So... · 9:25pm Feb 28th, 2022
So I just realized an hour ago I got food poisoning from cheese crackers over the weekend.
How was your weekend?
So I just realized an hour ago I got food poisoning from cheese crackers over the weekend.
How was your weekend?
Well this was quite unexpected!
To be honest, I blown away when it went almost immediately to the top of the feature box on the site. While I’ve had stories blow up before, this is perhaps the fastest story to do so that I have written.
So, an absolutely massive thanks to everyone that gave it a read and commented! The overwhelmingly positive reception means so much, and I am overjoyed that people liked it.
I would have never thought that in a million years that one of my stories would be featured. Originally I just wanted to get an idea out there and wasn't really asking for a whole lot. Next thing I know, I open Fimfiction and the first thing I see is the pic I put for my story. I had to do a double take I was so dumbfounded I never expected that, so thanks everyone that has faved, liked, or otherwise.
Signing out early tonight because I need to get my head together....Bonne Nuit!
Sorry for the delay on the next chapter. I'm trying my hand in something I haven't done ever before. Which ended up turning what was supposed to be a short chapter with 2500 or 3000 words into a chapter over 5000. And I haven't even gotten into the session! What the heck!
So yeah, rest assured I'm still working on it.
One of them regards Not Always — one of my best stories among shortest ones. It has an open ending, and I ask you to first stop there, and take a read — 2600 words aren't that much.
The prompt was 'propose a closed ending while keeping the text in style', sent to GPT-4o, with the following text of the story.
[1:16:48 AM] Waterpear: I don't think this one can really be topped
[1:17:23 AM] Majin Syeekoh, Knight of Cydonia oblonga: i don't even know what's going on there
[1:17:26 AM] Waterpear: it's like
[1:17:29 AM] Waterpear: someone took some memes
[1:17:36 AM] Waterpear: macerated them to extract the dankness
[1:17:43 AM] Waterpear: and let it crystalize without human intervention
So, I don't generally listen to electronic music. Or, at least, I didn't. My thing is usually orchestral soundtracks, or a whole bunch of variations of rock.
But I've been listening to this "Carpenter Brut" guy, and some of his stuff...
It's all fantastic. I didn't expect to enjoy these songs so much.
Here's a link to one of his songs I've been listening to lately.
check these guys out
So, I'm still unwell, but on the plus side I'm not getting worse, which was the doctor's key decider as to whether I'd potentially be spending Christmas in hospital. Which is... yay?
To anyone who read/enjoyed this story, Due to creative differences, this story shall undergo an edit of characters, though as yet, i am still unsure how it will go, so you best download or save the original if you liked it.
Originally, Tybalt was never to be designed to be like this by my friend Patch, thus he requested this change but it would include all other characters and background, apart from Candy, her superior, Amber and Lucky as well.
I've decided that, as I continue to modify and flesh out the world in which Fangheart lives, and the society of which he is a product, the summarization of its components should be changed as well.
Stand by for the first amendment to Changelings: A Summary, featuring the written language of changelings, and the songs of history. I'll probably follow it up with the arts, and education, and then the use of a duodecimal counting system, and... forgive me, and also humor my enthusiasm.
Well, I completely forgot to make a blog post for my last short story. I wrote it in like ninety minutes while tired, posted it, did some after-the-fact edits because I'm stupid, then went to bed.
When I wake up it's got the #2 slot on fimfiction and over a hundred likes.
So, apparently, I struck gold with my little short story idea. Thank FanOfMostEverything for the idea. I'm going to sit and re-examine my life for a bit.
Sorry for the wait, but it's here at last!
Chapter 59 - "Chase, Part 2"
"Look at you, Hacker... a pathetic creature of meat and bone..."