A New Story has been Released · 7:52am May 19th, 2024
I just wrote a new story and it's probably going to be a series. I highly recommend that you check it out and leave me some feedback or a like or a dislike or whatever.
Used to lurk this site, just decided to make an account now lol
I just wrote a new story and it's probably going to be a series. I highly recommend that you check it out and leave me some feedback or a like or a dislike or whatever.
Sweet. Karachi is cool too.
Karachi is the largest city in Pakistan!
Oh yeah. But why are you telling me this all of a sudden? Just asking.
Why not?
Okay then. Yeah, it is the largest city in Pakistan or the entire world as a matter of fact. And I absolutely hate it here because it's very dirty and crowded.
You’re in Karachi?
Yeah, I guess.
Do you ever go swimming in the Arabian Sea?
I went once a long time ago. But the water's pretty dirty at the beach as they dump sewage waste over there.
But what if Turkmenistan invades Pakistan!
They don't even border us.
What do you think about Afghanistan?
They've been a bit of a nuisance ever since the Soviets and then the Americans both invaded them. They've also poured a lot of refugees and extremist groups into Pakistan over the years. But that's kinda our fault.
But what about India?
They're also okay-ish but sometimes annoying whenever it comes to the issue of Kashmir. But we relate our cultures very well since we were together before the partition. Their current government is pretty bad btw.
I believe you. Pakistan and India aren’t exactly the best of friends.
What about you? What's your country's biggest enemy?
The USA’s biggest enemy hmm… it’s probably either China or Russia or North Korea lol. Perhaps Iran too. Depends who you talk to here.
What do you think about the War on Terror and Bush's policies and stuff? Because that completely ruined my country.
It’s stupid and I agree, the US involvement in Afghanistan and then the taliban taking it over again in 2021 is crazy. Not really a fan of the USA’s foreign affairs. The USA is always up to some kind of messed up business around the world.
Yeah. I gotta agree with you. Ronald Reagan also played a major role in that during the Cold War. He funded dictators and endless wars including the Soviet-Afghan War and the War on Drugs to name a few of them.
Oh yeah. Ronald Reagan was not a great guy. I’m well aware of his Cold War shenanigans. Sorry you’ve had to deal with that. Believe me I wish the USA could be a force for good in the world but that’s questionable these days. The USA has done many naughty things to other countries throughout its history.