• Member Since 6th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 23rd, 2017


Hello! I'm an aspiring artist and writer from Honduras!

More Blog Posts225

  • 352 weeks
    I'm Back Again

    Back after eight months I couldn't give this place up just yet. It's been a wild ride, I'll be honest.

    Not even sure if anyone remembers me still.

    Oh well, what has happened in this site? Design does seem to look more different than when I left.

    16 comments · 548 views
  • 382 weeks
    Considering Leaving the Site

    Yeah. It's this again.

    I'll be completely honest in this one. But please bear with me this time.

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    8 comments · 676 views
  • 383 weeks
    Top 10 Anime Deaths

    5 comments · 516 views
  • 384 weeks
    Any Horror Game You'd Want to Recommend?

    so yeah, as of recently I've been looking for some good horror/suspense games to play. (available on steam)

    If you've played one that you really liked, feel free to show it to me :3

    11 comments · 432 views
  • 387 weeks
    The Chronicles of Self-Bullying: Pt II

    So a couple of days ago a user by the name of Ender Knight was banned due to using an alt of his to constantly 'bully' himself in order to get attention from his followers.

    This was covered last blog

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In Which the Site has Gone into Shit · 4:57pm Jul 13th, 2014

Soooo apparently the whole site has gone through a minor 'change'.

First by that guy featuring a CP story,

then by those two guys plagiarizing stories.
One respectively stole work from H.P Lovecraft's 'Call of Cthulhu'
the other one stole a well known fic of the site.

And then this guy appeared

Over my near two years in this place, I have not encountered many people like this person. Makes me wonder, though-- how in the flying shit did a person like this fucker get more than 1k followers? Was it because he wrote shitty spinoffs of another fanfiction, or was it because he used the characters in said stories? Either way, I can't bring myself to believe people are still supporting him after the uproar he just made.

Yes I know, I'm a bit late into the party, but I'm still going to rant on it because it pisses me off to no end. Apparently our dear user, RealityCheck, got a little flustered just because a certain voice actor posted a picture of Appledash. Here's where it comes, the guy starts ranting that homosexuality is a sin, and that all gays are unnatural. Uh, seriously? You got nearly half of the site on your ass just because you got mad at fanart depicting fictional charaters. That is stupid and ignorant in so many ways. Then again, why is he ranting about homosexuals again? I just don't understand how people nowadays are acting against the LGBT community. They are human beings, just like every other, and have the same rights as we have. Tell me, what have homosexuals done to you? Publicly sodomizing you? I don't think so. He could've simply ranted on how the VA should've not posted that picture, but /not/ starting a shitstorm (which in this case happened, since there are nearly 1k comments already.) But that's not it, people! He's reacting in a rather bigoted way in his comment section, deleting comments after comments and he KEEPS GOING AT IT. I still gave a fuck at this

Just to know that this person still has his 1.4k followers just sickens me.
Worst of all is that he's putting a bad image to all Christians, by using the bible as his 'backup.'

You know what? Fuck this guy.
Just fuck him.
I'm done with people like him.

Edit: Apparently the blog was deleted, thinking that would stop the shitstorm. Ohhh, you're so wrong.

Report Luz · 377 views ·
Comments ( 25 )

Makes me wonder, though-- how in the flying shit did a person like this fucker get more than 1k followers? Was it because he wrote shitty spinoffs of another fanfiction, or was it because he used the characters in said stories?

Yes and yes

2280197 Agreed, though Nyx's Family wasn't half bad.

2280209 Yeah, but the problem with that is he's riding the popularity of Past Sins, not writing original stories.

that gif sums up my feelings towards this site at the moment...

2280216 Point taken. I actually didn't like that story for Nyx being in it. I liked it because it was a pretty good story.

The site just seems that it has to have drama at least once a month or something.

As a Middle-Right on the political spectrum, and a Christian, I can see where he comes from. But he's expressing it the wrong way. He's not being assertive about his beliefs, like I try to be, he's being aggressive. If Ashleigh Ball supports gay rights, that's her decision, even if I don't agree with it, I can respect it. If I see a homosexual pairing story, I simply ignore it. (Or I still read it if it's not a major theme.) Going on full-blown tirades about little things like this only makes us look like bigoted fools.

Sorry for the rant, everyone. I just want to say that not everyone who doesn't support homosexuality is hateful about it.

Tell me, what have homosexuals done to you?

They owe me money.

Seriously, most of my gay friends owe me money.

Seems like business as usual to me.

This whole situation is why I avoid the site as much as possible now. That, and I don't really care about ponies or writing anymore.

Also, his blog is no longer up. Thought you should know.

Is there not something pleasingly ironic about the user with an inflammatory profile picture complaining about this?
>>most definitely :raritywink:
I mean, perhaps he wanted to start shit and watch it go, in which case, mission accomplished. However, to say that "the site has gone to shit" over this one guy... That's giving him too much credit! :rainbowlaugh:
Thanks for sharing though. Always interesting to see a bit of drama over nothing. :twilightsmile: (as in; hopefully Reality Check has learned a valuable lesson)

how in the flying shit did a person like this fucker get more than 1k followers?

The same question applies to this guy as well

Well, now that the account of said person is dead. May I please be told who it was and be informed as to wtf is happening since I'm so terribly out of the loop?

So.. Do we hack him and force his computer to play hardcore gay porn?

2280209 but the rise of Darth Vulcan is also a nice story.

2281360 I never read that, so I wouldn't know.


2280345 I forgot to mention all of the angsty teens who are threatening suicide.

2280490 It is very rare for me to even talk about religion, because now a days, you mention atheism on the internet, and you got already 10 Christians hitting you with batons.

Problem with RC is that he blatantly insulted homosexuals, not caring about what they think. That is why most people got pissed off with him


There needs to be more variety :rainbowwild:


I didn't say it went shit just because that one guy, it's gradually turning shit with all of these obnoxious people.


RealityCheck. Some homophobic prick.


We should link him gay braeburn sex :moustache:

2281453 Man... this site is full of it nowadays.


2281555 *the world is full of it

Edit: Apparently the blog was deleted, thinking that would stop the shitstorm. Ohhh, you're so wrong.

Damn right he's wrong! Seriously, I'm tired of assholes getting all the glory. :facehoof:

I think reading all those little boxes on his profile scorched my brain a little bit...

FimFiction's period. Nuff said.

2280933 Who is that? Links don't work for me.

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