• Member Since 19th Mar, 2024
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


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More Blog Posts4

  • 14 weeks
    An analysis of the Italian Nursery Rhyme from Ch 9

    Excuse me while I nerd out about that Italian nursery rhyme from Chapter Nine.

    Cavallino arri, arrò,
    prendi la biada che ti do,
    prendi i ferri che ti metto
    per andare a San Francesco.
    A San Francesco c’è una via
    che ti porta a casa mia.
    A casa mia c’è un altare
    con tre monache a lavorare,
    una cuce, una taglia,
    una fa cappelli di paglia;
    la più piccola e vecchietta

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    1 comments · 95 views
  • 15 weeks
    Well, this is embarrassing

    EDIT: Ch 8 is published again!

    I temporarily unpublished Chapter eight of A Tail of Two Ponies until I can work out with a mod how stringent a particular rule is, and how to adapt said chapter if I did violate said rule.

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    4 comments · 123 views
  • 16 weeks
    Looking for Editors!

    Any(pony) wants to try their (hoof) at giving the chapters I have published a solid look through for spelling, grammar, style, and plot consistency? Though, I would like to have someone proofread chapters before I publish them, so they can be more polished.

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    0 comments · 81 views
  • 17 weeks
    Thank you

    I have no idea what I'm doing. I have an option to make a blog, so I guess I should use it?

    We have cover art for A Tail of Two Ponies, now, thanks to the wonderful QuixoticPirates, though it wasn't initially intended to be cover art, it's more than satisfactory.

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    0 comments · 96 views

Looking for Editors! · 1:44am April 4th

Any(pony) wants to try their (hoof) at giving the chapters I have published a solid look through for spelling, grammar, style, and plot consistency? Though, I would like to have someone proofread chapters before I publish them, so they can be more polished.
Of course, proofreading is tiresome work, and I can't really give anything in exchange except to try and maybe do the same for whoever helps out. Since I'm just beggar, I know I can't expect much, but I'll continue throwing my fishing line out to see if I can catch someone with the time, interest, and generosity to do it.

In addition to releasing chapter seven, I went ahead and retroactively gave all chapters titles. Also, all chapters from Lilyheart's POV are now headed with a 🎂 (closest emoji I can get to a cupcake) and Robinwind's with a 🥜.

Once again, thank you to everyone following, reading, liking, commenting, and tracking!

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