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  • offline last seen May 9th, 2019


Near a tree by a river there's a hole in the ground.

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  • 476 weeks
    One year anniversary, and regarding Apple Surprise

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  • 479 weeks
    Amethyst Star

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    New Group - Caramel

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  • 497 weeks

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Updates and Potential Series · 9:20am Jun 8th, 2014

Quite a bit to cover here regarding stories, so let's get right on in.

Firstly, The Elements of Laughter. Yeah, it's pretty much normal how I tag it all and promote it in my own blog, so you know, check it out if you haven't. I originally got the idea when I re-watched Too Many Pinkie Pies, and put myself in thinking shoes. What if five of the mane six were Pinkie Pie? Well, that happened, and the fic was born as a result. Some people might complain that this fic was too OOC for them though, to which I say:

Alternative Universe

You know, the one tag that pretty much gives the writer the free will to make the characters however he/she wants. Albeit, sometimes that can come across as an excuse for lazy writing, but I think I captured hybrid Pinkie + other mane six fine. Obviously, I tried to give each one a separate personality for Pinkie's psyche. For instance, Fluttershy is pretty much a Pinkie Pie clone from the mirror pool. And I think that worked well, even better considering it was Fluttershy.


Although I didn't put a tremendous effort into this fic, I can't deny it was a bit of a hassle to write. It kept dragging at points, and the amount of times I kept replaying the pilot episodes to make events similar got obnoxious. It might show, it might not. I'm not the best judge. But if I had a favourite part, I'd pick this:

“Applejack,” Twilight began, “Who tickled me when I was in doubt to fall off the cliff so that I could be caught by Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, represents the spirit of... Laughter!”

Actually, that entire reveal was quite funny to me. I do enjoy reading back through this story, and I'm rather intrigued by this select universe. How would the show have gone if five Pinkie Pies existed? I look forward at Too Many Pinkie Pies, which in this universe would be called Too Many Pinkie Pies, Applejacks, Rainbow Dashs, Raritys and Fluttershys. All five of them clone themselves a bajillion times.

...I think Equestria would require a field day with that one. Fun? Fun?

Oh yeah, one more thing about this story. About a minute after it became shown on the site, it had that one dislike. Meaning, someone read the entire thing within a minute. Yeah, I'm not buying it. Is there someone who just hates me?

Next up is Cheese Pie Cake. I have the ending set up. I just need the rest of the journey. The majority of Chapter 5 is done though. At present, there will be six chapters, the last should be rather shorter than some of the middle ones. I'm not giving away spoilers at all for this, I want it to run its course. There's already a one-shot sequel/spin-off planned though. I think way too ahead on things. I won't give that away either, but let me just say that if you like Cheese Pie Cake, you hopefully should like the one-shot.

Actually, it doesn't end there. There's a potential long running series for AFTER the one-shot. It's not the one this blog is referring to, since this idea is still rather in alpha stages (in other words, I'm not sure if I actually want to do it), but it might be rather... unexpected to many members on this site. It'll be covering something I don't think anyone on this site has covered before. I know that sounds bland considering every story is individual, but trust me when I say that it REALLY is different. Again though, I'm not even sure if I'll run with this. At this early stage, I'm estimating running on around 70,000 words or so. I really do think many things ahead (I sometimes hate it as well), but regarding if this series goes on, your guess is as good as mine. Eventually, I might make a blog revealing this series and what will happen. If I write it, there we go. If I don't, I'd always be happy to let someone else take it, since the premise for this series seems rather promising if it can be pulled off right.

Swaggin' Spike doesn't really need much to cover. Some of the second chapter is done, but like I mentioned in a previous blog, it's not a priority. It doesn't really give me any pressure to release just to satisfy myself, or that sort of thing. It will really come out when it does.

The Calling Night. This is really in-progress as well as Cheese Pie Cake. While the previous fic is almost done, this one will kind of take over. I don't think this one might be as long, but I've been wrong about my word counting before. I'm a little surprised at the low views it received on its first day compared to Cheese Pie Cake though. Cheese Pie Cake hit the popular box on its first day and remained there for a few, whilst The Calling Night didn't. I'm not complaining, but it was rather a surprise. I guess there are many things to attribute to this though, such as the members online, the activity, and the premise itself. Just a mere observation. I kind of hate the idea of updating a fic that I put time and effort into which hasn't gotten a huge amount of views though. Something a writer has to fight I guess. After all, I'm not huge on this site ...yet. I'll still enjoy writing The Calling Night though, regardless of those low views. I mean, I like what I have planned for it.

