete and total confusion of how a completely baseless rumor (Or in some cases ones with a base) about you spread? Want to read of others misery who have had to go through the same situations as a result? Well then take a gander at the compilation of short stories I have gathered here for your reading pleasure.
Next chapter: Don't know yet
Due to limitations, the character tags will change to match up with the most recent chapters main characters.
I like this story, I'm just waiting to see which direction it's going. Next chapter? I'll be there. Have a like.
And a mustache, yass. In fact have another You shall drown in them x 1,000,000
You know what I want to see? A Berry Punch chapter. Just her reaction to everypony thinking she's the town drunk. Whether that's true or not, I guess we can only wait and see.
5478886 If you drown me in glorious mustache then how will I be able to write anymore story? Thanks for the like by the way!
5479241 Maybe she IS the town drunk, you never know. Not every rumors just a rumor. But I'll get to her sometime.
The plot - shall last - FOREVER!
Will you do a Derpy Hooves/Ditzy Doo chapter about her muffin obsession? The only 'evidence' is that she mouthed "muffins" during one episode. And it could have been one of the other ponies present. That, and Hasbro puts muffins on her toy boxes, but that could be a shout out to the bronies rather than actual confirmation.
We also know that Amethyst Star/Sparkler and Dinky are sisters thanks to participating in the Sisterhooves Social together, but any connection between them and Derpy/Ditzy is purely fan speculation.
(I imagine that a lot of outcry would come from breaking up the family, but it could be amusing to play with the Muffins thing.)
Liked and Faved.
'sleep deprived'
Has should be as
5479728 It just depends on what I want to do with the fanon. I won't give away what I'm gonna do with the whole Derpy/muffin/family thing, but know I'm gonna try and take the most unusual angle I can.
I would loke to see Fluttershy after the Power Ponies episode and how she reacts when some ponies mention Flutterhulk and is confused by it.
Good job! Take a like and a favorite!
Preparing for fandom-shaming since everyone says Rainbow's gay.
5479901 As I've said not every rumors false. But I'm not confirming that rainbow will be gay either. Just saying you should wait until I writ the story before you make your assumptions.
But there will be fandom-shaming?
5479947 Yes, I won't say for what fanon, but there will be.
Soo, Princess Celestia is not addicted to cake? well dammit, what do i do with this building-sized cake?
Plot twist: this really is revenge for her banishment.
The whole cake thing could be resolved quite quickly.
"Well, since it's your fault the cakes are here, they're your responsibility."
*teleports ALL the cakes into Luna's room, with those that don't fit filling up the hallway*
A couple days later, it was universally decided that nopony would ever send a cake to any location within 200 feet of the palace.
5481201 Celestia's not THAT big of a troll.
Let's see, ideas, ideas...
Berry Punch is the town drunk
Cloudkicker is the town's easiest lay
Pinkie must always be absolutely crazy
Rainbow is homosexual
Mr. Cake is the woman in the relationship
Zecora gets her power from spirits (either way works)
Big Mac is secretly attracted to Fluttershy (or vice versa)
Rarity uses her sister as child labor
Sweetie Belle sets everything on fire
Cheerilee actually likes kids (not in a perverted way, she actually hates kids)
Vinyl Scratch secretly loves classical music
5481823 I like a lot of those Ideas, but there are a few things I have to say. First, just because Cheerliee was frustrated with having to teach Twilight everything to due with computers doesn't mean she hates kids. Imagine you had to teach a cave man from scratch what a computer was. If you're referring to something that happen in the comics then I'm sorry but that's not gonna fly. Going off stuff purely based on the show, or what the fans have based off the show. It might be interesting to flip it on it's head and make the rumor that she hate kids. Anyway, they have to be fanons that came from things that actually happened in the show and could easily be misconstrued, like with that picture of Celestia eating cake could. Every other time we've seen Cheerliee teaching shes seems to really enjoy her job.
Sorry, had to rant at you there for a bit. I still really, RALLY like those other ideas. Thanks for reading and commenting!
