• Member Since 7th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 22nd, 2017


Hey guys! I write sadfics and sadfic accessories! Oh, and I also do comedy things. Yeah. Feel free to check out my stuff! And I hope you enjoy whichever story of mine you happen to be on! ^^

More Blog Posts337

  • 518 weeks
    <Professional> It's... ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!

    Hello all! It's your friendly neighborhood sadfic writer, Chaotic!

    Y'know... the one who promises he is writing again but doesn't deliver for six months?

    Yeaaaaah.... I know, I suck.


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    2 comments · 886 views
  • 541 weeks
    A Short Story

    It was raining outside.

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    1 comments · 668 views
  • 547 weeks
    <Professional> New Chapter is Out!

    If you follow Tempered by Flame, this is just a notification for you!

    If you don't and are interested in the story, Click here to go to the Story Page!

    Yes, I'm writing again. Baby steps though, nothing too insane like a chapter every few days.

    0 comments · 587 views
  • 547 weeks
    <Professional> Did Some Art

    This is based off of one of the first scenes in Tempered by Flame, and should perhaps help its readers see what I have in mind when it comes to the characters' appearances.

    That little bunch of squiggly lines on the bottom are an explosion spot... don't judge my art skills.

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    3 comments · 668 views
  • 550 weeks
    Not Many of You Will Read This

    But for those who do...

    I've been feeling... Strange.
    About the writing thing. Yeah, that's right. I feel strange about my writing.
    It's not that I don't like it... It's that, well, I cannot seem to get myself writing.

    Is it writer's block? No.

    Is it real life issues? No.

    Is it just a bad case of the meh? Maybe, but I don't think it is.

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    10 comments · 830 views

<Professional> Did Some Art · 4:16am Jan 28th, 2014

This is based off of one of the first scenes in Tempered by Flame, and should perhaps help its readers see what I have in mind when it comes to the characters' appearances.

That little bunch of squiggly lines on the bottom are an explosion spot... don't judge my art skills.
(Also I know I forgot to put Cherish's horn on, shame on me. Too lazy to go fix it.)

This post also has a small point in it to tell the readers of this story that I have been working on it recently, having a bit of motivational drive to write. Chapter 4 has been initially drafted and I'm going to go back over it tomorrow afternoon after my classes.

Huzzah for writing!

Report ChaoticHarmony · 668 views · Story: Tempered by Flame ·
Comments ( 3 )

This was professional? I won't lie, I could have done this and my drawing skills are at the level of a nine-year old kid's, who had no hands or eyes. Really, shite is the only thing you'd see if you saw my drawing skills.

1767332 I label it as professional because it has to do with my body of work as a writer, silly :rainbowwild:

Professional = Pertinent to writing and my stories
Personal = Well, personal things
Promotional = Promoting things that others have done.

1768161 oh, I thought you meant someone who lived off their work drew this, Or, in other words, an artist,

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