• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Jun 27th, 2015


I type stories using my hands

More Blog Posts47

  • 525 weeks
    TrotCon, Moonlight, and how to write professional speedfics

    First off, I wanted to thank everyone who read and commented on Moonlight. It's definitely my favorite story I've written yet, and it was great to see it get such a positive reception. As far as a sequel goes, I have no plans at the moment, but I might revisit it later for a short story or oneshot. The dream setting opens up a lot of possibilities, and that made it a really fun story to

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  • 571 weeks
    I will never sleep

    Looks like I'm starting another fairly long multi-part story against my better judgement. I know exactly what I'm getting myself into. I will probably regret this in a few months.

    Anyway, it's based on an idea I've been working on for a few months. I'll try to post chapters on a fairly regular schedule, unless life gets in the way.

    Stay tuned for terrible things happening to Scootaloo.

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  • 580 weeks

    I'm going to be at Trotcon in Columbus, OH this weekend. I'll be doing two panels, "Fanfiction Discussion Panel" and "How and How Not to Write Great Fanfiction," from 5:30-8:30 PM on Saturday, June 15, along with milesprower06, ROBcakeran53, and

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    15 comments · 1,197 views
  • 599 weeks
    Weekly Writer's Workshop

    I'll be doing an interview at 3 PM (EST) today on the Weekly Writer's Workshop with Golden Vision. We'll be talking about that one story I wrote that a lot of people read, as well as tips for aspiring writers. It's the perfect thing to listen to if you're trying to write a story, but don't want to actually work on it, so you're

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  • 604 weeks
    A Cutie Mark Crusaders Christmas!!

    I guess that "A Cutie Mark Crusaders Hearth's Warming Eve" would be more accurate, but it doesn't have the catchy alliteration.

    I just finished a new story and submitted it, so it should be up on the site pretty soon!

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TrotCon! · 3:26am Jun 12th, 2013

I'm going to be at Trotcon in Columbus, OH this weekend. I'll be doing two panels, "Fanfiction Discussion Panel" and "How and How Not to Write Great Fanfiction," from 5:30-8:30 PM on Saturday, June 15, along with milesprower06, ROBcakeran53, and PavFeira. I've been given very little information and don't know quite what to expect or what I'll talk about. It should be fun! Other than that, I'll probably be wandering around the con and spending way too much money at the artist's tables.

Report JasonTheHuman · 1,197 views ·
Comments ( 15 )

Dammit... why must I always miss the good stuff with work !?!!? :facehoof:

wow I should've read this before I pm'd you...oh wait :derpytongue2:

Columbus Ohio Is quite Nice. I Live there. WHY WAS I NOT TOLD TROTCON WAS COMING HERE?!:flutterrage: now i can't go :fluttercry:

So, wait, they scheduled TrotCon the same weekend as Origins? How does that make any sense?

see you there:twilightsmile:

Be prepared to be showered with Lyra merch. After all, you did write THE definitive Lyra-loves-humans fanfic.

1139127 I know the feeling, but my issues don't end at work. My car broke down yesterday :raritycry:

Oh shit, sorry man. Is it fixable ?

1140387 I wish, out a car for a week :raritydespair:

Author Interviewer

Enjoyed seeing you at the panel!

Author Interviewer

Enjoyed seeing you at the panel!

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