Timeturner/Dr Hooves is really just a watch maker not a time traveler (or vice versa)
The apples are produce tycoons who have a monopoly on all grown food items
The vinyl/Octavia relationship being romantic instead of platonic
Soarin with his pie thing
The twins not being from Mr./Mrs. cake
If I think of others I'll let you know
Pinkie Pie reacting to Ponies thinking she'll turn then inti Cupcakes
Lovely! We see Luna's first exposure to video games, and fittingly, it's to one of the first ones ever made. Thank you for this chapter!
That's 'grinned', sir.
'They're' mayhaps?
I think you mean wholeheartedly.
Once, not ounce. Ounce is a measurement of weight. Nightmare Moon needs an apostrophe to make it possessive.
"There you are; Luna, it's two minute-- Luna, are you okay?"
I think you mean grinned.
5485687 Thanks for pointing those out!
Chrysalis being a sex goddess.
That idea is so overused ... it might be funny seeing it on here.
5486676 You my good sir have planted the seed for a possibly very good idea.
Happy to help.
Especially if it adds more fuel to the steam engine that this story could possibly become if you keep at it long enough.
Nice start! I'm digging how the setup is. Here's a couple of ideas.
1.) Rainbow is gay. (She's really tomboyish, but why does everypony think she's gay when she's not)?
2.) Twilight and Shining Armor in love. (Why does everypony seem to think these two are banging each other?)
3.) Cupcakes. (Let's face it. I'm sure everypony is wary of Pinkie flipping out and killing Rainbow).
Sorry. These are lousy.
Simple :) ...
5487551 Celestia would still eat it, it would just be in moderation.
1. Rainbow Dash is a lesbian.
2. Derpy and Time Turner are dating.
3. Lyra and BonBon are dating.
4. Big Mac is a hoarder
5. Bat wing ponies exist
6. Bulk Biceps name is Snowflake.
7. Fluttershy is a vampire.
8. Sweetie Belle is an excellent singer.
9. Scootaloo is an orphan.
10. Rainbows are made out of ponies.
11. Celestia and Luna are immortal.
12. Discord is Star Swirl the Bearded.
13. Saddle Arabians are a seperate species than ponies.
14. Celestia has Twilight handle all the problems.
5490866 I like these ideas, but I'm sorry to say that I'm already writing the chapter for Scootaloo. It's part of a two parter that also explores what's up with Applebloom's parents too. Still, I like the others a lot! Thanks for reading and commenting!
5490866 The show already confirmed that sweetie is an outrageously good singer.
Sweetie Belle loves to sing but she can be horrible as often as good. Sleepless in ponyville showed that, my ears hurt just thinking about it.
5500153 Either way it has to be a fanon. Bad or good Sweetie Belle did sing and there's nothing really left for speculation.
She sang well once, sang horribly once. We all jump on that is her special talent when we have Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, and Rarity who have sang wonderfully many times without anything as close to as bad as Sweetie Belle's bad and multiple times better than her good. In terms of pony singing on the show she is average on one occasion and bad another making her singing record mediocre.
Odd, I thought Luna's rumour would be that she would be immersed in accounting. Given all the changes that happened in Equestria in 1000 years, numbers would be among the few things that haven't changed, so she would seek "refuge" in them in her initial days since her restoration.
I don't know about the Apple parents (there's a portrait on the wall on "Apple Family Reunion"), but the CMC DO know where Scootaloo lives. They were in her house in "Flight to the Finish".
Then again, this story is about the rumors and theories about most of the characters.
This is a big D'aaaaw~ :3
5525023 Normally I would try to find a way to explain this, but simply put you've got me. I had forgot about that episode. Good eye.
5525023 Fixed it!
Heh, not bad.
5536282 I think like many American english words pegasus is the more commonly used slang rather than the more proper pegasi. It really could have happened to anypony.
Oh how nice, I have a Radio Station named after me~
I thought Applebloom and Applejack were both orphans?