Question · 11:06am Jul 2nd, 2023
I have a question, and I would like to say, I ask this for clarification and intend no offense whatsoever.
In regards to the Singular They, which is typically used by people who identify as Non-Binary or otherwise, what word is acceptable in a sentence regarding an individual who goes by the Singular They?
'They are enjoying themselves' or 'They are enjoying themself'?
I tried looking it up, but what I found only left me as unsure/confused as before I searched.
Good question...
I'm not a native English speaker, and in my native there's no neutral noun (Some folks are trying to brute force it in our native tong, but language evolve with time, and they're facing a ton of opposition), so, for me the use of neutral noun are tricky.
Just to make it easy to understand, many folks in my country have a hard time the "you" just because it can mean one or more people (not my case), so when you introduce a neutral noun it can be confusing.
So yeah... Let's hope someone can help us here.
It would be them'self.' Self is singular, selves is plural.