Context is for the weak · 9:28pm May 18th, 2012
I wish I had the patience to split up the G1 comic panels into individual JPGs that could be randomized, like that one guy did with Garfield.
Ponies: They're what's for awesome!
I wish I had the patience to split up the G1 comic panels into individual JPGs that could be randomized, like that one guy did with Garfield.
Smashed throne? Jewels in the eyes that guide you back home?
There's an epic adventure fanfic there.
122503 It's a pretty action-packed comic! As much as I said I wouldn't give context . . .
So in this case the jewels LITERALLY allow them to see.
That said, it hadn't occur to me that they could 'guide' in the sense you're talking about, and the idea intrigues me . . . *files away for future brainstorming*
That's mildly horrific, to be honest. I'm reminded of the Diamond Dogs, but having them underground so long that they go blind?!
"We can't see! We've been underground too long!"
: "Cram these jewel shards into yer eyeballs!"
"Do what?!"
: "Heck, it ain't like yer gonna go blinder!"
Oh god this is amazing