Roleplay at its finest · 11:31pm Oct 19th, 2013
[19/10/2013 23:56:53] Trial S: Nope.
[19/10/2013 23:56:57] Hueple Prose: Nup
[19/10/2013 23:57:07] Trial S: ^ I concur.
[19/10/2013 23:57:13] Hueple Prose: ^^
[19/10/2013 23:57:21] Trial S: ^^^ This guy knows what's up.
[19/10/2013 23:57:23] Hueple Prose: I'm a conker
[19/10/2013 23:57:32] Hueple Prose: Hueple Prose is a conker
[19/10/2013 23:57:32] Trial S: Smooth?
[19/10/2013 23:57:42] Trial S: Well, I'm a swimming pool.
[19/10/2013 23:57:51] Trial S: You know what conkers do in swimming pools?
[19/10/2013 23:57:55] Trial S: They drown.
[19/10/2013 23:57:58] Trial S: A horrific death.
[19/10/2013 23:57:58] Hueple Prose: They do?
[19/10/2013 23:58:02] Trial S: Indeed.
[19/10/2013 23:58:05] Hueple Prose: I was hoping I would float
[19/10/2013 23:58:15] Hueple Prose: Hang on, is there a Brainiac episode about this
[19/10/2013 23:58:21] Trial S: Many a conker has succumbed to my watery depths.
[19/10/2013 23:58:45] Trial S: Probably not.
[19/10/2013 23:58:52] Hueple Prose: damn
[19/10/2013 23:58:57] Trial S: Let's say a bowling ball fell on the conkers.
[19/10/2013 23:59:04] Trial S: From seemingly nowhere.
[19/10/2013 23:59:13] Trial S: But initially from me.
[19/10/2013 23:59:32] Trial S: Can we roleplay?
[19/10/2013 23:59:41] Hueple Prose: k
[19/10/2013 23:59:47] Trial S: You be a conker; I'll be a swimming pool.
[19/10/2013 23:59:50] Hueple Prose: I am the Conkerlord
[19/10/2013 23:59:55] Hueple Prose: God of all Conkers
[19/10/2013 23:59:59] Trial S: How do you do, Conkerlord?
[20/10/2013 00:00:03] Hueple Prose: And Conker accessories
[20/10/2013 00:00:04] Trial S: On this fine night?
[20/10/2013 00:00:10] Hueple Prose: Ohai Swimming Pool
[20/10/2013 00:00:14] Trial S: Hanging above me?
[20/10/2013 00:00:15] Tux Tux McStockholm: What is a Conker, other than the character?
[20/10/2013 00:00:17] Trial S: Haaai.
[20/10/2013 00:00:51] Hueple Prose: I like hanging above you, and I hope I can dangle here all night long
[20/10/2013 00:01:01] Trial S: Oh, that's a shame.
[20/10/2013 00:01:10] Trial S: The wind has seemingly picked up.
[20/10/2013 00:01:19] Hueple Prose: Oh, well that is unfortunate
[20/10/2013 00:01:22] Trial S: You're swinging to and fro.
[20/10/2013 00:01:36] Trial S: I hear your twig snapping.
[20/10/2013 00:01:38] Hueple Prose: It is unfortunate that I appear to be blind.
[20/10/2013 00:01:41] Hueple Prose: And deaf.
[20/10/2013 00:01:50] Trial S: I'm not deaf, fortunately.
[20/10/2013 00:01:55] Trial S: For I am a swimming pool.
[20/10/2013 00:02:00] Hueple Prose: Oh, I appear to be falling.
[20/10/2013 00:02:03] Trial S: Oh.
[20/10/2013 00:02:09] Trial S: What a frightful event.
[20/10/2013 00:02:09] Hueple Prose: Can you help me mister Pool
[20/10/2013 00:02:25] Trial S: Would you consider help being submerged in my depths?
[20/10/2013 00:02:34] Trial S: Because, by that, I am helping.
[20/10/2013 00:02:34] Hueple Prose: I thought I would float
[20/10/2013 00:02:48] Hueple Prose: Oh no! I am drowning
[20/10/2013 00:02:48] Trial S: Well, it seems you do not.
[20/10/2013 00:02:52] Trial S: Oh.
