• Member Since 26th Oct, 2011
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'It's not about if you win or lose. Sometimes it's about how many pages you add to the rulebook.'

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  • 5 weeks
    Not dead.

    Alright update time for those still paying attention. I am still planning to continue a lot of stories here, however my muse has got me over at Spacebattles writing a WORM GIJoe fic..... yeah it's as weird as it sounds. I do plan to try and knock out a couple of TGaP and prolly a Rock Type before the end of the month though.

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  • 44 weeks
    been a bit

    Alright it's time for a state of the rabbit address.

    TGaP is still planned to go the full 9 seasons, but I am stalling because i've reached the episodes i've never seen before. That said i really want to get to the next big plot points and none of them are left in season 6.

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  • 97 weeks
    Update on my nonsense

    Alright so you might have noticed my writing has slowed down.

    It actualy has not. It's just spread out everywhere from TGaP.

    Every single work i have pending has at least a draft and i've been running other things here and there. So here's the comple list of what i am working on.

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  • 106 weeks
    Well i didn't expect this.

    So I just got a message tonight and it seems i've been invited as a Guest on the Barcast podcast. [horrible idea really]

    But as far as i know i will be on there this Friday unless something changes.

    No idea how this is gonna go.

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  • 115 weeks
    Just a heads up

    First off let me say that continuing in my tradtion since that one failed joke i am not doing an April fools day thing.

    Also this is your warning that it is April first.

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SiS AMA · 11:54pm Aug 6th, 2014

Alright i'm still in the process of getting two chapters done at once... okay 4. but i figure while i'm making you wait i would answer any questions that you might have about the story.

Note that any questions that will be answered later... such as the fate of Bleu and Spike, will be <Redacted>

Now for the first sorta question on gods.

Gods in SiS are like Fred Perry's were creatures. only 3 things can kill them. Starmetal, other gods, and the loss of their god hood.

The latter can be done in a number of ways, the most common is they pass their powers onto another. Though there is a spell that will temporarily subdue the power enough for them to be mortal.

As a side note Gods made by the books cannot pass on their powers. If they willingly give them up, they die.

Control of the sun and moon do not make the recipients gods, it does however increase their power to DBZ levels but all other stipulations apply to the base creature. IE if Twilight had been stabbed by a normal weapon when she held the power of the moon she would still die.

Starmetal works by negating magic, including the magic that makes a god a god so that is why the weapons can work on them. it is also why Celestia was able to survive the wound inflicted on her neck. Her body kept regenerating lost blood but it couldn't heal the wound. She would have eventually bled out when her magic couldn't keep up with the blood loss. Velkorn's repair of the wound was still not enough to fix it entirely and she needed help from the Windigo. Thier magic sped up Celestia's healing enough that between Velkorn's surgery and her own insane healing ability she was able to recover though she still bears the scar on her neck.

Keep in mind none of this means jack to the Elements of Harmony themselves The first gods might only exist as souls tied to the Elements or loosely to locations and other ponies [ Grace and Troph for examples] they are not bothered by starmetal nor do they fear destruction by the 'lesser' gods. If their vessels are destroyed[in the case of Aviana] they will return to their anchor, either the books or the Elements of Harmony, which cannot be destroyed by anything that exists in Equus. In fact it may take the return of the Spirits themselves to ultimately kill any of them, this includes those that have become books. They can take flesh and blood forms but are limited by those forms

Report TDR · 327 views · Story: Stories in Stone, Lost Empire ·
Comments ( 51 )

If you could go back to when you first wrote the first story, intending it to be a 1 shot, what would you tell yourself without giving too much away?


2349446 Probably take more notes and make a proper timeline. I'm going back through fixing a few large plot holes now that i could have avoided with a bit of foresight.

