• Member Since 3rd Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 10th, 2019


Pinkie Pie is best pony. (Though all my fics are about Spike and Rarity.)

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  • 450 weeks
    Spoilers for today's episode...

    Spoilers below cut...

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  • 453 weeks


    I repeat:


    (spoilers ahead)

    Okay, I almost actually cried when they got their marks. Not kidding. And I had to come somewhere to flail about it, because no one else understands. I've tried to tell several people how big this is today. They all just pat me on the head. (Side note: why doesn't anyone in my real life love ponies the way I do?)

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  • 480 weeks
    New multi-chapter? (Question mark?)

    Guys, I've had a fun story idea kicking around in my head for ages, and I've just written the first couple pages of it. I LOVE IT so far. Sooooo much love. That said, though...

    I don't have a lot of spare time in my life, so if I was to start posting this new fic, updates might be spaced apart.

    Also: it's not Sparity-centric.

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  • 481 weeks
    Whoa. Two new oneshots? Whaaaaaaat?

    Well howdy, everypony!

    Between rewatching Season 4 and boarding the hype train for Season 5, I've managed to squeak out a couple of new stories for anyone who still keeps track of this account. I know I'd put myself on permanent hiatus from writing pony fanfic, but bah. I'm a grown up, and I do what I want. Yeah!

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  • 481 weeks
    The State of Sparity: Season 4

    I've recently finished my rewatch of Season 4, and I've gotta say, I'm really pleased with how they've handled the Spike/Rarity relationship this past season. I hope they continue to handle it with care in Season 5.

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A Look Back, and What the Future May Hold · 2:46pm Sep 15th, 2013

So hi.

You may have noticed, I finished Of Age. Finally.

You also may have noticed that you're all friggin' awesome for keeping up with it for fourteen months.

Clocking in at 80,000 words, finishing this story is a massively huge deal for me. It's not the longest thing I've ever written, but it's certainly the longest fanfiction I've ever written. And it has many other distinctions beyond that, which I'd like to take the time to go into.

Think of this as a documentary blog post. Ever want to know what challenges I faced getting this fanfic from start to finish? Ever wondered how I came up with this plotline? Want to see my rockin' Sparity t-shirt? Read on.


This all started back when I finished How to Woo Your Lady in Nine Easy Steps. I was exhausted, proud, and relieved. My first big fanfic, completed. And well-received! I was shocked at how many followers it had gained. Every time I updated, it shot to the top of the "popular" list on Fimfiction, and I would just shake my head in awe.

But it was done, and I was done, and I needed to concentrate my efforts on my original fiction.

Yet something ate away at me. Something wouldn't leave me alone.

See, while writing HTWYLINES (as I always abbreviate it as), I made the pointed decision to keep it as close to the show as possible. I wanted it to feel like an extended episode of MLP. That meant, however, that some parts of Spike and Rarity's relationship would simply not be dealt with. I wasn't going to address the awkward potential age difference. I wasn't going to talk about inter-species dating. And I certainly wasn't going to have them physically interested in one another, in any way beyond "Rarity's so beautiful!". This was a G-rated treatment of Sparity, and for that, I was blown away at how many readers it got. It's still my most popular fanfic, to this very day.

But it didn't resolve a lot of the actual problems Spike and Rarity would've faced if they chose to get into a relationship. And that's what bothered me. Anyone who ships Sparity knows that these hurdles are difficult to address, and usually the number one reason more people aren't into the pairing.

I tried reading a few fanfics, to give myself resolution to those problems, but I couldn't find any that felt right to me.

So I started a one-shot. A one-shot, where Rarity writes to Princess Celestia, asking about how dragons age, and gets her questions answered by the alicorn that raised Spike. It was going to be short and sweet and...whatever. Done. I wasn't allowed to write any more long fanfics. Short and sweet was all it could be.

That one-shot never was completed. It sat on my computer, half-done, and I knew that these questions pertaining to Sparity would take far longer than one simple one-shot to address.

So I made a deal with myself. The reason I allow myself to write fanfic at all is to grow as a writer. If I was going to tackle another multi-chapter fic, I had to make sure it contributed to my growth. I had already done a cutesy, romantic, slice-of-life story. HTWYLINES was my "practice writing a romance" fic. I had to kick things up a notch this time.

1. The story had to tackle the age difference and species difference questions.
2. It had to handle more mature themes all around (which is where the idea of war came in).
3. It had to involve a cast of not just MLP-established characters, but original characters. (Moxie was the first that my brain came up with. I love her.)
4. Spike and Rarity actually had to lock lips at some point.
5. Rarity, as the character I find most difficult to relate to, had to be the main protagonist. And she had to save the day.

And so it began. A more mature handling of Sparity, but true to the heart of MLP nevertheless. This was going to be a challenge. I had no idea if people would like it. Almost immediately, I had people who didn't. That was fine. It's a bit squicky thinking of a businesswoman trying to figure out if some kid is old enough for her to make out with. I GET THAT. But my goal was to make it as non-squicky as possible, because that's not how I see their relationship, even if that's how many others do.

