• Member Since 6th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen April 29th

Daemon McRae

The magic comedy hoers.

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Why do you watch me? · 12:21am Jan 10th, 2014

So I just got my 150th follower. Not a huge milestone, I know. But it got me thinking...

Why do people follow me? I can understand favoriting my stories. You want to see updates. but why specifically follow me?

Now, I'm not questioning the follow feature. I follow other people, and some for different reasons. So it's not really a question of "Why the hell did you click the follow button?" but instead, more of a, "Huh, I have people following me. I wonder what made them decide to do that?"

So yeah. If you want to talk about why, specifically, you decided to click that Follow button, make a comment or something. I'd appreciate it. I think it would give me some insight into what people like about my writing so I can exploit the ever-fluffing blueberries out of it.

Report Daemon McRae · 334 views ·
Comments ( 11 )

It's simple for me, I read Seated (yeah, I looked through my favorites and then remembered that you wrote that specific story), thought it was a brilliant piece and then didn't want to lose sight of you. Mainly that's because if I ever get in the mood of reading stuff, you're one of those people where I want to see what else they've got up their sleeve.

I just follow people whose stories (note the plural) I enjoy and whose blog posts are amusing/interesting/pertinent to the stories. For what it's worth, that includes you, dude!

I follow pretty much all of the TaviScratch authors. Octavia is the kind of pony who I most aspire to be more like, and I find Vinyl Scratch very attractive. So naturally it's my favorite pairing.

Well you were on the writers group teamspeak line and you seemed pretty cool when you were on it

I keep an eye to see how your writing develops

I stumbled upon your numbers story, was intrigued by all the shiny numbers, and found it actually awesome.
And it was basically your only story at the time, so I thought something like "Wow, this new, fresh-faced young author is actually pretty good!"
And then, some time later, I found your profile again, probably by seeing 'eyes wide shut' in the feature box or something, and saw all of your other stories. Reading their descriptions, I noticed that 'Holy what, that guy has been doing that for a while, apparently; he's a pro!"
So I decided that if 'Eyes Wide Shut' and 'Johnny Spurs' was the kind of funny, quality stuff I could expect from you, I might as well follow you to not miss any of your future stuff.

TL;DR: You write funny, you write quality, and you do it consistently. Why would I want to miss your stuff?

Usually because you write awesome pony and I wouldn't want to miss anything that you write in the future.

I... don't know.:rainbowhuh:

I have several of your stories on my read-later list but I don't seem to have favourited any of your stories...

It's a mystery.

Because the few stories of yours I read were good and others sounded good.

Also Safety Off giving me a Tarantinoesque feel.

I'm waiting for you to continue Schadenfreude.

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