• Member Since 12th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


Gamer, Anime Fanatic, Casual Fan of Horses and Men. Viewer of various shenanigans. Writer of things that really should come easier to him.

More Blog Posts60

  • 55 weeks
    With Regards to "Hand in Hoof", and Where It Would Have Gone

     I must confess, I had been contemplating whether or not I should write this for the longest time. For years, this very idea had haunted me. That I would forever live enshadowed by one of the longest works I'd never given its proper completion. That the work that had once been my passion project has since fallen to the darkest reaches of my sub-conscience. That this one unfinished work would itch

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    6 comments · 170 views
  • 60 weeks
    I finally managed to write a thing, and it was thanks to this thing.

    So it's been a while since I've submitted something to FiMFiction. The biggest reason as to why is that my ADD-ass cannot maintain focus for writing on PC, along with a general lack of ideas. But, once in a blue moon, I can write if the mood strikes.

    So, in my quest to become a more consistent writer, I got myself one of these bastards.

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    2 comments · 111 views
  • 223 weeks
    While I Was Away... (Late February 2020 Update Post)

    Jesus, the fact I still get activity on this site, in spite of my radio silence kind of astounds me, even now. I suppose I should start this off by saying thank you to all the people who still somehow manage to find my work and give it your favorites and shelf space. Even if you don't comment (and I would really, genuinely like it if you did), knowing you at least like it in some

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    2 comments · 322 views
  • 359 weeks
    State of the Author: July 2017

    So it's been a whole year since I updated Hand in Hoof. Quite a sobering thought, now that I put it in retrospect. I've really been that horrible of a procrastinator in the last six months.

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  • 384 weeks
    State of the Author: January 2017

    Jesus, has it really been four months since my last post on this thing? Too long, I say! Far too long. To that end, let us dispense with 2016 and all its maleficence and discuss things going on in the new year.

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Status Update 10/27/14: Cheers · 11:55pm Oct 27th, 2014

I thought it might be prudent to make a new blogpost about current events in my life, and what you can expect from my current ongoing fics.

With October at an end, I somewhat regret not throwing my hat into the ring for One-Shotober, and I probably don't have anything for NaNoWriMo (though I may consider putting Hand in Hoof on hold to try that), so I've mostly just been working on Hand in Hoof.

However, as the month of November looms near and the Season of Spooks is coming to an end, I feel it might be prudent to bring up a milestone.

I'm turning Twenty-One!

Yep, in just a few days, I should be of age to drink (though I probably won't, because I'd like to be the one person in my family who isn't doing anything worse than caffeine at the moment). November 7th is the date, so if anyone wants to send me things, feel free to PM me. You don't have to send me anything more than a nice happy message, but if you're feeling particularly generous, my Steam account's always looking for new additions. ;)

But, I know what you're here for. You want to get some hints as to what the next chapter will entail!

This next chapter has some character development on Napalm and everypony's favorite changeling queen Archnid! You can also expect our heroes to do battle against the Terror Bird!

Surprisingly, while it took a while to get going, this chapter's been coming along a lot smoother. Part of it's thanks to having plenty to work with in terms of Archnid (whom avid readers of my work will probably already know about), which makes bringing up her story in a more condensed format easier.

Currently, it's sitting at over 4,000 words, and if you know me, It'll likely be about twice that or so by the time it's done.

Who knows? You might even get it sooner than usual! I usually feel pretty snappy when I'm writing a scene I have a vague plan for.

In any event, ta-ta and Happy All Hallows.

Hiding from the Spoopy Scarey Skeletons,


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