• Member Since 19th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 16th, 2015


Just another writer that aims to entertain. Nothing to see here, move along. Though yes, I am very feminist. Don't like it? That's nice.

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Seriously, People? · 12:53am Apr 24th, 2014

Sometimes I'm really ashamed of this fandom. :facehoof: And disclaimer: I know this doesn't apply to all bronies, and I assume that you guys are all decent people, but this apparently is enough of a thing to make me feel sick.

I haven't been keeping up much with MLP, show-wise, comic-wise, or the news, but do you know what I have heard of? Stellar Eclipse, and how a some bronies are sexualizing the s:flutterrage:t out of him.

For those of you who don't know, long story short, Stellar Eclipse was the wheelchair pony in the Trade Ya episode. He's the OC of a kid who wanted Stellar to appear in the show as part of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Both he and his mother requested that bronies not make clop of said character, but well, we shortly discovered why we can't have nice things. :pinkiesick:

Just... really?!

Don't get me wrong. Normally, I hate "think of the childrens!1!" arguments when it comes to clop, and as criticism of the fandom in general. Does the fandom have issues with being racist, homophobic, ableist, and misogynistic? I would say "hell yes, and it's completely awful." Does it make porn that children might see? I would say "I don't care." In a day and age where awful parents will buy their sons Grand Theft Auto V to let them beat prostitutes to death and in general socialize them to be entitled, violent monsters, and where daughters are taught that their thoughts do not matter, that their bodies are not their own, that harassment is just the way things are... yeah, it's totally gonna be the weird internet porn that f:flutterrage:ks them up.

But this? This is completely disgusting. These bronies went and intentionally went against the wishes of this kid and his mother to... I guess spite a disabled child. And plenty of bronies, including ones on this very site, are defending said porn. Stay classy, people.

I kept my head down and kept my mouth shut during the Molestia takedown scandal (and for the record: thank f:yay:k she's gone), but for this one, I just had to vent. Say what you will, but I will seriously be disappointed if my stance of "let's not be jackasses to a disabled child" is somehow controversial.

EDIT: Okay, somebody pointed me in the direction of a twitter link that says that the kid does not, in fact, mind the porn. I was misinformed on that front. However, the fandom is still having an issue with sexualizing the self insert of a minor. And if you seriously have a problem with me being disgusted with that, well,

Report LDSocrates · 744 views ·
Comments ( 50 )

That explains why the character looks like someone's shitty OC :moustache:

I've seen a ton of rage about something the past few days, I guess this was it. My gods, it's horrible. Now my confusion is replaced with a medium sized ball of "just no". It's just, no. People shouldn't r34 everything they see just for the sake of their jollies.

Actually... Stellar himself has openly said that he doesn't care. It's his mom that's upset. Stellar's response was "It's the internet. Whatever."

It's MLP; everybody looks like that.

I know, right? And it'd be one thing if it was just that, but a lot of them also did it just to be assholes. It's awful. :pinkiesick:

Can you get me a source on that? :unsuresweetie: I like to have my facts straight. But even then, I would personally still argue that we shouldn't be sexualizing the self-insert of an underage child anyway. I'm hoping that is also a stance that isn't controversial.

I wouldn't have known about the clop without seeing this blog post.

This is freaking it. We can disapprove as much as we want, it doesn't matter. The pictures are already online, and once a picture is online it leads its own life, and is nearly impossible to kill.
However, there was no way for it NOT to happen; there simply so many people out there, that a few will do it.
And expecting the entire brony fandom to be nice? :rainbowlaugh:
I hope that you know that most of the first wave of bronies were/are 4chan users, more specifically the /b/ wall.

Actually, the story about him not wanting people to do that was fake. source

I didn't know about it either until I saw somebody else talking about it... along with links to all the arguments of people defending it. So yeah, it's a thing. A horrible... horrible thing. :facehoof:

I know about the fandom's origins among the biggest den of bastards known to man. I'm not asking for everybody to be nice forever. No fandom is completely nice. But our fandom is so notoriously horrible that other fandoms shun us for very good reason, what with the death threats, rape threats, homophobia, misogyny, etc. That? That would be a nice thing to stop happening. It's never gonna stop, but it'd be nice. :ajsleepy: And it doesn't mean I have to keep quiet about it. :ajbemused:

Okay, thank you for getting me a source on that; as I said below, I like to have my facts straight. I still say we should not be sexualizing the self-insert of a minor, though.

