• Member Since 4th Oct, 2022
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Echo-Web Productions

☆ Beginning writer ☆

More Blog Posts2

  • 4 weeks
    A Small Favor

    Good timezones everypony!

    Firstly, I want to say thank you to everypony who has viewed, saved, commented on and liked or disliked my stories. Each engagement with my stories helps me polish my writing style and encourages me to continue writing, so thanks again!

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    3 comments · 54 views
  • 88 weeks
    Update on Pupil of the Night

    Hey everypony!

    Firstly, I want to thank everyone who has begun reading Pupil of the Night! I have been extremely nervous about this story, as it is my first one ever published to the public, but so far it seems to be enjoyed and I'm super happy about it. :raritystarry:

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    0 comments · 91 views

A Small Favor · 12:33am May 16th

Good timezones everypony!

Firstly, I want to say thank you to everypony who has viewed, saved, commented on and liked or disliked my stories. Each engagement with my stories helps me polish my writing style and encourages me to continue writing, so thanks again!

Secondly, I wanted to make this blog just to ask a small favor to any who may read any of my stories. This favor will also be added to either the description of stories or an author's note on the first chapter.

Now, for the favor!

At the time of writing this, I have recently published my second story, As You Dream, So Too Shall You Become, and I received a dislike. Which I don't mind! Everyone has opinions and they have every right to have those opinions, so if my story isn't someone's cup of tea, that's absolutely fine! But upon receiving the dislike, I scoured through my story to see if maybe the pacing was off or I had horrible grammar in places, just looking for anything that made the story bad or dislikable.

I, personally, didn't see anything of the sorts and neither did a few of my friends that I showed, so I would just like to ask, that you comment (you are also more than welcome to DM me if you don't wish for your comment to be public) what you like or dislike about one of my stories. Again, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and whether they voice said opinions or not, but if you wouldn't mind sharing your reasoning, I would love to read through them and use them to help my writing even more and be able to create different stories for different people to enjoy!

Of course, I know that I won't ever make something that everyone likes or enjoys, but if someone likes the way I portray the characters or even just my writing style, I would like to try to make something that they do like and enjoy. :twilightsmile:

I hope this didn't come off as rude, I have been fretting over posting this for a bit, because again, people have the right to have opinions and not share them and I don't want anyone thinking I'm trying to force them to share or anything! My only hope with this post is to be able to garner criticism and better myself as of a writer.

Anyways, that is all I have for this post, so thank you for taking time to read this and I hope you all have a wonderful day/night! :heart:

Comments ( 3 )

One dislike?
Apologies if I sound rude.
Yeah, I sound rude.
If you have a decent ratio, more than one vs one dislike then you're doing fine.
Unless the reader rolls up and says, "I'm giving you a dislike because..."
Even then you have to look at that and decide if the advice is worth taking.

Also, it's the internet, and some folks like being mean.
If you have five likes and one dislike and no one is saying anything, then you might want to ignore that dislike.
Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between a real problem and somebody trying to ruin your day.

Also, readers are under no obligation to help you.
You can ask but keep expectations low.

Not sure you're doing this but if you put your story on google docs, it will make it easier for trusted folks to leave useful comments.
They can mark where the issues are and give you feedback.

Make sure that only you have editor rights because you should have the right to accept/reject any suggestions.
Give folks comment rights.

This is better than folks reading your story here and finding issues.
Then they have to copy snippets of your story so you know where the problem is.
What happens if you have questions?
Well then you have the original snippet plus your questions and after a while, it becomes a hard-to-read mess.
I know because I did that with someone and we both got tired of keeping track of things.

If you put your story up on Google Docs and send me mail, I'll take a look and check out your story.

Also, you're writing a dark story with violence, gore, and other fun things.
Folks here, well, some of them aren't fans of dark things.
You might get dislikes just for that.

Being a fellow dark writer, I've learned that through experience.
I post to dark groups and others with great caution.

I wish you well on your writing adventure.


Don't worry, I don't think you sounded rude at all. You're an experienced writer simply sharing your experiences with me and I appreciate that greatly! I was hoping this blog didn't come off as me having great expectations or being naïve to the average internet experience, because I don't and I promise I'm not haha.

I also was not trying to make it sound like readers were obligated to help, so I do apologize if it did come across that way. The entirety of the blog was mainly to put it out there that I am open to all types of comments, even if they are deemed rude or trollish. I, personally, am always shy and nervous to comment on other's things, especially if it is giving constructive criticism, because I know there are people who do not take it well, no matter how you give it to them and I was hoping this post would help people with similar issues regarding commenting, by showing that I appreciate and am open to all feedback. Again, my deepest apologies if it came across as demanding or rude or anything, that wasn't my intention.

I do use Google Docs and I've had a few friends I've had look over a chapter or two. I thought about venturing out and allow others to look at the chapters with commenting rights, and it is looking like a much better idea now. Thank you for the suggestion, it does sound less of a hassle overall and I do believe I will begin doing it that way with my future stories and chapters.

I was afraid that might be a reason I would get dislikes and I was hoping that if I tagged it properly and made it clear that it is a darker story, it would help. It's unfortunate that does seem to be the case, haha. But really, thank you for your comment and I am grateful for every piece of advice and experience you shared with me and for the well wishes.

I hope you have a wonderful day/night and I also wish you well with your own writing adventure! :heart:

Thanks for the well wishes.
Writing can be so hard because there are so many blind spots that an author can have.

If you want, you can send me a google docs link and I can check out your story.

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