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Author and dramatic reader from YouTube. All your pony are belong to us.

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Three fanfic readings, a fic teaser and TV nostalgia of the awesome variety · 2:09pm Mar 3rd, 2013

Parte the Firste:

I'm currently working fervently on my own fanfic (in between visits from OfSted and being diagnosed with shingles that have left my hands looking like I fed them into a meat grinder and then presented them to a pack of hungry dogs). The fan-dabby-docious CeeHoff (author of Equestria's First Human, which is getting a re-release now it has finished being rewritten ^_^) has been helping me out with character designs and such. His work is so brilliant, I can't help myself; I HAVE to share it. Watch this space in the near(ish) future for ... Bon-Bon the Demon Slayer (which, I promise, is not nearly as daft as it sounds):

(Original pic found here)

Parte the Seconde:

My reading of Background Pony Chapter 3 - 'Foundations' is now up on YouTube --> Clicky clicky! This one comes in at 1 hour 49 minutes long, thus making it the longest single upload of any I've done so far on Pony Tales. It is also not the shortest chapter shortskirtsandexplosions has written for the fic. I think I'm going to have to start releasing the longer chapters in parts as this one took feckin' AGES to put together and I still wasn't happy with it. I can take more care when the reading is a bit shorter so, in the interests of quality, this might be the way to go. What does everyone think?

Keeping with the theme of fic readings, I have also released two one-shots on YouTube that I have taken something of a different approach to. After listening to the FREAKING AMAZING reading of Blue Steel Railway by PrinceofPenguins (click like your life depends on it!) I decided to try my hand at turning fanfics into radio plays in the style of Graphic Audio productions (seriously, check them out, their productions of DC Comics storylines are glue-your-earbuds-into-your-ears-so-you-don't-miss-anything magnificent). Eighteen hours later I finally finished one. Thus I give you a radio play production of Blueshift's Home Is Where the Harp Is:

You would think eighteen hours would be enough to dissuade me from doing another one, but my inner pedant took control of my brain and insisted I try again. Ten hours later I was finally finished with that one, too. Then I fell over and drooled exhaustedly on the floor until someone peeled me off the tiles and put me to bed. So, only slightly late, I also give you a radio play version of Growth by LimeAttack:

I'm hoping to get these two included in an EQD round-up, so any help in suggesting it to the mods there would be greatly appreciated.

Parte the Thirde:

Anyone who grew up in 1980s/1990s Britain may have recollections of the kind of kids TV produced back then. Lots of day-glo cartoons (X-Men and Bucky O'Hare for teh whin!), gameshows with oodles of gunge (Funhouse with Pat Sharp!), programmes aiming to teach you things while skirting the border of patronising you (Blue Peter and Art Attack forever!) and the odd live-action show that, despite inherent naffness, still managed to be good on a visceral level. Today I ran across what might be, for me, the epitome of this last one and it would be remiss of me not to share it with everyone so they, too, can experience the naff wonder that is ... Maid Marion and her Merry Men!

Playlists for all four series can be found here.

First episode can be found here --> How the Band Got Together

Even if you have never heard of this show before, I urge you to take a look. Robin Hood as a cowardly tailor who makes King John's underpants; Baldrick Tony Robinson as the Sheriff of Nottingham; and a band of outlaws that included a Rastafarian, a violence-loving midget, a giant called Rabies and a woman who just can't get the villagers to remember that SHE'S the one in charge. What more could you ask for? ^_^

Report ObabScribbler · 333 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

Maid Marion and her Merry Men! I loved that show! It's out on DVD but I always held off buying it because it was ridiculously expensive! It also had Cat from Red Dwarf in it!

The X-Men cartoon is one of those things that everyone has really fond memories of, but is actually pretty terrible :twilightoops:

It's my pleasure to help :twilightsmile: Also I have released "The Tale of Hellfire" which is like a prequel side story to "Equestria's First Human" as well:raritystarry:


I was always a sucker for the BIG MELODRAMATIC SPEECHIFYING cartoons that never quite lipsynched correctly. :twilightblush: Plus, X-Men was what got me into comics and has given me many happy years of reading material (and rather empty pockets at times, but oh well). X-Men: Evolution was my first big fandom, too, so the whole franchise has fond memories for me.


Eeee! More reading for meeee! :twilightsmile:


Don't get me wrong, I really really liked the original X-Men cartoon (you are talking about the Fox Kids one, right?) but coming back to it as an adult, I was actually really disappointed. It's not how I remembered it. Still, it has a nice theme tune though.

Stuff like Visionaries and Cities of Gold were far better than I remembered! I picked up the Bucky O'Hare DVD release when it came out, and to my shock discovered that there were only 13 episodes made. I thought there were loads!


Maybe it's my propensity for glorifying in craptitude talking. I went back to have a look at the Bruce Timm Batman cartoons from 1992 and, while I admit they are FAR better made with MUCH higher production values, I just didn't enjoy them as much as X-Men. That must also be why I prefer wonkily animated cheesy anime from the 80s as opposed to the slicker (IMHO rather soulless) anime of today.

Visionaries! Oh my god I LOVED that when I was old enoughto appreciate how imaginative it was! I also have a special place in my heart for Jayce and the Wheeled warriors and Ulysses 31 (which I completely DID NOT LIKE until I was in my teens, had studied the classics at school and had nothing else to watch while babysitting until 3am).

I bought and watched the entire Bucky O'Hare series on DVD while on holiday last summer and it was surprisingly good for its time. The comic it's based on is much, much darker in tone and execution, which was odd considering its theme was anthropomorphic space-faring animals in another dimension. Then again, the same could be said for TMNT: darker comic, bright cartoon and law-of-siminishing-returns movie franchise.


I never really got into the Bruce Timm Batman stuff. This probably makes me a horrible person, but in my defense it was on ITV!

I loved Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors, and was always scared to go into the garden because somehow I had got it into my head that some of the weeds were monster minds.

Re: Ulysses it would be remiss of me not to mention the amazing live-action low-fi version of them theme tune:


RE: Ulysses Redux.



AWESOME! :rainbowkiss:

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