Pretty much this!

I try not to judge peeps who are into pony porn, I really do, but there is a reason I stay well clear of certain parts of the brony fandom.

You... Supported the ahutting down of Molestia? You believe you have power over the internet? You have no power here!

Don't blame ya. Whatever gets someone off is their business, but then there are things like this that make my skin crawl. :facehoof:

I'm not quite sure if that was a joke; tone is often lost online. :rainbowhuh: But I'm going to assume it is. Yes, I supported the Molestia takedown. The blog attracted a certain kind of revolting person, and all the death and rape threats they threw around after the takedown showed everyone just how revolting they could be. Some of those death and rape threats were directed at pegasister friends of mine, one to the point of tears, for which I have yet to forgive this fandom for.

Such wretched filth is certainly still here, but at least they don't have an infamous icon to rally around and make the rest of us look bad. I can live with one less evil in the world, I guess you could say.

2040550 No,y ou don't understand. Molestia is like the damn internet. Dirty, idiotic, stupid, but pretty funny. At least to me... Anyway, if you log onto the internet, you should be prepared for ANYTHING. To that weird porn, or that awesome anime, if you can't handle it, just ignore it. And if one of your friends broke down into tears, again, you need to be prepared for stuff like that if you shut down Molestia. She was famous, awesome, and pretty damn funny. So people like you, trying to take stuff down on the internet? Like I said before: You have no power here!

some times i feel bad about being a Brony

the girl who got molestia taken down, she got a lot of hate mail and rape freats, it also turns out she wanted to take it down because she was a rape victim so she didn't want the rape in mlp, i feel so sorry for her

The lack of Molestia begs to differ. :scootangel: Also, you just implied that it was my friend's fault for not being "prepared" to get death and rape threats because of the Molestia takedown. You can go fuck yourself with a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire, cocksore.

Yeah; too bad we all can't be as sensitive and, well... decent. :ajsleepy:

I am sorry, but no.

Rape and death threats are not something you should "get used to."

And "You have no power here!"? Honestly, that is one of the most sickening things I have heard. Anyone on the internet has a voice, dissenting or otherwise.

2040584 Begs to differ... Just because someone got raped, and didn't want that on the internet, brony made, no less, doesn't mean take it down. We were making the best of it. Laughing at it. We all know it,s real, but at least laugh at it. Like Pinkie said, "Giggle at the ghosties." Besides, you can't really shut down Molestia with the fanbase she had. There's already like four more. But that's not the point. You don,t take something down because something happened. That's jist being unfair to people who really enjoy it!

Oh yeah, trust me, there is plenty of stuff that makes my skin crawl too!

2040605 Really? Let me say something. One: I fidn it funny rhis has turned into a philosophical argument. 2: We're the human race. Most of us don't listen to other people. Three: If she hadn't helped take it down, she wouldn't have gotten the threats! There was no reason to take it down! None! It was funny, and reminded me of the internet.

That's not for you to decide, you dolt. Are you a rape survivor? Doubt it, the way you talk about it. And don't you fucking quote a children's show at me about something as serious as rape.

Anything you post from now on will be deleted without comment. You are a disgusting human being and I sincerely hope that Hell exists so that you may burn in it. Good day sir.


that person dose know that the person who made Molestia was not just stop doing Molestia because he was bored of her but also said don't give hate to the person who shut it down, the person who did Molestia was a nice person and it's not like he stop, he's doing gamer Luna which is far better and funnier then Molestia (note: i was watching Molestia only for gamer Luna and to see if her and Derpy get together ) if someone told me to short mine down as it was herting them i would

Comment posted by PrincessLunaTheGamer deleted Apr 24th, 2014
Comment posted by PrincessLunaTheGamer deleted Apr 24th, 2014

Shit is fucked up. That's really all I can say.

Okay, here's the thing: while he may be the OC of a minor, how do you know that Starry Nights himself is a minor? By all appearances he's an adult: he owns his own shop and sells his own merchandise, something a minor couldn't do. Hell, the kid who created him is 17, which in most first-world countries and most states is one year older than the legal age of consent.

I'd appreciate it if you would explain to me, politely, what the issue is here. What you're claiming "shouldn't be controversial" is a position that is based on what you admitted is personal disgust, which is something mostly subjective.

I'd honestly like to hear your thoughts on the matter for clarification.

