Meh. · 4:06am Jan 29th, 2014
Hey guiz. So, I've been away for awhile for personal reasons (before anyone asks, no, it is not because I was depressed, or because I quit, or because I was getting super youtube famous. It was for reasons regarding school).
Now, this site has changed even MORE and my page looks more and more UNBEARABLE to lay my EYES upon! Can anybody tell me what's going on?
Also, what's even more depressing is that I've had tons of story ideas that I just threw out the window because I get sick of writing them halfway through. I may or may not have thrown out at least 20k words that covered six different stories. Balls.
But, no matter, at least I'm going to waste all of my money on a PS4 soon so I won't have any time to think about what I'm doing with my writing. I am quite adept at procrastinating, after all.
In any sense, new story soon, and by soon I mean maybe in the next two weeks and maybe never EVER EVER <3
- Churchy
Just some site updates by that lovely guy knighty.
It'll be easy for you to fix up once you get the hang of it.
(You do get TEN custom boxes now.)
~Skeeter The Lurker
1770516 It's become clear within the first two minutes that I have no idea what I'm doing.
I, too, am a half-done story thrower-outer. I shudder to think how many words are sitting unused in my folders.
And, yeah. They've been on a site changin' tear recently. Pretty soon, all of our pages will get Rainbow Power.
Dick around with it.
You'll get it. Trust me.
~Skeeter The Lurker
1770523 If only the world could run on rainbow power...
it would only work after a rain and it would be about as inconsistent as my father.
Hope you're doing well! Good to hear from you!!
How's your girlfriend? Hopefully y'all are still together.
Keep it strong, looking forward to hearing from you!
You should write a story about it. Or ten.
1770889 HA! Yes, my girlfriend and I are still together. Actually, our one year anniversary is in a month or so. Weird.
1771293 I kin writ 10 storees g1ve me 10 minits
Ten mints for ten stories? Deal! Where should I send them?
1771509 Congrats and stuff!! Hope that it continues stronger than ever!