• Member Since 4th May, 2017
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Cackling Moron

"Fluff" in the same way what collects under the sofa is fluff.

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    With my child on an apparent WALL-E watching binge I am reminded that it contains a dynamic that is a very particular soft spot of mine:

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  • 31 weeks

    Was in a pet shop the other day. They had a big box of things you could throw for you dog. Among them were branded items. Among the branded items were MLP products.

    I'm not sure if it's me, but it feels oddly grim to purcahse a Rainbow Dash exclusively for your dog to maul.

    Suppose there's a possibility they'll be gentle, but still. It's a risk, isn't it?

    6 comments · 238 views
  • 83 weeks

    Oh yes, this - I hadn't been aware of this but this happened, too:

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#123 · 9:35pm Dec 21st, 2023

Was in a pet shop the other day. They had a big box of things you could throw for you dog. Among them were branded items. Among the branded items were MLP products.

I'm not sure if it's me, but it feels oddly grim to purcahse a Rainbow Dash exclusively for your dog to maul.

Suppose there's a possibility they'll be gentle, but still. It's a risk, isn't it?

Report Cackling Moron · 238 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

Being mauled by a dog wouldn't be the worst thing to happen to a plush of Rainbow Dash... :pinkiesick:

You should buy her and put her in some sort of receptacle. Maybe something like a clear urn or pot so you can see her.

Neither of these responses make me happy.

But they did make me laugh so thank you anyway.

I've been thinking this over since you posted it and I genuinely can't think of a reason for this product to exist, really. Like who's this for? People who hate the characters, who wouldn't want to buy branded merch of them to begin with, or people who love the show and would find it deeply morbid?

The mind boggles.

Licensed products = £££

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