So I started posting chapters, got on EQD, felt pretty good about the direction it was going, despite the immediate backlash from folks who aren't into Spike/Rarity...

Then a few things happened.

I lost everything at the end of summer 2012. My notes, actual WRITTEN CHAPTERS, everything. My computer died. Somehow, every other file I had was safely backed up, but these were gone. I was crushed.

Eventually, I pulled myself out of that and carried on. And that's when I invented the gargoyle/meteor plotline, so it all worked out. I started writing the story again, more determined than ever to see it through. It ended up being a stronger story, thanks to the demolishment of the original plotline.

Then, at the end of 2012, I broke my knee. Badly. Shattered. I could barely stand. Barely walk. Life became its own challenge. And wouldn't you know it, just days after that, my boyfriend of 7 years decided to leave me. Completely out of the blue. Now I wasn't only physically wounded, I was emotionally destroyed as well, and living alone trying to drag myself around my apartment on my one good leg.

Needless to say, romance was the last thing on my mind at that point. I couldn't stand to look at my fanfiction. Romance was a giant lie. I was beyond jaded. I couldn't go a day without crying. Life. Seemed. Awful.


I had readers. I had a storyline that I really liked. I had chapters waiting to be edited.

So eventually, I pressed on. And, as cheesy as this is going to sound, Rarity and Spike helped remind me that romance isn't a lie. I actually grew to be excited about the idea once more. I had thought I was done with my personal "falling in love" adventures, but no. Someday, I'll get to have that adventure again. Not everyone gets to look forward to falling in love for a second time. I began to see myself as lucky. And that changed everything.

I dove back into writing. I bought this awesome t-shirt (see below) that I wear pretty much nowhere other than around the house, but I love it anyway. (Yes, I cut my face out of the picture to retain some semblance of internet anonymity.)

And I busted out more chapters.

Meanwhile, my original writing started going places. I had professional deadlines to maintain. I could feel that side of my career nearing its take-off point.

So I pushed myself and finished this fanfiction over the past few months, inbetween non-fanfic writing deadlines. And I promised myself that this time, truly, I'd have to be done with multi-chapter fanfics.

I have a full time job. I can only write in mornings, evenings, and weekends. And that time must be devoted to my career-track original works, as much as possible. To convince myself, I granted myself a couple final presents. I finally landed that new toy set with STEF'AN (heck yeah!), and I splurged and got myself a Pinkie Pie cutie mark necklace from Etsy.

That brings us to the question...


I am not done here. Nope.

But I am done with the big'uns.

For the foreseeable future, I won't be able to devote my already limited writing time to multi-chapter fanfics. I have to be smart about this. Fanfics don't advance my career, and certainly won't bring in any income (boy do I ever wish they did, though). If I want my "on-the-side" author career to really get going, I have to cut out other distractions.

Obviously, though, I'm not a machine. I can't just go to work every day, come home, and write my "real" writing. So I will still allow myself to dabble in fanfiction, as long as I keep it short. For real, this time. I've worked out all the plot bunnies in my head concerning the bigger aspects of Spike and Rarity's relationship. Between Of Age and HTWYLINES, I'm honestly satisfied.

I do have some short story/one-shot ideas bouncing around in me, though, that I'm sure you'll get to see at some point down the road. And I know a lot of people are (SPOILERS) crying for a sequel for Of Age, where Rarity and Spike go looking for the other eggs. To them, I have to say, I completely understand where you're coming from. I left that open on purpose. I didn't want the story to end and have everything under the sun wrapped up. This is life, after all. They need a place to go next. But I'm not sure we need a fanfic about that. I've got a personal head-canon (of course) about how their adventure would go, and what they would discover, and where they would end up, but I don't have any plans to write it in its entirety. I may write some scenes from it in the future and post those, but I see this hunt as more of a life-long quest. As such, it doesn't make for a cohesive story.

Phew. Anyway, so that's that. Of Age has reached its conclusion. I feel beyond grateful that you all cared enough to see it through to the end. I'm not disappearing from this site, or this fandom, anytime soon. Trust me. I just unfortunately won't be able to write epic-length fanfics anymore. If you want to stick around to see what one-shots I come up with, you're welcome to continue to follow me! If not, well then, it's been swell having you as a reader.

Thank you all again! May there be many wonderful episodes for Spike and Rarity in Season 4 and beyond!

Report paleowriter · 503 views ·
Comments ( 16 )

I really like your mane...

Well, I'm glad you'll still be writing. I can't wait for the first and only installment of whatever. Is that shirt custom made?

1351679 I got it on WeLoveFine. :moustache:

lol i have that sam exact t-shirt for myself too :3 xDD I mean not the same you have, because that's yours, but i have one equal and same color and design i got in We love fine haha

and well, I really enjoyed your stories, and it's kind of sad you wont write another long fix but, i understand why you wont, i myself write and is not an easy deal. Not when you have a lot of other stuff to do...

