I feel like this website has lost its charm over the years. Ever since G4 ended, the traffic on this site has taken quite a tumble. Also, is it just me, or do stories get very little attention nowadays? If you agree, then please elaborate on your thoughts.
I just wrote a new story and it's probably going to be a series. I highly recommend that you check it out and leave me some feedback or a like or a dislike or whatever.
I've been using this website for quite a time now but just now decided to make an account, the thing I wanted to ask was that I have submitted a story on this site but the approval time has taken over two days now.
I'm not sure of the specifics, but I'd like to see some comedy.
Maybe Pinkie Pie?
Depends really i wouldn't mind reading a story between Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie which takes place in Sugar Cube Corner? if that's alright with you?
I'll look into it.
We'll see.
Funny seeing you here as well.
yeah same her too