• Member Since 1st Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 7th, 2021


Don't mind me, I'm just sitting here and working on stories with a religious fervor.

More Blog Posts11

  • 329 weeks
    The Return

    It's... been awhile to say the least.

    Two years since I last posted anything on here.

    It's hard to admit, but what essentially happened was that I dropped out of the fandom. Didn't watch the show, didn't go on Equestria Daily, and didn't really browse FIMfiction. Didn't really write either.


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    36 comments · 3,277 views
  • 453 weeks
    One-Thousand Likes!

    'Living Forever...' just reached 1,000 likes. My first story ever to achieve such a number.

    ...I am so happy right now.

    2 comments · 693 views
  • 453 weeks
    Tutelary Spirit stories are now multi-chapter

    As I'm sure many of you have noticed by now, Lessons Learned from Loyalty, Truth Earned from Honesty, and Wealth Granted from Generosity are no longer one-shots, but are now comprised of chapters. This is because I have decided that all Tutelary Spirit installments will henceforth be short, multi-chapter stories.

    Why have I decided to go this route?

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    9 comments · 2,237 views
  • 454 weeks
    I'm Back!

    For these past months, I've been working on one story and one story only. I thought I would have it done before summer...

    But that didn't happen.

    I thought I would have it done before summer ended...

    But that didn't happen either.

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    3 comments · 845 views
  • 484 weeks
    Continuing to work on the Tutelary Spirit universe

    Been busy as of late concerning some happenings in my life. Now, I've finally gotten myself back to concentrating on my writing.

    So here's what I'm currently working on:

    ~ A Tutelary Spirit installment centered on a character that isn't one of the mane six
    ~ More short stories for Tales of the Tutelary Spirits (both the embellished and non-embellished kind)
    ~ A prequel

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    5 comments · 584 views

Well, it was nice while it lasted... · 11:51pm Nov 22nd, 2014

For the briefest of moments, I held a story (Truth Earned from Honesty) that was ranked number 1 on this site simply by virtue of having no one dislike it. But now, someone has finally disliked it, either because they truly did not enjoy my story or because they saw a chance to be the one to topple over something great. Either way, I knew that this was eventually going to happen, and if there is anything that I can take away from this, it is that I am simply glad that I was able to achieve this at all.

Of course, my story would have never gotten so far if all of you guys hadn't taken the time to read it and express your satisfaction with it. For that, you all have my sincere thanks and a promise that the next installment of the Tutelary Spirit universe will be ready before the year is up. It'll be my Christmas present to you all.

Report Whateverdudezb · 588 views · Story: Truth Earned from Honesty ·
Comments ( 5 )

I'll be looking forward to it! :twilightsmile:

Well that sucks. Oh well.

Looking forward to the next installment!

Really looking forward to the next story.


Oh well, still 455th. Thats impressive, even if it ain't quite the same as #1.


Oh well... it was cool while it lasted...

Let me guess, they didn't even say why they "didn't like" it?

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