• Member Since 5th Jul, 2017
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Lone Writer

For softness is great and strength is worthless.

More Blog Posts25

  • 15 weeks
    Keep you waiting, huh?

    So... yeah. How have you guys been?

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    4 comments · 120 views
  • 92 weeks
    10/20/22 | Update

    I'm gonna come out completely honest, It's been rough. My fic are truthfully in desperate need of a main editor. The pre-readers are trying their best but most of them just aren't as story inclined as myself and I can't blame them for that. It's not really their fields of study. But you probably didn't come to here to read ramblings so lets press on.

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    2 comments · 188 views
  • 114 weeks
    Well it's been a bit...

    I'm gonna cut straight to it. It's been rough. I lost one of my main editors and college finals prevented me from writing/editing, but it's here: Chapter Six. At the same time I also have been working on adding chapter art to my fic, an example of what it's look like has been add to the prologue.

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    0 comments · 249 views
  • 122 weeks
    Main Theme for All Roads Lead Home

    The Wish Granter calls to all.

    This is the whole art piece:

    5 comments · 259 views
  • 126 weeks
    Chapter 2 Redux Live!

    The redux of chapter two is now live for you to read.

    Currently chapter five is going over only a few more edits before release, so it should be coming out any day now! Sorry for the wait. I hope 8k words can make up for it and I'm already working on chapter six.

    0 comments · 140 views

Keep you waiting, huh? · 4:07am April 8th

So... yeah. How have you guys been?

I'll cut into it and not waste anyone's time. College. is. hell. As I get closer to graduating, the amount of work I'm required to do increases to stressful levels. So, I will be taking a break from All Roads Lead Home but don't worry! This isn't just because of my schooling. My schooling has forced me to sideline personal projects so I can do others. Some of you may know that I was hired as the Lead Writer by Valiant Studios for their metroidvania-style game: Dimensional Shift. That has taking a huuuuge chunk of my time and I'm happy to say that it's been fun. I've always loved storytelling and game design is just another street I get to travel down in it. Plus it's paid! Besides that, I have other projects I'm a part of. I help with the creation of Sfm Corner's videos and I'm the writer for Vinson Vision's upcoming Sci-Fi pony series: The Fleeting Light.

There's a lot on my plate right now, but I don't plan on giving up of my work. All Roads Lead Home will return but it'll be... different.

"I have been baptized twice, once in water, once in flame."

Thank you all for reading and your time!


Comments ( 4 )

Until next time!

No worries Love. Take all the time you need!

Chayn #3 · April 8th · · ·

Do you know who else goes in schools? Feesh.

nyxOs #4 · April 9th · · ·

You can do it!

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