• Member Since 10th Oct, 2023
  • offline last seen Dec 17th, 2024


Used to lurk this site, just decided to make an account now lol

More Blog Posts4

  • 37 weeks
    What happened to Fimfiction?

    I feel like this website has lost its charm over the years. Ever since G4 ended, the traffic on this site has taken quite a tumble. Also, is it just me, or do stories get very little attention nowadays? If you agree, then please elaborate on your thoughts.

    3 comments · 185 views
  • 38 weeks
    A New Story has been Released

    I just wrote a new story and it's probably going to be a series. I highly recommend that you check it out and leave me some feedback or a like or a dislike or whatever.

    23 comments · 100 views
  • 40 weeks
    New stories?

    Does anybody have any ideas about what I should write next?

    6 comments · 105 views
  • 70 weeks
    Story Approval

    Yo, just putting a quick question over here.

    I've been using this website for quite a time now but just now decided to make an account, the thing I wanted to ask was that I have submitted a story on this site but the approval time has taken over two days now.

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    5 comments · 255 views

Story Approval · 8:47pm Oct 12th, 2023

Yo, just putting a quick question over here.

I've been using this website for quite a time now but just now decided to make an account, the thing I wanted to ask was that I have submitted a story on this site but the approval time has taken over two days now.

Since I know the story is in some sort of queue right now, I just wanted to ask if it takes this long to get approved usually or not.


Report JiggyWiggy · 255 views · #story #help
Comments ( 5 )

Yes, it takes some days (even weeks if things happen), as the stories have to be approved manually by a moderator. However, once you got your first story published, you can afterwards let them get automatically approved, which is basically putting it in the ten-minute queue

Well if that's the case I just hope the mods are still fully active on this website. :ajsleepy:

I have to agree. I actually had to make a new account because I'm unable to get into my old one. I can only get into my old account using via laptop, but since I'm on my phone a lot, I have to make a new account with the same username. Believe it or not, the only way to access my old account is to be at someone's place with Internet, but for my phone, I don't need it. Plus, my fanfic - my first fanfic crossover - is literally the same story from my old account with the exception of edits/changes in some/certain chapters.

Once I'm at someone's place, I might be able to get onto my old account, delete it, then see if it doesn't interfere with my new account - even though it has the same username.

Yeah, my crossover story is still on the approve queue. It makes me curious on why it can take hours, days, or weeks for a story to be approved.

You'd have to contact a mod or an admin about this.

It's been approved finally! Aw yeah.

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