• Member Since 30th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen April 20th


I really like ponies. Also Discord, a whole bunch. ;P

  • EDeja Discord
    Discord’s lack of empathy and a pony's sensibility has been tolerated by Celestia, but while both the princesses and the bearers of the Elements of Harmony struggle with even more dire problems, Discord is forced into a lesson of his own.
    Ckat_Myla · 99k words  ·  456  20 · 10k views

More Blog Posts182

  • 64 weeks
    *leaving this here*

    This will probably not reach a lot of people but I thought I'd post it since preorders are now available.

    Maybe you want to read this book


    0 comments · 103 views
  • 134 weeks
    Happy 10th anniversary aPS

    Enjoy this commemorative Tiktok I made and this amazing commission redraw of the cover by EvokStudios on Twitter.

    The Tiktok

    Perhaps next year for its 10th birthday on this site I juuuuust might post something new 😉😋

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  • 136 weeks
    See ya'll on 9/25


    Not sure what you'll be getting but it's a special day

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  • 157 weeks
    My Other Writing Spaces

    My new writing spaces👇👇👇

    Wattpad (original and fanfic)

    AO3 (fanfic)

    Read More

    2 comments · 213 views
  • 243 weeks
    So I dropped a new fic

    Don't know if I want to continue it, especially as it's been so long since I actually wrote it and I'm not even really active in the fandoms of either things the story pertains to anymore.

    Plus it does feel a little off-brand for me. I think I'll see how it's received and then either continue or delete it after maybe a week.

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    1 comments · 262 views

See you... out there. ;P · 8:03am Apr 18th, 2014

Well, it may need some slight tweaking still, but it is up.

I'm gonna go ahead staple my thanks to everyone I mentioned in the Pony right here at the top. Thank you to those people I mentioned there.

I'll give a big, gigantic, enormous thank you to all of the pre-readers I've had for this story. RB who stuck by me but sadly had to give up helping due to RL commitments, Jadeile, Narfy, and Piquo Pie for stepping in at different intervals (and especially to Piques for pretty much doing what Midge did for me last time around). Also to my NaNo buddies (both years I did pony) especially the Knoxville 'Knoxwrimos' group and fellow fimfic author Kittypetro.

Thank you to the writers of Star Trek: tNG from back in the day, especially to the ones from Deja Q, without whom I wouldn't have had such a wealth of inspiration to draw from.

That goes for the writers of MLP as well, especially the ones for the early Discord episodes.

Thank you to everyone who commented, faved, liked, or just read/skimmed the fic. I am blessed to have people actually care enough about it to follow it to the end.

Most of the thank yous I did for aPS carry over here, so at least this one will be shorter. ;P

I really hope everyone enjoyed this story, even if you might have some problems withit (no work is perfect, I know) I do hope it was at the very least an entertaining ride. You might consider coming back when I have story #3, maybe?

What is next for Ckat, you ask? (I know you didn't actually, but let's pretend you did ;) Well, with hope that third story, which does have a good amount outlined and written, but needs some love and much hammering-out.

I'm hoping to get back to my voice projects (tSD being one of them) maybe some more Literature Pie vids, and lets cross our fingers/pray for some more pro voice work coming my way.

There's also a new little fandom I've joined (very little, and if you saw that abomination of an April Fool's post you'll know what it is) that I'm thinking of doing a bit of fic-age for. I have a little something written already, actually.

In the immediate future, there is the awesome fun time happy Pony Trek Live stream party tonight at 9PM EST. Come join us if you can to watch Deja Q and win prizes. You can ask me about this story, aPS, or maybe a little about future stories if you feel like it. Just a heads up though, I will be under the assumption that everyone in the stream will have already read the last chapter of DD, so if you are really sensitive to spoilers (for whatever reason) just beware.

And I wanna thank you all again from the bottom of my heart to the top of my imagination (and that thing is boundless) for reading, enjoying, and sticking with me and my little series for this long. I do hope I haven't disappointed you, and that I never do in the future.



Chapter titles song lyrics list:

Chapter 1: Can't Sit Idly, No I Can't Move At All (Discord) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDMGv3hNMes&list=PL-6AXvxNEcWInQVZRwOvsz0MTpzH3IER2&index=2

Chapter 2: You'll find the right way to cherish in dreams

Chapter 3: Longing For the Logical, but He's Only Happy Hysterical

Chapter 4: What Passion Could Reach Me, What Lesson Could Teach Me  (If I Can't Love Her

Chapter 5: Someone Who - Like it or Not - Will Always Be There  (Being Alive)

Chapter 6: Not a Question but a Lesson Learned In Time (Time of Your Life [acoustic cover])

Chapter 7: Pleasing Everyone Isn't Like Me

Chapter 8: These Questions Like a Whirlwind Carry Me Away  (Flowers for a Ghost)

Chapter 9: Magic We All Share, How Much We Learn to Care (So Much Left to Know)

Chapter 10: Where the Past Comes Back to Life (Clarity)

Chapter 11:  On Account of My Transgressions, Will You Welcome This Confession  (So Contagious)

Chapter 12: Where Do We Go From Here (Where Do We Go From Here)

Report Ckat_Myla · 1,001 views · Story: Deja Discord ·
Comments ( 5 )
Comment posted by Xion_Stellar deleted Apr 19th, 2014

This story was very enjoyable to read from start to end and I have to say your writing has improved/mature if you compare this to Book #1.

I specifically like the way you describe the mental state of a character as you try to convey to us the readers the maelstrom of thoughts and feelings a character is having on any paticular scenerio without having that character say anything.

While the pacing of the relationship between Discord & Twilight can be seen as developing slow enough to have Sweetie Bell yell "Oh come on!" by some readers I for one enjoy the pacing of it and while I did expect "something" to happen at the end there between those two it's great to see that you didn't do it and decided to do things at your own pace.

I enjoyed Book #2 immensely and I really hope that it won't be too long before we see Book #3 surface on the site because I love this this story you have going.

Good luck on you future endeavor and I hope we hear more about Book #3 soon.

This story was truly amazing and I can say I enjoyed every chapter of it! I'm a bit late on finding it and reading it, but better late than never!

I do hope it was at the very least an entertaining ride. You might consider coming back when I have story #3, maybe?

It was, and dear god YES. In fact after submitting this comment, I'm going to follow you just in case :raritywink:

Thank you for the amazing story!

2651173 Well, thank you for the support and I'm so glad you liked it/them. I'm hearing a bit of struggle trying to get #3 ready. But I hope to in the new year.

Well good luck, sorry to hear about the struggle! Don't push yourself too hard. And awesome, another reason to like 2015 already :yay:

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