• Member Since 15th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen April 15th

Regina Wright

Waterworn doesn't mean squat when you're an eternal flame, baby!

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Thoughts On My Latest Story · 10:05pm Jan 16th, 2015

Comments ( 12 )
#1 · Jan 16th, 2015 · · ·

I get like that too sometimes, getting possessed by what your writing

I need to read it, but I have homework.

There's no hurry. Pinkie Pie just possessed me. I really don't know what happened there.

2730887 I might just procrastinate on everything and read it already, but I'm not really sure.

Is it Sunday for you? You probably have a lot time to do it but I think you should work on that first. It drives me up the wall when I have something to do but I keep putting it off. I can't relax until I get it done.

2730895 Yeah, it's Sunday. And the same happens to me, but I can't seem to not procrastinate.

Yeah, I hear you. If it's something that I can push off tomorrow, no deadlines or anybody call me on it, I will do it in a heartbeat. And again and again and again because I'm a heartless lazy monster. The only time I got homework done was on buses where I had long two hour commute back and forth. But I would still put it off for the last thirty minutes only because my psp died.

2731026 Yeah, that's me. I had summer reading assignments, and I only did it on the last week of the two month vacation.

I got my papers out, though, so that's a start.

You did the first step. You got the material out. Just do it. You got this or not. I dunno. Does it have to be done today? Does it have to be done now? What about your free time? What about you? Why do you have to do this paper, this sheet belong to the faceless educational government? They can take their paper and stick up their-

Oh wow, you should just do it before the laziness takes over... I'm gone again. Completely lazy. Again. And I was in the middle of editing a story too. So I wish you luck on your paper. Show the faceless, you can do it!

2731068 I did it! (My friend made me)

2731663 fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/043/b/0/cutie_mark_crusader_high_hoof___vector_by_regolithx-d4phee3.png

I honestly think that's the first time this year I've done homework before the last day of the break/weekend.

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