Soooo Cadence, we meet at last! *steeples fingers* · 4:38pm Apr 22nd, 2012
Minor spoilers for the Season 2 finale below. Check it out on YouTube if you haven't already!
Okay, that. was. EPIC. Definitely not what I was expecting when I initially heard "wedding episode."
One of the aspects I was most curious--and worried--about was Princess Cadence. She brought to mind the question all fanfic writers fear . . . will I have to majorly revise my story? After all, I had made a pretty big deal about their being only two alicorns and now a third one pops out of nowhere? Dun dun DUUUUN, as Rainbow Dash would say.
Well, I am actually relieved to find that the episode didn't provide any explanation or justification at all for her being an alicorn. This makes me feel perfectly justified in fanonning her down to a regular unicorn princette (though still one of Celestia's nieces).
In other news, sorry it's been so long since the last story update . . . I've been incredibly busy recently! I'm hoping to have the next chapter up sometime today. All I'll say about it is that I cackle and twirl my invisible mustache every time I think about this next chapter.
Cadence turned out amazingly non-annoying, non-sickening and non-frustrating. They managed to sell her and Shining Armor's love pretty well, at least to me.
She wasn't too bad... and I think I can fit her in. helps my own fics are massive AUs already.
The Alicorn family is sort of like Donald Duck's family: no parents or offspring, only aunts and nieces.
That nothing was said means nothing needs to be gainsaid. Good for fanfic authors.
BTW, in at least one picture I think the princess from the old story in Hearts and Hooves day also had both horn and wings. I now suggest that the correct taxonomic name is "Princess Pony". Princesses have part of all ponies. If you're a princess, you get horn and wings, and vice versa.
No princes have been seen yet.
81148 Oh yeah, the Hearts & Hooves Day princess. I imagine there could be some artistic license going on there, though, the way Celestia was portrayed with an all pink mane in that one book. We've seen one prince . . . Blueblood! Or did you mean specifically alicorn princes?
I'm stingy with the princess title; IMO if Celestia and Luna are the supreme rulers of their land, no other ponies in Equestria should have the same title as they do. (Outside of Equestria is fine.) It would be like England being ruled by a King Edward, but concurrently having a bunch of other kings in England who have the same title but completely different functions. It doesn't make any seeeeense.
Of course, it's possible that Cadence comes from a country other than Equestria, but then . . . what was she doing hanging around Canterlot being Twilight's foalsitter?
I'm sorry, I meant Princes, not princes. (In my headcanon, Blueblood is a Duke...)
Yeah, I guess Equestria is a principality per default, so...
Cadence (who I keep want to call Candace, but that's the big sister in Phineas and Ferb) is obviously a princess in exile who has to take the few jobs allowed to such a lady, such as governess (or "foalsitter", as the plebs say). The exile will be due to one thing of A, a curse, B, an evil stepmother, C, bad breath. You heard it here first!
BTW, I find it very gratifying that raw magical talent is a family trait for Twilight; with that forcefield her brother is immensely good at what he is, erh, good at. Which i assume is protecting people.
There actually are some ancient kingdoms that do something like that.
Take Egypt for example, by all means it had three kings. One, to rule Upper Egypt. One to rule Lower Egypt. And the Pharaoh, who ruled all. Though yes he did have his own title, he was still a king nonetheless. I can see there being other Princesses around there in Equestria. Though, Celestia and Luna would be the High-Princesses if you will.