• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 8th, 2018


This is my contribution to all the witty and unique descriptions that everyone aside from me seemingly has on this damned site. You're welcome.

More Blog Posts48

  • 535 weeks

    Look at this.

    It's glorious.

    Visit this fucker. http://mewball.tumblr.com/

    Hi BTW

    15 comments · 1,048 views
  • 547 weeks
    Keeping it Brief

    Thought I was dead? Too bad. I'm back again.

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    5 comments · 526 views
  • 585 weeks
    I guess... a rant?

    I've just been thinking about stuff recently, so bear with me. Anyone feeling depressed better look away. If you're feeling marginally optimistic, carry on reading. When you read an amazing book, or any book, for that matter, do you remember the author? I mean, it's much easier to remember the book itself, or the characters therein, than the person behind it. Everyone knows the fictional

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    25 comments · 738 views
  • 587 weeks
    Roleplay at its finest

    [19/10/2013 23:56:53] Trial S: Nope.

    [19/10/2013 23:56:57] Hueple Prose: Nup

    [19/10/2013 23:57:07] Trial S: ^ I concur.

    [19/10/2013 23:57:13] Hueple Prose: ^^

    [19/10/2013 23:57:21] Trial S: ^^^ This guy knows what's up.

    [19/10/2013 23:57:23] Hueple Prose: I'm a conker

    [19/10/2013 23:57:32] Hueple Prose: Hueple Prose is a conker

    [19/10/2013 23:57:32] Trial S: Smooth?

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    2 comments · 668 views
  • 593 weeks
    New Story and Shizzle

    You know the 'Luna cuts things' one I was on about? Yeah, it's here.

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    0 comments · 745 views

Halp · 10:35pm Aug 30th, 2013

Okay, I have three stories (well, six, but fuck those other three) I'm working on, and I don't have a single clue which one to do first. I'm flapping back and forth like a confused magpie at the aluminium foil tennis championship, and just not getting anything done with only a week's holiday remaining. From that point on, I won't have much time writing, so yeah. All of them have about 700+ words at the mo. By the way, if anyone suggests I do the third chapter of Winning Him Over, I will personally feed you your own beating heart and watch as you chew on your delicious ventricles, as I haven't the fucking foggiest where it's going at the moment. That said, please have a gander.

Story Numero Uno: Sugar Cubes

Dash goes and gets high on sugar cubes, because that's cool and totally not legal in Equestria. She also dethrones Celestia and becomes the Prime Minister of Dashland.

Story Numero Zwei: The Outcast (or: Holy fuck, that's a big pic)

Luna in an alternate reality, in which she still harbours a grudge over the whole 'I put you on the moon for a thousand years lol' thing. A psychological horror (if I could spell the word without fucking Spellcheck) where she cuts through Celestia's defences to finally have her well-deserved vengeance. She literally cuts through things. Like Royal Guards. Yeah. She does that.

Story Numero Three: The Spy (or something, idk)


A very hard decision, I know. They're all refined, extraordinary works of... pfft.

Report Trials · 904 views ·
Comments ( 15 )

First or third. I'm not too big on cutting things.

1318298 Well, that's no fun.

333333333333333333333 :derpytongue2:

1318321 It's dedicated to you, anyway. :twilightsheepish:

Oh god, please no. Number one. Number one all the way.

1318385 Well, it's between one and three right now...


I guess I'm gonna have to go with 2, because I need some quality psychological horror (No spellcheck. MLG), and cutting things is a plus.

1318408 Well, they'll all be done eventually. Just trying to prioritise which first. :twilightsmile:

And holy shit. You just went extreme mode, bro.

To be honest I don't care which one you go with but one and two look the most promising. As for three... well let's just say I read a lot.:twilightsheepish:

1318483 Well, number one is probably the closest to being finished...

Goddamn, including a PM, every story has three votes each. :trixieshiftleft:

1318523 Well if that's the case then my vote goes to *insert drum roll here*


1318526 Fair enough... It shall be done.

I like the first one. Dash don't give a Fuck bout the rules and she owns like that. She should shoot up at the everfree forest where all the stoners go and go on a cloud bucking spree. Of course she would buck fog clouds on the ground cuz she's just that high.

1319015 Then it is decided...

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