U put that Spike and Bleu thing because of me Im guessing

So since Celestia has a child and she was a god when she gave birth does that mean Zecora is a god and thats y she as lived this long or is it that sinces she is an offspring of a god she has an extended life


2349619 You are not the only one.

2349642 It is not 100% that a god will give birth to a god. Zecora is a god due to Baelit , not Celestia. Zecora is a zebra god which means despite her mother being a alicorn[or in the more specific case an earth pony] she is 100% zebra thus defying the already wonky pony genetics chart.

Now then let's look at Dusty for example. She is one of a multitude of children sired by the Griffon god Fred...... ahem.. Talon... she is not a god an has a normal griffon life span to look forward to.

Lionheart [ the first one not the current.] Is the son of a earth pony mare and the dragon god Onyx Scale. First gen half dragons have extended lives regardless of their connection to deities.That gets progressively shorter the further they move away from their sire. With several of the first gen half dragons still being alive even a thousand years in the future. Some of them even served in the war of night with Princess Luna and Jer'rahd, though they are past their middle age by this point. The current generation of Half dragons which include the current Lion Heart will live slightly longer lives than a normal pony, though no where near a dragons life span.

Now heres where is gets complex. There are examples of creatures related to gods having extended lifespans and extra powers the pony example of this is the Pegicorn [ Cadence for example.[ I don't care what the canon is in SiS she's a pegicorn, not a god.]

Pegicorns [ and the other racial equivalents] also have extended lives when compared to normal ponies as well as being a bit more powerful, though they are insanely rare [Cadence is the only one known in any race atm.]

2349740 Ok that makes sense:pinkiehappy:and just 4 curosity r we going 2 c more of Celestia tring 2 accept that her teacher betrayed her or r we going 2 c Celestia b still in shock that her teacher was evil


2350009 > Redacted<

1. Is "Lost Empire" the final book for SIS?
2. When can we expect more for the alternate ending book "Reign of Night"
3. How soon can tell we find out the fate of spike and bleu?
4. What is the relationship between equestria and the new dragon empire (if that's what it is)

That's all I got..... For now :)
P.s. If any of my questions have been answered in the previews books just let me know because I'm in the process of rereading them

2350408 Lost Empire isnt the last story TDR if Im correct said there would b 2 more stories that goes with the main story.

2350337 Ok well then um:unsuresweetie:........ what about twin babies of Rhede and Zecora r they going 2 play a major role in the other books or will the rest b more of a CMC+pip adventures, and could I ask what chapter u r going 2 let pip confess his love 2 the one who will not b named in case my guess is right, and when is Discord going 2 edmit his love 2 pinkie come please Ill cry till I die of dehydration again which is a question I should ask myself how the hell am I typing this if Im dead


2350408 Yes. There are side stories and I will do last dance which will be a one chapter End to the series, but i don't plan to do any more books.

Reign of Night, Record of Beryl wars, are side stories and Mare, Dragon and the Draconuss is a prequel but there won't be another full Book.

2. I have half a chapter [a long chapter] built of it but i get to a point that i am unhappy with and i rework it. It'll happen , just not sure when.

3. :facehoof: soon enough.

4. Nothing yet.

2350559 Wolf and Fox might be in a side story or two , but they won't have any real important roll. Lost Empire is the closest thing i'm doing to the next generation type story line.They are still infants in this only about 1 or 2 years old so they won't have any major part. Unless i decided to do a 'babies day out' chapter......

Oh by the stars the shipping. more of that is coming

2350735 Come on I know you r going to ship Pinkie and Discord, and I think I know who your shipping with Pip but not completely sure I just want to know
Also are we going to meet this Astra character from the last book in this one or in Last Dance


2352797 you may be right for all i know . ..... but maybe not

Astra really won't be in anything sge may make a last apperence here or there in Last Dance , but she isn't a central plot point char.

2353058 do you have any plans with the the Blueblood thing or is it just there to cause Kaisuar and Luna stress


2353821 <redacted>

2354662 Is the love cursed prince going to play a role in any future chapter or is he just there to have Shinning Amour keep his promise


2354904 > redacted< Though it's not a big part.

