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Lets see...Comments and Bystander Effect · 2:06am Feb 14th, 2015

Normally by now more people comment on new chapters. I notice that after a certain of comments people just stop generally, probably because they don't feel as if the comments are necessary or something of the like. I don't know why, it's just something I've noticed as a general trend over the past 2 years, and it also is the reason I do not now respond to comments for about 24 hours after a chapter's release, as once I start responding people stop posting new ones. A separate matter or related? I don't know, but it's again something I've observed. The bystander effect is where the more people there are, the more everyone else assumes someone else is going to take an action, so it's fascinating to me as someone who has an interest in psychology.

Funny thing though is that I have about the same amount of comments as normal on my newest Equestria Was Merely a Setback, but all but one of them are two people going back and forth talking about very little...but still commenting. I'm wondering if that has the same effect as when many people have commented, as the volume of comments is the same even if not the diversity.

Seeing as how hearing from everyone is what keeps me writing on my weekly basis, the idea that I've only really heard from one person is disheartening, especially if it remains that way. The others comments are just babble revolving around a very short observation on a single part of the very last part of the chapter. In fact, it's about something that doesn't even happen in this chapter, but WILL happen next one, but I digress...

Oh well though. It's not like anyone comments on these blog posts anyways, so I guess it's the wrong crowd to address about this theory and worry.

I was thinking of doing something for you guys for Valentines day, but I'm not really feeling up to it right now. Sorry. Hope you all enjoy your own Single Awareness Days, or if you don't celebrate that at least enjoy the day with someone!

Comments ( 10 )

I won't comment if I feel I have nothing more to add, so there's always the possibility that someone people just don't have anything to say, witty or otherwise. I also try to not clog the comments section. I tend to ramble if I'm not careful >->

And who says no-one comments on blogs? Lies, LIES AND SLANDER!

I know I sometimes just up-vote comments other people have already made instead of making my own separate comment. Do you count that?

2794565 Nothing has been really added...easy to add to nothing. And nothing witty has been said, but there has been plenty said. I don't mind rambling, but I do mind silent readers who don't say anything. :ajbemused: Hearing from people helps me keep writing, and not doing so has the reverse effect. If it feels like no-one cares, why should I after all?

And its not lies and slander. In my last 6 blog posts, I have had 3 comments (4 if one includes my response). So I tend to not be too optimistic about hearing from anyone, since nobody seems to care. It's not that no-one is reading them. It's not that I don't say anything that can't have input or that I don't invite people to comment. People just don't, and it's irritating. I had a lot of people criticizing me for not doing blog posts originally, and now that I do nobody cares whatsoever.

2794592 No, I don't. I too upvote comments after I see them, so long as they aren't something weird, dumb, or mean. But merely upvoting something doesn't help me know what people enjoyed in a chapter. Doesn't tell me what characters and interactions people enjoyed, so I can include more of what they like in a future chapter. Thank you for at least doing the upvoting process, but no, I do not count it as actual comments as it isn't. :ajsleepy:

2794641 Sorry, man, but if I've already made a comment about a story, I don't feel right commenting on the same thing I liked a second time. It makes me feel... awkward? Maybe stale would be a better term. Don't like commenting if nothing "popped" for me, either. And while I don't expect many comments on blogs, especially compared to actual stories, I usually go by views on blogs. Not that mine have racked up a lot, but I still know people have seen them. After all, all a blog is, is a place to give your readers a heads up or tell them what's on your mind, right?

If it makes you feel any better, I always try to comment on your stories even if I am somewhat late. On another note, I am not that big of a fan of Valentines day. Nothing personal or some cliche past event, it just never clicked with me. Kind of don't really like the holiday really.

I'm more or less of the same opinion as Reykan(#1) and Ketvirtas(#6) [old to new format]

Wow I just... can't speak well XD I tend to speak if no one else has (provided I can actually English at the time) and try not to... well, double talk.

Yeah, I can't talk at the moment.

Personally I was raised on if you can't say anything nice dont say anything at all as well as Dont say it if it's not important.

Most chapters I merely state my observations and theorys if I have any. Nothing against you or your stories, it's just that I'm not normally vocal so to speak

As for singles awareness day, I got a new game

I would argue some of us are not as gifted with word smithing so we enjoy quietly.

2795313 New games are good too. :twilightsmile:

And have you seen the new chapter yet? If so, I'd like to hear your theories and thoughts there.

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