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[26/08/2013] darf: people like you make me fucking sick [26/08/2013] darf: i hope you become a paraplegic you shitcunt [left_insert][left_insert][left_insert][left_insert][left_insert][left_insert]

More Blog Posts54


Things Have Gotten Out Of Hand. · 10:47pm Jan 29th, 2013

(I don't really mean that, please continue this nonsense)
Things have really gotten out of hand, first of all there were blog posts whining about Twilight becoming an alicorn, fairly standard. Then there were a fuckton of blogpost whining about just that, then somebody made a blog post whining about these people whining about whining, so I made a blog post whining about that.

Then two assholes, Zel and Karma both made blog posts whining about me whining ironically about some asshole who posted a blog that whined about special snowflakes who thought they were special for posting blogs whinig about how people were posting blogs whining about Twilight sparkle becoming an alicorn, And how it was going to ruin the fandom.

So I did the only thing I could do to express myself... I made a blog post that whined about the fact that two people both made blog posts ironically in order to create blogposts inception but also to whine about my blog post created ironically to whine about some asshole who posted a blog whining because there were now more blogs in which people whined about blog posts where stupider people whined about Twilight sparkle becoming an alicorn and how BAWWWW hasbro ruined MLP and shite.

It's went to far... we have to stop now...

Seriously though we are approaching singularity.

Report WrathOfGod519 · 249 views ·
Comments ( 9 )

The Day The Universe Collapsed.

Yep. Well said.

And the guy with some of the weirdest shit on this site is the voice of reason...

Some of the blogs were not whining they were complaining, go see Rarity to learn about the difference.

Also note, this comment is not whining or complaining, it is clearly bitching.
Feel free to nag, pester, protest, harass, badger, hassle, berate, bug, bother, annoy, bitch, complain, or whine about this comment.

See this is the point where you know the Apocalypse is coming.

Mabye it would help if you followed me into a bath house?

I guess the people whining were right.
Alicorn Twilight Sparkle really will be the end of us all.

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