• Member Since 17th Dec, 2011
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I'm just here to write.

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  • 5 weeks
    New story: The Kaiser's New Clothes

    By a twist of fate, Kaiser survives his encounter with Leviathan, at the cost of a second trigger, his dignity, and some severe head trauma.

    Now he's about to make that everybody else's problem.

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    1 comments · 72 views
  • 6 weeks
    The Good Life, chapter 5

    A few other raiders joined Malcolm in pointing weapons their way, but it was already too late. They were in a stand-off.

    A grin split Albert's face from ear to ear.

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    0 comments · 33 views
  • 7 weeks
    The Good Life, chapter 4

    "I'm sure you had your reasons."

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    0 comments · 45 views
  • 10 weeks
    Courier's Journal, chapters 14 & 15

    "But then, after we were done, when I stepped outside, I was mobbed by four old ladies with knives and rolling pins in the fourth violent incident of the day.

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  • 12 weeks
    The Good Life, chapter 3

    "You should move along." Shitboot breathed another puff of smoke. "Get out of Trespa while you still can. Even if Tedd doesn't sell you out, someone's gonna."

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New story: Inverse Wave · 8:18pm Sep 11th, 2023

Amelia Dallon, AKA Miracle, is a bright, cheery, and mentally well-adjusted superhero healer. Victoria Dallon, AKA Gloom Girl, is a writhing ball of teenage angst and self-loathing in dire need of a therapist. Their relationship is absolutely uncomplicated and not problematic in the slightest.

(Fanfiction.net version).

Yeah, I'm a Wormfic author now. Because fuck you. You can't fit me into your boxes. I'm a rebel. I don't play by the rules.

If you don't know what Worm is, read it here, because this is approximately 90% less funny if you don't know who these characters are.

Comments ( 7 )

I choked on my own spit reading that first line. Absolutely going to read that

"Amelia, my dearest and most beloved child who can do no wrong!" [Carol] said, warmly. "I hope you had a wonderful day saving lives and bringing hope to the downtrodden!"

Absolutely incredible. One of the best Bizarro fics I've read in any fandom. Thank you for it.


Huh, didn't expect you to be a fan of Worm.

*Looks at username*

Oh right.

I was absolutely right. That was amazing.


Thanks. I am glad to see so many readers express confusion and horror at what I have wrought, but approval is also a valid reaction.

It's Worm. Approval and horror tend to be a bit blurry.

I have no plans to read the original work... It, like Harry Potter, just doesn't appeal to me.
The elements of it though, again like HP, have proven to be great fanfic fodder...

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