2355422 ok heres a question in the !st book did you ever plan on killing someone of and scrap the idea or did you always think that these characters would live through anything


2355800 Keep in mind i did kill Jer'rahd at one point. He was actually dead for a few moments while Bleu was breaking healing gems [ i do plan to put that in the rewrite as to why they are not more common place. ]

The five beasts were set to survive other wise the first chapter wouldn't make any sense.

Platinum on the other hand, she was not meant to die at first. However it was going to be more of a CoCo style deal where Bleu was the real singer known as platinum and the mare who was her caretaker was abusing her ability and there would have been a whole chapter on Jer'rahd outting Platinum as a fake and taking over as Bleu's care taker.

Then i realized that would never work as Jer'rahd wouldn't have any real reason for wanting to take her as a partner. He'd help her out but only to probably be turned over to the dragons.

So i reworked Platinum into what she was. It made much better reasoning.

I did however have plans to kill all of them off in book two, but i slowly scrapped them .

2356552 y did you scrap the idea of killing them off in the second one I wouldnt have liked to see them die but to see how everyone would react knowing that even the 5 beasts died and espacialy Twilights because it would be her fault for the death of them all, and did you have a certain order for that like who would die 1st then last and are we going to see that here is that why you put Blueblood with Kaisuars oldest because hes going to poison Kaisuar or hold luna hostage and tell him he has to kill himself to save her wait I cant ask this question..... damit:ajbemused:


2356912 :twilightoops: Whoa ...... ummm no. Keep in mind Blue blood would have to get poison made of starmetal or from another god to even bother Jer'rahd in the slightest. Luna would rip BB apart the moment he tried. No BB did what he did with Orange in order to get Jer to leave him alone. He doesn't know it was Rhede who threatened him, but he has suspicions.

Starfall was going to die fighting Wind Razor and peach blossom was the one who was going to save Dash and finish off the mortaly wounded griffon.

Claymore was actually going to kill Bleu in that fight and that would be what set Fluttershy off.

Velkorn was going to try and help people in the war and get killed as she was swarmed by changelings protecting the pair who wound up being Ice Berry and Paint Brush Lily

Rhede was going to be killed in that part with Silver Claw.

Jer was going to die saving Luna [or fighting Celestia] his death was basicly going to be what set Luna off to destroy everything that stood against equestria. After wards she was going to give Twilight her power then take her own life as she couldn't deal with losing every one again.

That wound up being way darker than i was comfortable with at the time.

Though if you want a dark story Reign of Night and Record of Beryl wars are probably what you wanna read.

2357866 That would have been cool and its not that I want a darker read I was just wondering how they would have died after u said u scrapped the idea and last question its DT right:derpytongue2:


2359708 You might still like reign of night when i get around to doing more with it. that is in the works by the way.

Also what?

2359832 Pips in love wit Diamond Tiara right


2359905 >redacted<

2360447 COME ON..... just this one:fluttercry:::fluttercry::fluttercry:please I pinkie promise I wont let anyone else know and I wont bug u with my stupid questions anymore:fluttercry:please


2360512 if it wasn't a plot point that builds into something maybe

2360841 FINE:pinkiesad2:I guess Ill wait but I will check out Reighn of the night and the wars 1:pinkiehappy:also good luck with writing the of the books I feel u will do a good job

Ok I know I said I wouldnt ask anymore questions but I have some I thought of awhileago but refused 2 ask because I pinkie promised I wouldnt but they were starting 2 bug me so now I just have 2 remember them...... :pinkiehappy:ok I dont know if tany of these will be redacted but are we going to meet trixie and her foal, how much are we going to see pinkie sense, and to finish it off are we going to see Starfalls love intrest play an important role:pinkiehappy:

Sorry for the questions but they were just bugging me and I know some of them are stupid but I need to see if we get more character depth

p.s. are we going to see um... shit whats their names OH the ferey mare and her love intrest


oh boy
2371916 Trevor is not going to play any real part in the series but he will pop up most likely in a flash back or two..

the Pinkie sense is kinda played out and i don't think i have another use for it in the story.... maybe in a flash back.

peach Blossom?you mean an important roll like helping starfall save Rainbow Dash? or participating in a massive rainboom? i think thoose were kinda important. He will pop up again mind you but the story focus is on the crusaders with flashbacks to the others.

grace is the Ferrymare and troph is the monster in Jer'rahd that's her love interest. They are pretty much done though some flash backs may happen. Last dance will fill in more with them.