One that has been nearing it's completion: the clop. I'm not going to elaborate on much here, but as a reminder, it's a TwiPie, and it's hot. Take hot in whatever way you want. I know what way I'm taking it. And as a heads up, it contains futa. I might make a blog when this story is next up to be posted, so that you can all be aware ahead of time for it when it comes to that. I'd rather not just upload a clop out of nowhere.

Now the finale; this potential series. Now this is where I have to state something. What with Cheese Pie Cake and The Calling Night, as well as other planned fics, this is rather tough. Three stories as of now incomplete, which isn't necessarily putting stress or pressure on me at all, but of course requiring longer gaps to complete than if I focused solely on one. Some can hate that idea, basically just "HURR I WANT NEXT CHEESE PIE CAKE DURR" and so forth. I can't argue with that. I mean, I want the next The Rock Farmer's Daughters (yay for shout outs) already, so I'm in the same boat. I know many authors balance various fics at one time. I think Sir Hat does this, and yet... and yet... they're all amazing. Everyone has different styles, and me putting various fics in progress at the same time isn't bad at all, but it certainly does create those longer gaps to spread the load. I think if I hadn't made any fics after Cheese Pie Cake, it would have been long finished. The point I made earlier about The Elements of Laughter can come in here too. It took quite some time to do, which of course means it took away the time I could have put into The Calling Night or Cheese Pie Cake.

What am I saying here? Well basically, I operate how I do. I don't rush just to please the waiting readers for the next chapter, because that never does any good. I've read fics where the finale kind of sucked due to rushing (cough New Toys in Town cough). I won't deny I rushed towards the end there. I don't want to rush again, unless I'm doing a speed fic like Heart Theft was.

As for this series, it's rather tricky. Here is the premise and the title. Be aware that the title and that aren't final:

TwiPie Reflections

Synopsis: Twilight and Pinkie Pie look back at times to remember their experiences with their friends.

Categories: Romance, Slice of Life

Tags: Teen, Sex

Ok so, this idea. Basically, this takes place after the Season 4 finale, so they have the friendship castle rather than the library. Twilight and Pinkie Pie have been in a relationship for a long time, and during their day to day hanging outs, they remember back to episodes throughout the show. So for instance, Rainbow Dash would check out a Daring Do book or something, and then they'd talk about Read it and Weep and how they were worried about the pegasus or something. The idea is that they talk about the experiences they've had (or haven't if they weren't the main focus of the episode) as a couple. Through their dialogue, they bring up a few points regarding continuity things, things I might personally feel about the episode, and perhaps a few issues, some crude humour possibly making its way in too. Some of the chapters will have guests, like Rarity might come in for Green Isn't Your Colour and start complaining about how jealous she was, or something like that. Episodes will get their own chapter (two-parters will be one chapter), and they will be fairly short. I'm not expecting anything above 2,000 words for each one, but that would be addressed if it came to it. Since they are a couple, they do indeed engage in couple things. So they will kiss, compliment each other, all that gist. And that will also include, if the tag didn't give it away, sex. They will have sex, they will acknowledge they have sex, but it will never be shown. They might talk about how amazing the previous night was or something, and some might end up with the two heading off to Twilight's bedroom. But no clop here.

So what's the problem here?

There's a few. First off, the dedication. Since every episode is getting covered, this thing will be massive, and will take a long time. What I plan though, is that this would only be a side thing, not a main focus. Since chapters are short and sweet, it wouldn't gain most of my time. Because of its long length too, I'd be open to updating this slowly. Like, once a week slowly, that sort of thing.

Secondly, the premise itself. I need to know that this hasn't been done before. I've searched so far and haven't come up with anything, but I ask that anyone tell me if this has been done. I don't want to copy anyone here.

Thirdly, the reception. Now, I might sound selfish in saying I want this to be popular, but given its length and dedication, it's really what I expect. I don't really want to shell out 80,000 or more potential words on a long series, only for it to have a couple of hundreds of views. Also with this, I actually want to know that this idea would be nicely received. After all, I don't want to write a series if people don't like the premise itself. I really sound greedy and selfish in saying that, but put yourself in my place with that situation. You'd want the recognition for your long work wouldn't you?

Regarding this series, I really want feedback for this idea. It's a green light for me at the moment, and I'm rather hoping it can go well if I proceed, but again, I really need the premise to be seen as good. This sort of thing can drag over a long time, and if people don't like it, then what's the point?