[20/10/2013 00:02:53] Hueple Prose: Welp.
[20/10/2013 00:02:57] Trial S: What is drowning?
[20/10/2013 00:03:04] Trial S: I am a swimming pool.
[20/10/2013 00:03:07] Hueple Prose: It's like helping.
[20/10/2013 00:03:14] Trial S: Ah.
[20/10/2013 00:03:23] Trial S: Then I am glad.
[20/10/2013 00:03:31] Hueple Prose: Thanks for the help, Mr Pool.
[20/10/2013 00:03:43] Trial S: No problem, Conkerlord.
[20/10/2013 00:03:58] Trial S: May my warm depths carry you softly to sleep.
[20/10/2013 00:04:01] Hueple Prose: Conkerlord cannot hear you, for he is dead.
[20/10/2013 00:04:10] Trial S: That is a shame.
[20/10/2013 00:04:16] Trial S: Who speaks in his place?
[20/10/2013 00:04:24] Hueple Prose: His attorney.
[20/10/2013 00:04:27] Trial S: Oh.
[20/10/2013 00:04:44] Trial S: Hello, Mr Conkerlord's Attorney.
[20/10/2013 00:04:51] Trial S: It appears you are also a conker.
[20/10/2013 00:04:54] Hueple Prose: Yes.
[20/10/2013 00:05:00] Trial S: Swinging to and fro above my waters.
[20/10/2013 00:05:11] Hueple Prose: Oh, the wind has picked up.
[20/10/2013 00:05:14] Trial S: Oh.
[20/10/2013 00:05:19] Trial S: What a frightful event.
[20/10/2013 00:05:30] Trial S: No matter, you shall see Mr Conkerlord soon.
[20/10/2013 00:05:32] Hueple Prose: Well, let me just sort through my papers while I dangle.
[20/10/2013 00:05:39] Trial S: You have no paper.
[20/10/2013 00:05:41] Hueple Prose: Oh no! I have no papers. Or hands.
[20/10/2013 00:05:43] Trial S: You are a conker.
[20/10/2013 00:05:52] Trial S: Fear not!
[20/10/2013 00:05:55] Hueple Prose: Oh, I appear to be falling.
[20/10/2013 00:05:56] Trial S: I shall catch you!
[20/10/2013 00:06:05] Trial S: And proceed to help.
[20/10/2013 00:06:16] Trial S: See? You can see Mr Conkerlord.
[20/10/2013 00:06:24] Hueple Prose: Ohai Mr Conkerlord.
[20/10/2013 00:06:29] Trial S: He appears to be sleeping.
[20/10/2013 00:06:37] Trial S: Rather unfortunate.
[20/10/2013 00:06:40] Hueple Prose: I am rather sleepy too.
[20/10/2013 00:06:47] Hueple Prose: Now that you mention it.
[20/10/2013 00:07:09] Trial S: Then I shall tuck you to bed with my pleasant mixture of hydrogen and oxygen particles.
[20/10/2013 00:07:18] Hueple Prose: Oh, how delightf-
[20/10/2013 00:07:36] Trial S: It appears I am alone.
[20/10/2013 00:07:40] Trial S: Oh, woe is me.
[20/10/2013 00:07:41] Hueple Prose: Conkerlord's Attorney appears to be dead.
[20/10/2013 00:08:01] Trial S: Is this Conkerlord's Attorney's Attorney?
[20/10/2013 00:08:05] Hueple Prose: No.
[20/10/2013 00:08:09] Hueple Prose: I am a leaf.
[20/10/2013 00:08:13] Trial S: His faithful ally?
[20/10/2013 00:08:16] Trial S: Oh.
[20/10/2013 00:08:20] Trial S: Fuck you, floaty bastard.
[20/10/2013 00:08:47] Hueple Prose: Leaf cannot hear you, for he is floating away on the wind to the Leaf Lands.
[20/10/2013 00:09:04] Trial S: Fuck you, flying bastard!
[20/10/2013 00:09:27] Tux Tux McStockholm: What is going on?
Totally didn't steal this from Prose.
Hmm. Dead god lying beneath the waters...
I think the Conkerlord is now some kind of nut-Cthulhu.
1436114 Sounds like a nutty thesis to me...