• Member Since 4th May, 2017
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Cackling Moron

"Fluff" in the same way what collects under the sofa is fluff.

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  • 10 weeks

    The paradox is fluff is that you just want to do the fun parts, but the fun parts aren't fun unless they're juicy, and you can't get the juice without putting the graft in first to set up the juice, and graft isn't fun fluff is fun, but you can' get the fluff without the graft. That's a paradox.

    ... or maybe I just skipped breakfast. Hmm.

    1 comments · 74 views
  • 10 weeks

    I don't really like anything I've ever written, obviously, here or elsewhere, but sometimes I'll remember that one time I did a bit where Celestia wears underpants and twangs them and they hit a dude in the face and I'm like yeah, that bit was alright.

    That's acceptable.

    7 comments · 253 views
  • 18 weeks

    Sometimes, in an idle way, I consider that, were I the sort of person concerned with notoriety, I'd likely make better use of more popular characters - to say nothing of tags and (gasp) pictures for the stories.

    And those sometimes I am glad I am the way I am.

    Oh! And proper descriptions for the stories! Those too. Those'd help.

    3 comments · 125 views
  • 55 weeks

    With my child on an apparent WALL-E watching binge I am reminded that it contains a dynamic that is a very particular soft spot of mine:

    Read More

    11 comments · 557 views
  • 60 weeks

    Was in a pet shop the other day. They had a big box of things you could throw for you dog. Among them were branded items. Among the branded items were MLP products.

    I'm not sure if it's me, but it feels oddly grim to purcahse a Rainbow Dash exclusively for your dog to maul.

    Suppose there's a possibility they'll be gentle, but still. It's a risk, isn't it?

    6 comments · 284 views

#121 · 10:23pm Nov 24th, 2022

For the longest time I was racked with curiosity as to where the TVTropes redirects for And When the Darkness Comes Around were coming from and I had almost given up hope on finding out the source, only to finally discover what it is.

Turns out it is in the fanfiction portion of the Friendly Neighbourhood Vampire page. So that's that mystery solved!

The greater mystery here remains, of course, who put it there.

And the greater greater mystery is why is that my only TVTropes presence - boo! Hiss!

Report Cackling Moron · 629 views ·
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Ah, I get that feeling. One of my own stories earned two referrals courtesy of YouTube, and to this day I have no idea where exactly they came from. There aren't any readings of the fic, at least as far as I can tell, so I feel like it was just someone saying "If you liked this, then you'll also like this!" in a comment section or something, in which case there's no chance I can hunt it down.

Glad you solved your mystery!

That's how I found that story, and by extension all of your other stories, was from that TV Tropes page.

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