Wearing My AugieDog Hat · 11:48pm Apr 17th, 2015
Those of you:
Who follow The Writeoff Association, the place that inspired all these Baal Bunny stories, will be familiar with the writer, bon vivant, changeling about town, and hearty fellow well met known as Horizon. Well, he won the March contest with a fine little story that involves ponies whose job it is to help control runaway musical numbers in Equestria. And when I say it's a little story, I mean it clocks in at just about 600 words.
So Horizon put out a call for other stories about these heroic ponies known as Versebreakers, and I, in my aforementioned AugieDog hat, was one of those who answered the call. The resulting collection, Verse Averse: Tales of the Versebreakers, is now available for widespread perusal, and I'm here to recommend it to your attention.
I'm looking forward to reading it