Hey! If you liked Pre-Bacon, you probably like vore, right? Well, I have a new anthology, "Vore is Magic", which should be up soon! Currently, it only contains one story, but I have a lot of ideas I hope to get through!
If you're watching me, you like Changelings, right? -and if you like Changelings, then you probably read at least oneofthese, in which ponies as we know them don't exist--they're
Headcanon actually destroyed this time. I was a big fan of "Fluttershy is the author of Daring Do" (and also enjoyed entertaining the idea of Chrysalis or Gilda as author). I suppose there still is the possibility that the series isn't an autobiography, and Fluttershy(/Chrysalis/Gilda) is her biographer, but that's too convoluted for me...
Cool... beans?
Oooh, a blog post from the future.
Looking forwards to episodes 3-8 as well.
huh? tough you canceled it? are you making some kind of closure chapter or are you doing a time skip and we can except more chapters?^^
Edit; i guess i missed your last blog post. Im hopeing you continue mlc and the timeskip resolves some issues^^