• Member Since 24th Nov, 2015
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Cloud Ring

  • ENot Always
    Long before time, there was one pink filly who loved the sun, one jaded queen who hated the sun, and one benevolent princess who was the sun. Then, on the first day, the sun had been broken.
    Cloud Ring · 2.6k words  ·  15  0 · 879 views

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    With each new AI model I try a few particular prompts

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With each new AI model I try a few particular prompts · 9:21am May 19th

One of them regards Not Always — one of my best stories among shortest ones. It has an open ending, and I ask you to first stop there, and take a read — 2600 words aren't that much.

The prompt was 'propose a closed ending while keeping the text in style', sent to GPT-4o, with the following text of the story.

Below, spoilered for obvious reasons, goes the generation. It is out there in terms of quality. I was unable to reproduce it either — other attempts were much more common. Line separators as generated - sadly, that required to spoiler each part in particular.

Twilight Sparkle lay awake in the darkness, the weight of Starlight’s words pressing heavily on her mind. The idea of bending time, of allowing everypony to avoid their pain and hardships, was both alluring and terrifying. She glanced at Starlight, who was already asleep beside her, a peaceful expression softening her usually intense features.

The morning sun filtered through the window, casting a warm glow on the room. Twilight rose quietly, her decision made. She left a note for Starlight and teleported to the Canterlot throne room, where Celestia was waiting.

“Twilight, you’re early,” Celestia said with a gentle smile. “What troubles you?”

Twilight took a deep breath, then began recounting Starlight’s story, her theory about time, and the proposal for a new kind of magic that would allow ponies to escape their suffering.

Celestia listened patiently, her expression growing more serious as Twilight continued. When Twilight finished, there was a long silence.

“Twilight,” Celestia said finally, “the magic Starlight speaks of is dangerous. Time is a delicate fabric, and tampering with it can have unforeseen consequences. But I understand why she seeks this change. She wants to protect others from the pain she endured.”

Twilight nodded. “I know it’s risky, but if there’s a chance we can help everypony…”

Celestia sighed softly. “Sometimes, the pain we experience shapes us in ways that joy cannot. Avoiding all hardship might rob us of growth and resilience.”

Twilight felt a pang of doubt. “So you’re saying we shouldn’t try?”

Celestia shook her head. “I’m saying we must be cautious. There might be another way to achieve what Starlight desires without endangering the balance of time.”

Twilight returned to the tower, finding Starlight pacing anxiously. “Did you decide?” she asked, her eyes wide with hope and fear.

“Yes,” Twilight replied. “But first, I need to consult with somepony who understands time better than any of us.”

In the heart of Ponyville, Twilight and Starlight found themselves at the front door of a peculiar house that seemed to exist in multiple eras at once. The door opened before Twilight could knock.

“Princess Twilight! Starlight!” said a cheerful voice. “What brings you here?”

“Doctor,” Twilight said, greeting the brown Earth pony with an hourglass cutie mark, “we need your help.”

The Doctor ushered them inside, listening as Twilight explained everything. His expression shifted from curiosity to concern.

“Playing with time is like playing with fire,” he said. “It can be beautiful and useful, but it can also burn everything down. However, there might be a way to achieve what you’re looking for without causing a paradox.”

Starlight’s ears perked up. “How?”

“Instead of making time a ribbon that anypony can manipulate, perhaps we could create pockets of temporal safety. Places where ponies can go to heal, to reflect, without altering the flow of time for everyone else.”

Twilight nodded slowly. “That sounds… safer.”

Months later, with the combined efforts of Twilight, Starlight, the Doctor, and Celestia, Equestria saw the creation of Temporal Sanctuaries. These were spaces where ponies could step outside their timelines, not to escape forever, but to find solace and strength before returning to face their challenges.

Starlight stood beside Twilight, watching the first sanctuary open. Ponies entered with expressions of relief and hope. “We did it,” she said softly.

Twilight smiled. “Yes, we did. And we did it together.”

Starlight looked at Twilight, gratitude and peace shining in her eyes. “Thank you, Twilight. For everything.”

Twilight placed a hoof on Starlight’s shoulder. “No, Starlight. Thank you for showing me that even the hardest paths can lead to the most important journeys.”

As the sun set, casting a golden hue over Equestria, the two friends stood side by side, knowing that while time might move ever forward, they had given everypony the gift of moments to find their own strength. And that was a promise they could keep.

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