• Member Since 26th Oct, 2011
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'It's not about if you win or lose. Sometimes it's about how many pages you add to the rulebook.'

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  • 5 weeks
    Not dead.

    Alright update time for those still paying attention. I am still planning to continue a lot of stories here, however my muse has got me over at Spacebattles writing a WORM GIJoe fic..... yeah it's as weird as it sounds. I do plan to try and knock out a couple of TGaP and prolly a Rock Type before the end of the month though.

    7 comments · 196 views
  • 44 weeks
    been a bit

    Alright it's time for a state of the rabbit address.

    TGaP is still planned to go the full 9 seasons, but I am stalling because i've reached the episodes i've never seen before. That said i really want to get to the next big plot points and none of them are left in season 6.

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    2 comments · 600 views
  • 97 weeks
    Update on my nonsense

    Alright so you might have noticed my writing has slowed down.

    It actualy has not. It's just spread out everywhere from TGaP.

    Every single work i have pending has at least a draft and i've been running other things here and there. So here's the comple list of what i am working on.

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  • 106 weeks
    Well i didn't expect this.

    So I just got a message tonight and it seems i've been invited as a Guest on the Barcast podcast. [horrible idea really]

    But as far as i know i will be on there this Friday unless something changes.

    No idea how this is gonna go.

    7 comments · 339 views
  • 115 weeks
    Just a heads up

    First off let me say that continuing in my tradtion since that one failed joke i am not doing an April fools day thing.

    Also this is your warning that it is April first.

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Lost Empire · 3:12am Feb 10th, 2014

Alright some of you have already asked this and i mentioned it in the comments but i figure i will put it here. Cause well that's what i do with questions.

Q. Why are Lost empire's chapters so short?

A.Two reason's really. The first is that these are the introductory chapters showing the four main chars of this story and their current situations. they are more like an exstended prologue than anything else.
The second reason is the more important one.

I have no idea where i am going with this.

No ... I take that back.

I have an ending, as well as a number of set pieces to LE. Problem is it was going to be a one or two episode side story in the beginning. Kinda shot myself in my lil' rabbit paw with this one. Still thanks to a few comments and emails i have a few very good and particularly dark idea's of what to do with this story.

First up it will have Filler.

The story will focus primarily on the four but i will be throwing out bit's and pieces of other goings on in the world at random..... i need a new division line thingy i think. This will reduce the damage Last Dance will eventually cause me, with luck i won't even have to write LD.

On that note. second Question.

Q. What is Last Dance?

A. Last Dance is the end. the flat end, nothing more to be done with this story after that point. It would reveal reveal the final fates of the entire cast of SiS. You all got a sample of it with epilogue 2 from MoT. I have most of it worked out in my notes and it is NOT a happy fanfic. So if i can avoid writing it i will.

Now then onto the Tales in Stone Project.

i've mentioned this before but TiS is going to be a collection. Mostly short stories of creatures of the garden or other small happenings in the SiS world.

The thing with this one is i am also asking any other writers who want to write something for it. I would prefer you to use some random statue or such from the garden as the focus but if you want to use other chars you can.
I would like the idea's pitched to me for a yay or nay as if something is brought up that conflicts with my own mind set i might reject it or at least change it a little.

I have two idea's for it in the works myself. Petrified Wood and Emerald eyes. the latter telling more about Greenwitch the crystal Dragon fly who told of the Crystal empires return. the former.... well ... that one's gonna be odd.

I also have some one who wrote a Celestia and Jer'rahd short that i rather want to put in there.

So if you are interested in this feel free to pitch any idea's my way. I don't have a word cap for the stories, but i would prefer to keep them at 1 or 2 chapters at most.

there's a few more details , though i'll pass those onto the ones interested.

Report TDR · 247 views · Story: Stories in Stone, Lost Empire ·
Comments ( 6 )

1818088 more like the ones from Sis but good ballad there

I will write something. Someday. I just don't want to write anything while I already have an important fanfic to write, and I don't feel like advancing that fanfic right now.

Is there a dead line ? For when we need to have a story done

Ye gods what about crossovers? I dont know how but the end of ponies and sweetiebell chronicals both come to mind! Iam just a dumb bird tho and yea just ignore me if iam being stupied


1833881 Nope

1833912 that might be a bit much.

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