I'm going to pretend you didn't seriously try to justify this drek to me, and we're going to continue to be amiable acquaintances. Sounds good? Sounds good.

...I dunno, dude. Maybe I'm misreading it, but it's starting to look like this whole thing was a hoax from the very beginning. I haven't been keeping up with literally any part of the fandom these days except fanfiction, but looking at that twitter link that was sent to you, there's another link at the bottom which suggests that this whole thing might have been completely faked from the start.

I could be seriously misreading the thing I just linked (it's late and I'm tired,) and I'm not going to say anything DEFINITIVE one way or the other, it's just... something to bring to your attention.


How am I supposed to form a proper opinion on the matter if you flat-out refuse to explain to me your reasoning? You can't simply say that something is right or wrong without backing that statement up.

I want to understand your perspective. I want to know the reasoning behind this so that I can properly form a judgment on it. But if you're simply going to immediately dismiss any arguments made against you instead of bothering to address them, you're not helping.

I've learned that the single most important thing to do when arguing on the internet is to keep an open mind to other perspectives and to understand that other people have different views of right and wrong, and that nobody, not me, not you, and not anyone else, will always have the answers to everything, and that anyone can be wrong. I've made an effort to think critically about my own beliefs and try to find out which ones are worth having, and which ones are simply wrong and not worth having. I've managed to reject some of the most deeply held beliefs I've ever had because I was able to recognize others' perspectives and acknowledge when I made an error.

So please, that is why I ask for you to offer me your perspective. I want to understand what you believe and why you believe it, because that is how I will be able to develop my own view of the world. I am trying to be understanding of you and your perspective, but I cannot do that alone.

Thanks for at least looking into it, but... well. I have a tumblr, I know tumblr, so I know to be dubious about tumblr sources. :twilightsheepish:

It is not my responsibility to educate you, chummer. Nor is it my responsibility to seriously have a goddamn conversation about how sexualizing a minor is not okay. There's open-mindedness, and then there's get the fuck out. This is the latter. I'm willing to give you a lot of wiggle room because the last asshole tried to quite literally argue that rape and death threats are okay, but this conversation is so not going to happen. Goodnight.


I thought this wasn't about sexualizing a minor, though, I though this was about his OC. Isn't that something entirely different?

Look, all I'm asking is for a way to better understand the world. You say it's "not your responsibility to educate", but then what's the point of saying any of this? What are you hoping to accomplish with this post?

I want to improve myself and my views so that I can better myself as a person, but how can I do that if you're just going to brush me off instead allowing me to understand your perspective? I'm trying my very hardest to be understanding, but you're giving me nothing to understand.

Just what am I supposed to do here? Just walk away not knowing what I'm doing that you find so objectionable, and absolutely no means of learning what it is? I'm trying to be understanding, and you're responding by being rude. Do you have any idea just how hurtful that is?

If I'm bothering you, I apologize. I'm not expecting you to have to explain if you don't want to, but I would appreciate it if you would consider telling more about what's happening here, since I'm a bit clueless.

Comment posted by Metal Luna deleted Apr 24th, 2014


I'm trying to be understanding, and you're responding by being rude. Do you have any idea just how hurtful that is?

Look, as I said, some asshole earlier tried to convince me that rape and death threats against a friend of mine were her fault. I might be more amiable about this tomorrow, but bottom line is that right now I am in a mood most foul.

Oh, but you, I think I wouldn't like you no matter what mood I was in.

I mean how would you feel if a bunch of bible thumbing jackoffs decided to go on a crusade and destroy one of your favorite gay blogs.

Oh my fucking god. There is so much wrong in your post, but let's focus on this one sentence, because if I deconstructed everything that made you look like such a cocksore, I'd be here all night. You seriously, seriously, just walked up to a feminist queer man and compared the takedown of a rape joke blog to censorship of queer media by religious zealots. Because trying to dismantle rape culture and the persecution of gays is the exact same thing, right? Because pissing off a bunch of goddamn white male perverts is exactly as bad as the systematic oppression of every sexuality besides heterosexuality, right?

In all sincerity, in all seriousness, in all honesty, from the bottom of my heathen heart: fuck you. Fuck you, and fuck off. Unfollow me immediately, I do not want to be associated with you, and may Morgan Freeman have mercy on your soul.

