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Coyote de La Mancha

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Good Heavens... · 12:53pm May 24th

...this thing is going to be fekkin’ huge.

Comments ( 6 )

Is one of the daughter chapters going to split again?

You're surprised? This seemed like it was going to be a titanic undertaking from the start. Or do you just mean the next chapter?

That's what we're all hoping for^^.

It'll be fine cause you're doing great.
I don't read many EQG fics and I steer clear of most crossovers instinctively ... but I'm absolutely loving this story.
Didn't even realize it was a crossover until I got an increasing urge to play SR and decided to check the tags properly.

I guess "surprise" is probably the wrong word. I just hadn't properly grasped the extent of my folly until now.

( Which, incidentally, be advised to that grasping your folly in public is a felony in some states.)

I was just looking at the amount of chapters that have been written thus far and how much each individual gang is going to require, and realizing that I'm perhaps a quarter of the way finished.

So yeah... good heavens.

Oh, probably. I think with this beast that's almost a guarantee. :rainbowlaugh:

I have no words to express how much that means to me. Thank you. :twilightsmile:

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