Audiobook Announcement · 12:45pm January 4th
I'm excited to announce that I'm working on an audiobook for Hooves of Fate. I started with Chapter 63: Rivers. This way, long-time readers of HoF can reorient themselves to the momentum of the story before the upcoming release of Chapter 64 (text) this Saturday.
This is a Patreon exclusive, so if you're interested, please Follow me on Patreon. It's already available for download.
Going forward, I plan to do recorded readings of future chapters. Whether or not I go back and do readings of earlier chapters will depend largely on how this project is received, so please let me know what you think!
Happy New Year
Happy New Year! I’ll definitely give this a listen!
Good luck with the project!
Though I doubt I'll have any feedback on it, sorry.
Oh, yes, and Happy New Year, aye!