Comment posted by Metal Luna deleted Apr 24th, 2014

When stuff like this happens I usually like to think that it's just trolls trying to make bronies look bad that do this. In many cases that's not true, there's some really bad apples in the fandom. But you should remember that it's not exclusive to the MLP fandom. There are A**holes in every fandom.

I think the most annoying thing about this is the people trying to justify it with "well it's rule 34" and essentially saying that "he was asking for it" *shudder*. Bleh.

If the kid's just shrugging it off, well, I'd actually feel the same if I was in the same situation. :twilightsheepish: But people being super defensive about the porn in question is...eyebrow-raising to me. I seem to recall similar arguments about Lauren Faust's OC getting the same treatment, actually. Yyyyyyeah......

But hey, on the plus side, Stellar Eclipse is best new tiny horse and if he showed up here and there in the future, I'd be super happy. Would love to see more fanart and perhaps some fics (I don't think there are any yet, actually...?)


I apologize if that person was acting like an asshole to you, that was certainly uncalled for. If you don't want to talk about this, that's fine.

2040410 Yeah, well. People are gonna do it anyway, and if he doesn't care I don't see a problem with it.

I so far haven't seen much in the ways of decent clop on derpibooru, what are you even on about?

I know that, but I also know that this fandom is notoriously awful - and it seems like bronies are the only ones unaware of this. :applejackunsure:

I know, creepy, ain't it? It's almost as if this fandom has a lot of misogynist men that care way too much about their insignificant little libidos, but that'd just be ludicrous. :unsuresweetie:

If Stellar shows up more, or if he strikes some inspiration for me, I might write him sometime. As has been previously established, this fandom can be ableist as hell, and they've already been assholes to this kid and his character, so I would like to give him something with some dignity. :moustache:

Yeah, I'd really rather not. This whole thing has blown the hell up, and only served to remind me of the pure loathing side of my love-hate relationship with this fandom. :ajbemused:


Yeah; too bad we all can't be as sensitive and, well... decent. :ajsleepy:

That's not for you to decide, you dolt. Are you a rape survivor? Doubt it, the way you talk about it. And don't you fucking quote a children's show at me about something as serious as rape.
Anything you post from now on will be deleted without comment. You are a disgusting human being and I sincerely hope that Hell exists so that you may burn in it. Good day sir.

Yeah, gonna have to point out you have no room to talk about being sensitive and decent when you're wishing eternal torment on to someone. Seriously, I wouldn't even wish that on actual rapists. Severe punishment yes, but eternal torment where you can't even have death as an escape? No, because eternity is a length of time that can't even be comprehended fully.

You seriously need to keep a cooler head. I don't care how much you care about something, treating people that way is pretty bullshit considering I'm pretty sure you want people to be nice to you.

"Cooler head" nothing. Let's get one thing straight here:
I am not kind to awful people. I am not sensitive to the feelings of cocksores that walk as men. I have a sharp tongue and I use it. Even if they are "nice" to me, they can go fuck themselves. I don't see myself apologizing for that. If you think that makes me indecent, that's your prerogative, but it's equally my prerogative to think you're a jackass for comparing me telling that guy to go to hell, and that guy saying rape and death threats are okay. And that? That is more bullshit than anything I could possibly conceive saying.

You've been a pretty regular reviewer from pretty much the start, but ... no. Just no. Please do not contact me again, I do not want to hear from you.

2044490 Fine by me. At least I'm not a hypocrite who asks for support from others during dark times only to to act like a complete asshole to others when it fits me.

A person who's... nice sometimes? And mean other times?/?1! That's so hypocritical! :pinkiegasp:
Yeah, bye, won't miss ya. :trixieshiftleft:

2044579 Feelings mutual. All you've done since I've watched you is moan and never update.

Comment posted by PrincessLunaTheGamer deleted Apr 25th, 2014
Comment posted by PrincessLunaTheGamer deleted Apr 25th, 2014
Comment posted by PrincessLunaTheGamer deleted Apr 25th, 2014

Hypocrite, Intolerant, and a Zealot. Wow, sounds familiar.

I hate hypocrites, and intolerant fanatics like you. They make this world a shit place to live in. One day, when you throw a pity party don't be surprised when find yourself alone.

Oh, and please, don't reply back when you're done reading this, there is absolutely nothing I want to hear from you. It will probably be some vile hurtful nonsense anyway so just save it. Delete this comment and move on with your pathetic existence. I'm done giving a crap about you.

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