But still, you've made already a big and very important contribution to sparity fandom. Because you've addressed their relationship problems very well, and you've made a lot of sparity haters to become more positive about the it, and for me that's pure gold, that apart of bring to us sparity fans (and Rarity and Spike as characters fans) a very nice time reading your stories, I have to say I've read some chapters like 3 times, and possibly same will happen with the epilogue xDD
I still wanna do some more artwork for OA and I will, I just sadly had last week horribly busy, and I also have own pics I wanna do too, so getting some time from drawing commissioned stuff and life is not an easy deal as to make all the "free" stuff I'd like to make done, so much ideas have to wait perhaps to never become a reality, but well, I really try to make as much as possible. And also to contribute to the fandom, I mean, I will conquer the -MLP fandom with my pics, as you did with your awesome fics along with other sparity writers. I don't like to state one author is my absolute favourite one, but I can to say you're in my top list, oh, now I guess you feel really important and proud :twilightblush:

Well, also if you don't mind, I'd really like to take that ahem SPOILER kiss moment from epilogue SPOILER END to make a short comic, I mean that was too awesome as to let it pass, so I have no idea when but I really plan on doing it, hope getting some time soon, if you allow me of course, though.

And one last question, do you like my version of grown up Spike? I mean the one I use to draw that's a bit taller than Rarity? For me your opinion is really important, as the most of people like it, some have told me he looks too like a child yet, I like him like that because if i enlarge his snout, i really find difficult making a kiss pic later, lol i mean Rare's snout is rly small! but still, don't take that into consideration as its an issue i have to solve as cartoonist...

So yeah i wrote so much, and probably i have a lot of grammatical mistakes due my lacking of a good english education xP so hope you had the patient to read all my crap xD

Oh and another question, will you perhaps write a one-shot sparity or about Rarity in the future? just wanted to know.

'It's still my most popular fanfic, to this very day.'


Damn! shit really happens when you live
Anyway, thanks for your time and your talent.
To be honest, every time you posted a chapter, I felt like a kid with a new toy.:pinkiehappy:
So, good luck with your writting career. Thanks again.:moustache:


yaaaay i really like that u will keep writing (:
i started to read ur fic on fanfiction.net , and nao here and its really awesome x3

It's a real shame your epic writing has come to an end (at least for the forseeable future)... :(
But yeah, I understand, we all have these dumb things like real lives (ugh...).
Anyway, seeing as you're still one of the greatest writers in this fandom, I believe unfollowing you would be a capital offense on my part. I'm looking forward to any piece of MLP writing you may conjure up in the future. Don't forget us! ;)

1351734 Pia, I'm so glad you enjoyed how things wrapped up. I thought you might enjoy that epilogue. You're welcome to play with any scene you'd like in your comics. I love how you draw older-Spike. It's adorable. I don't think he looks to young at all!

And yay matching t-shirts! Proud that you've listed me in your favorite authors. You're definitely in my favorite artists. Taking the MLP fandom by a Spike n' Rarity storm, we are. :moustache::heart::raritywink:

1351746 Wot? It is! I know Of Age has been big lately, but HTWYLINES was more popular when it came out and still has more views and likes even now. I think it's mostly because when I started writing HTWYLINES, decent Sparity fanfiction was almost nonexistent.

1351780 You're very welcome! Thanks for reading!

1351817 Hah, awesome! Glad to have you on board as a reader.

1352201 I won't forget you! Never fear!

In fact, to EVERYONE, you should know I've already got a Sparity one-shot on the back burner right now. Whenever I get a bit of spare time to bring it to life, you'll see it on the site. It's more comedic than some of my other works, and I'm excited to get a chance to do something light-hearted again.

Bah. Of Age is by far the better story, it should have well more likes.

1352517 On that we can certainly agree. :raritywink: Alas. It is what it is.

Still means I can dislike it.

1352544>>1352563 Yeah, but its considerably younger.

Sure, thats what we all say, but they drag us back in!

Forward! We'll have time to sleep when we're dead :raritywink:

I just love your dedication, but glad you aren't completely done with fic writing just yet. (Love that necklace and shirt too)

I like that rule of yours to only write fanfics so you can better your writing. That's a good rule. I just typically try to figure out if I can make what I wanna do believable.

And Rarity's really the one you have trouble relating to? Mon amie, you write her so perfectly no one would ever guess. They'd think you have a direct line to her brain.

Seriously hope the original work takes off. If you ever need an audio narrator (and you have a choice) have your people call mine, we'll do lunch.:coolphoto::raritywink::derpytongue2:

1352844 This really will be a test of my willpower. But I will triumph! :twilightangry2: No long fanfiction! I can do this. I swear.

1353728 Why thanks, darling! :raritywink: Honestly, the only reason I can write Rarity well is because I did a pretty intense character study of her back in the day. She's very different than me, and a lot of her true character is surprisingly subtle. She puts on these dramatic airs, but there's a lot more beneath the surface. I spent a couple months rewatching everything to better understand her way back when I started HTWYLINES. (Such grueling homework, I tell ya.) (:unsuresweetie: Sweetie Belle doesn't believe me.)

And how fun would that be if I got you to do the audio-book? :pinkiegasp:

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