• Member Since 18th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 2nd, 2014


I throw parties and everyone is invited to them. But please, leave your shoes at the door.

More Blog Posts21

  • 552 weeks

    Eh, so I'm really struggling in the "story idea/story writing" department, as in, I really don't feel like writing at all and it feels like a burden.

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    13 comments · 566 views
  • 554 weeks

    Hey guiz. So, I've been away for awhile for personal reasons (before anyone asks, no, it is not because I was depressed, or because I quit, or because I was getting super youtube famous. It was for reasons regarding school).

    Now, this site has changed even MORE and my page looks more and more UNBEARABLE to lay my EYES upon! Can anybody tell me what's going on?

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    11 comments · 539 views
  • 562 weeks
    Hello Lovelies!

    It's the holidays, and you know what that means!



    I understand that some of you never once abandoned the holiday spirit since last year, and for that, I applaud you.

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    16 comments · 424 views
  • 564 weeks
    Original Story Concept

    So, I sorta kinda came up with an interesting concept while sulking in the shower, which just so happens to be my usual brainstorming facility. It is an alternate universe fiction wherein the mane six never exists.

    But hold on... don't they?

    Here is the little blurb thingy doohickey for the story...

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    13 comments · 455 views
  • 565 weeks
    Snow in Iowa City

    That's right, the first sign of snow is now just beginning to fall here in my lovely little town, thus marking the sign of a winter full of me staying indoors and getting absolutely nothing done.

    That's probably false. I promise I'll have new material out, especially since I've got nothing to look forward to in these next few months but finals in December.

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    11 comments · 376 views

Snow in Iowa City · 7:31pm Nov 11th, 2013

That's right, the first sign of snow is now just beginning to fall here in my lovely little town, thus marking the sign of a winter full of me staying indoors and getting absolutely nothing done.

That's probably false. I promise I'll have new material out, especially since I've got nothing to look forward to in these next few months but finals in December.

Still, give me a bit more time to get absolutely nothing done. It'll be worth it. WORTH IT I SAY.

- Churchy

Report Churchy · 376 views ·
Comments ( 11 )

Make a snow fort?

1500782 What would happen if you mixed a Sand Castle and a Snow Fort?

And another thing, how far back do you think the battle between Fort Snow and Castle Sand have been going on?

Sand + Snow = Cold Beach or Cold desert. Either an ice castle in Antarctica or a castle made of black sand.

The battle was over for a while. I'd say for about a few years.

Hey! Asking inane questions to change the topic is my thing! That said, you'd probably get a fortified castle. Or White Castle? Maybe a sastle snort.

I'm sure you have more to look forward to than finals, as
inspiring as that is. :twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

Like ponies. :twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

In eleven days. :twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

"C" stands for Church. :twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

1501532 Aw. Yeah. C stands for Church.

I sectioned off a "C" for you :twilightsmile:

I'm just gonna quietly stalk you again, if that's okay. I know that I screwed that up before, but... well, in my defense, I was a complete idiot.

I look forward to more of your stories, so I might advertise and worship them unabashedly.

No pressure.

1514835 You didn't screw up. Let's just forget about it.

Also, it would help if I were actually writing stories right now instead of sitting on my ass doing nothing.

All in all, ass.

Ass ass ass.

Maybe it would help if you were given a prompt.

Fluttershy tries to save a downing starfish, but realizes that she can't swim. Sweetie Belle tries to call for help but can't because she's a little hoarse. Tia sells sea shells by the sea shore.

1518000 Tags: Tragedy, Romance. Type: One-shot. Description: When Fluttershy tries to rescue an endangered animal from the reefs of Equestria, she realizes that she can't swim. Her partner, Sweetie Belle, realizes this not a second too soon, and she tries to call for help! But soon, she realizes that there are no lifeguards on duty! Then, she realizes that there wouldn't be any lifeguards at all anyway! Then, she realizes that they aren't even on a beach! Then, she realizes she's been realizing for a good half hour, and whoops where the buck did Fluttershy go.

Tune in to find out!

Sounds good, but where does the alicorn-windigo OC come in?

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