Prototype Shining Armor · 7:58pm Jul 22nd, 2012
I thought you guys would find these interesting . . . Prototype pictures of Shining Armor, from the Arena.
Different hair materials tested:
Different mold, too:
Different mold AND color scheme!
Though I'm glad they went with the white and blue color scheme--CLASSIC--I really wish they'd chosen different hair material and gone with the alternate mode. Because what we ended up with is basically . . .
I gazed with what I'm told is called a gimlet eye at the picture responsible for my current condition. This condition was that of having tea, rather than internally placed as is traditional, but rather externally worn, apparently as some sort of decoration. I mean to say, a chap has the bally right to drink his t. at the computer without it deciding to abandon all reason and attempt to mate itself to a chap's skin eh?
I suppressed a yelp of protest and returned the cup to terra firma atop my desk, and began concocting a comment. I was not necessarily expecting remuneration for my troubles but I did bally well mean it to sting. This bird Kryten with silly blue hair and an expression like one who has gone and replaced the soda with something with a tad more potency such as gin, and then gone on to offer a chap a whiskey and soda.
But we Gingers are a forgiving lot, and the red mist receded as quickly as it had come. This was a woman made of the right stuff, I remembered, and it was doubtless not her intention to force the expectoration of tea.
tl;dr, you made me spit my tea you utter cad.
Images are broken.