I wonder how many people watched 'Aladdin and the King of Thieves' and thought the passphrase was "Open Sesame" · 10:07am Jan 3rd, 2024
When in reality the actual line was so much stupider than that...
Hello and happy new year! I hope everyone had a fun little break.
I just happened to have this silly idea and thought 'why not put it in a blog post!' So I did!
Sorry I've been so inactive. Work, and unwork has had me busy all the time. I haven't forgotten about all of you, though, and I've been slowly chipping away at writing this whole time so I have a new completed fanfic to post soon!
Yes, completed, because I need to finish something.
Anyway, enough about my lazy butt, how are all of you doing?
Wait, I'm confused. They say multiple times Open Sesame, why would you think it is anything else?
Also happy New Year and may it be productive and fun to you.
It's actually "Open Says A Me"
Thanks, I certainly hope it will be. And the same to you!