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Fimfiction Advanced 4.6.2 - The 2 Blast, 2 Past Update! · 9:08pm May 26th, 2022

It's been a long time coming, and to be honest, I'm still not fully satisfied. There's a lot of old fimfic backgrounds that I was never able to find, but I've finally decided to release what I have for the next version of Fimfiction Advanced.

I've mainly only been working on improving the background image and pattern selection, recreating the classic themes Fimfiction had as best I could, and fixing some minor bugs. Background ordering has also changed, so if you had a custom selection set before, you may have to set it again. I pre-emptively apologise for any eye-strain that may occur. :facehoof:


  • Added new (old) background patterns: Fans, Chidori, Flowers_3
  • Fixed a bug where the settings gui sometimes wouldn't initialise
  • Background pattern and image selection are now closer to the original Fimfiction controls
  • Added new background images and presets for all of the mane six recreating the choices Fimfiction used to have, with maybe one or two extras

Download links below! :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 7 )

Might I share with you one of the artworks used in the banners?
That is assuming you don't have it already.


I'm always on the lookout for more lost fimfiction media.

The artist has deleted her old DA account so the higher res aren't currently available, however I know her and have PM'd her so I hope to get better resolutions from her directly if possible.
But for now, this one was the banner I recall here, and I do believe this was added later.

Oh, nice! Yeah, I recognise that first Noben piece. It's already in the script and credited to here.

I don't recognise the other one, though. Was that a banner too?

Ah I didn't notice the first.
I do recall it being so, though maybe I'm thinking of another piece?

Hm... Maybe. I'd need the original cropped image the site used to recreate it from the source though.

I don't have that, just the image itself unfortunately.

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