2372021 Ok,I wasnt saying he didnt play an important role just seeing if he'll help out in this, and are u going to bring back the order because I think that would be cool seeing them back and last question is what is this whole CMC when there alone make complete disasters


2372743 The Order will not be back. What Luna did not kill Rhede did. Luna got the ones she knew and Rhede got the ones no one knew.

The running joke with most writers is that the CMC when it's just the 3 of them cause untold destruction and chaos the likes of which worries discord. It's a running gag i made a semi plot point.

2372817 K that makes sense:derpytongue2:Ok I have a question in the 1st book in the SiS series when they where voting why did you have Spike say that the only one thats should be let out was Bleu:flutterrage:when I read that part I hated Spike because out of all of them Velkorn should be let out why because she didnt want to kill anything and saved lives on both sides of the battle field while Bleu on the other hand would kill anything that was a dragon, hurt her family or friends, or ordered to kill. I just hated that moment because there is no way Bleu should get freed over Velkorn


2374431 Spike said out of all of them the only one who deserved to be let out was Bleu, because of all of them she committed the least atrocities . In fact she went against what the others were doing to make sure that some dragons got away rather than killing them like she was supposed to. Spike didn't think the others should ever wake up. After the story he felt that way about Luna too.

Velkorn killed a baby because it was what her people had done for generations. She didn't even think to try and save it or raise it right , her first instinct was to kill the child. Bleu only took out attackers and those who had harmed her or her friends directly.

2374593 ok I guess you have a point there but still I dont like it


2374818 i could always point out i needed a 6th to make everything ballenced so Twilight would have to choose

2375196 yeah, here`s another question out of all your SiS books which one is your favorite and why, did you ever except to answer this many questions and are we going to see the dragon empire


2376539 hmmm tough one each book was planned out entirely from the get go to be honest with the exception of Lost Empire that has an idea i'm building towards , but it's not set.

Why not


2376776 Fine I think I get the most questions redacted out of everyone who asked a question
ok when are the cry and touching moments in Lost Empire going to happen you know the parts that will make everyone cry and say "you suck" or " You are an asshole" when are those parts comming and is someone important going to die and please at least answer this don`t say who just say if someone important is dieing please just this once:fluttercry::pinkiesad2:please


2378129 You know i can't answer that one. Ruins the suspense.

2378624 Fine can you at least tell me if the love cursed kid falls in love with someone in the story please I have asked the most questions got the most questions redacted. So please just answer that


Hes only about 4 at this point. A little too young for that yet.2378885

2379118 ok what about in the last dance are we going to see him in there or is he goimg to get a girl friend and how much of a time spand is there going to be between Lost Empire and Last Dance


2379208 upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f6/HAL9000.svg/1024px-HAL9000.svg.png

I'm sorry Dave, I can't answer that question right now.

are there going to be characters that we thought were dead inn later chapters


2379728 see above

2379965 ok well that`s all the questions I got right now so thanks for answering these annoying questions and my stupid ones good lick with the next chapters:derpytongue2:


Next chapter is almost finished. I just need to go over it again. It's a rather long one. Half tempted to call it the Seinfield chapter cause not much happens despite the size.

So its been a while since we talked so my quetion is how are you doing:pinkiehappy:and can you fiannaly anwser the spike and bleu question:pinkiesad2:just for me


2452638 Not bad getting some what impressed that the old SiS chapter is going into it's 3rd split chapter, finishing the song fic part of the new part of LE and that's about it

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