Apologies if I kind of ranted a bit on this blog, and also regarding its long length, so thanks for getting through this huge block of text if you did. I'd really like thoughts on TwiPie Reflections though if you're willing. No pressuring at all, it'd just be nice to have some thoughts and opinions. And again remember, the synopsis and title aren't final, so any suggestions on those would be appreciated too.

End blog here.

Report Derpator · 271 views · Story: The Elements of Laughter ·
Comments ( 3 )

I enjoyed The Elements of Laughter, actually. It was a light-hearted little spin on the show and it didn't have any pretensions to be other than what it was. As for the one dislike--pshht, I don't know why, but there's always that one dislike during that opening time when the fic is newly posted. Sometimes it shows up right away, but more often, it's just as it's about to drop off the front page. Basically, it means nothing except that it does ax the possibility of its hitting the feature box (usually). Who knows who does it or why? I find it's best not to dwell on it.

Calling Night--could be the ship? Dunno.

Clop will sit at the top of the feature box for forty days and forty nights.

I'm not sure how TwiPie Reflections would go, just because some readers might dismiss it as "oh, it's just a rewrite of the show," but I'm not the best judge of what'll be popular, so maybe others will think differently.

Write when you're ready. I wish I were faster about turning out chapters, but I have RL commitments that involve lots of reading and writing, and which won't go away.


I've definitely seen that clop point. They always seem to make it to the popular box at the very least. Kind of makes me wonder if mine would reach featured. How many followers could I get just from that alone? I don't know, but I guess we'll just find out when it's released. How comes clop always gets featured anyway?

I can probably see it about The Calling Night. TwiDash seems to be the biggest ship right now, so they usually get the attention. It can possibly be that. Maybe RariPie has died down a bit. Too hard to tell.

It's actually been an issue with TwiPie Reflections. It is, in a way, rewriting or reviewing the episodes. But it does it from Twilight's and Pinkie's perspective, rather than a 'professional'. So in that sense, it's using their characters to go back over their own history, making comments, perhaps a little joke, whilst also getting across some fourth wall things in a subtle way. It's a bit confusing. I think I'd also set up a sort of situation which could 'trigger' the episodes. So they won't just sit around and go: "HEY REMEMBER THAT?". I'd probably make it so they are doing a certain activity, such as a new pony comes to town, so Pinkie immediately does things relating to A Friend in Deed, to which Twilight tries to get her to stop. Poor example, but that's the gist. I guess half of it can be putting across the moral of the episodes, or a reminder, while the other is the romance relationship I've put them in on a day to day basis, so real life will be happening for them too. What might even drive it further, is that the episode mentioning's could be really only minor, like perhaps only a few conversation sentences, with the rest of it in their situation.

The romance is tough for me as well. I originally got the idea that they'd get together shortly after It's About Time, but then the readers would have to believe they've been a couple for all the time after that, but not done anything during the episodes. I could always get around that by stating a few romantic events they went through during the episode, while not shown on screen, like they could have made out during events in Too Many Pinkie Pies or something.

Another alternative is to make it so they got together sometime after the Season 4 finale, and then they comment on 'What if' scenario's during the episodes, complimenting each other at parts. Like, perhaps during Baby Cakes, Twilight would give a slight comment saying that even though it was brief, Pinkie looked cute in diapers. Small things like that.

The only other alternative I can really see is that it's all set in an alternative universe and that they've been together for a long time, but things in the episodes have gone differently directly as a result. I'd rather not do this one though.

I could always remove the romance altogether, but honestly, it's what makes up half of this idea to me. If it isn't there, I just feel like I'm repeating the episodes. I kind of want to give it a different approach from a romance perspective.

It's still a bit iffy. What I might do is put forth a few episodes, say up to Griffon the Brush-Off with the first or second romance front, and upload them all at once. See what the results are for those, and if they're good, carry on. If it's bad, I can always just drop it or take a different approach. Guess I won't know until I try.

Wow, long post.

It's still a bit iffy. What I might do is put forth a few episodes, say up to Griffon the Brush-Off with the first or second romance front, and upload them all at once. See what the results are for those, and if they're good, carry on. If it's bad, I can always just drop it or take a different approach. Guess I won't know until I try.

I meant to respond to this earlier, but I think this is an excellent idea. You can think of it as a little piece in itself, so that you work on something that could be seen as self-contained and don't feel too blown around by the reception.

Hey, I know what you mean. I'm proud of my work on Looking Glass World, but sometimes I feel a bit discouraged about it, too.

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