• Member Since 15th Jun, 2014
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Show Stopper

β€œAn artist's job is to captivate you for as long as we've asked for your attention. If we stumble into truth, we got lucky, and I don't get to decide what truth is.” -Tabitha Fortis, The West Wing

More Blog Posts62

  • 17 weeks
    Good news: I'm Not Dead!

    And neither is Student 32!


    Shut it! Anyway, I apologize for taking so long, but the last chapter of this mini-arc is on its way to my editor. I'm afraid this latest batch of 3 chapters is rather short. But I have learned an extremely valuable lesson from these months of struggle.


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    2 comments · 126 views
  • 32 weeks
    Random Thoughts: Thanks for All the Fish

    First things first, progress is good on the next arc of Student 32. It'll be a casual, slice-of-life style arc as we get ready for the source manga's big Genre Shift.

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    1 comments · 76 views
  • 47 weeks
    Hello boys! I'm baaaaaaaaack!

    About freaking time.

    Hai hai, my bad.

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    3 comments · 151 views
  • 125 weeks
    New Chapter: Don't Panic

    Yes, I published a new chapter of The Undying Angel.

    No, this does not mean that I have taken significant time away from Student 32: Sunset Shimmer or shifted focus. That is still my primary project. This chapter just came together recently, so I decided to publish.

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    2 comments · 228 views
  • 148 weeks
    Thoughts on the Mahora Martial Arts Tournament

    Psych! Lol, no. I'm here to give my impressions of G5.

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    1 comments · 277 views

Good news: I'm Not Dead! · 1:03am March 25th

And neither is Student 32!


Shut it! Anyway, I apologize for taking so long, but the last chapter of this mini-arc is on its way to my editor. I'm afraid this latest batch of 3 chapters is rather short. But I have learned an extremely valuable lesson from these months of struggle.


I can't. I just can't! I can do action. I can do adventure. I can do drama. I can even do a bit of romance, surprisingly. But day-to-day downtime absolutely MURDERS my muse.

Which puts a number of our other fanfiction ideas in the scrap heap permanently. Just as well; we have far too many ideas as it is.

The good news going forward is that the SoL stuff is pretty much done for Student 32. The next mini-arc to finish off arc 7 will be preparation for everyone's trip tot he Magical World and - though that is still a little slice-of-lifey - those chapters will have a focus that this mini-arc lacks. And after that, it's almost non-stop adventure up through the climax with only a few SoL bits sprinkled in here and there.

Which means that updates should be coming sooner than they have been.

Should be.

Probably won't be.

Hey! I'm working on getting my Master's degree! Lay off!

Until next time, I'm Show Stopper and I'm Show Stopper.
Brony and Thespian.
And so we go.

Report Show Stopper · 126 views · Story: Student 32: Sunset Shimmer ·
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